7 Preterit Regular Conjugation Flashcards
What is the regular Preterit conjugation for -ar verbs?
yo -é
tú -aste
ud. -ó
nos. -amos
vos. -áis
ud. -aron
What is the nosotros form in -ar conjugation like?
The nosotros present tense and preterit tense are the same.
What is the -er Preterit conjugation?
yo -í
tú -iste
ud. -ió
nos. -imos
vos. -isteis
uds. -ieron
What is unique about nosotros in -er ?
It uses an i like -ir verbs.
What happened yesterday?
¿Qué pasó ayer?
Did you speak with María?
Were you speaking with María?
¿Habló con María?
¿Habalaba con María?
DId you work today?
¿Trabajó hoy?
They bought a blouse.
Compraron una blusa.
DId you [tú] eat your breakfast?
¿Comiste tu desayuno?
I found the same red purse.
Encontré la misma bolsa roja.
I lived in San Diego.
Viví en San Diego.
How much did it cost?
¿Cuánto costó?
2 verbs for to drive
I looked for the house.
Busqué la casa.
Buscar is irregular in the present yo form
I took out the trash.
Saqué la basura.
Sacar is irregular in the yo present tense
I played the piano.
Toqué el piano
Tocar is irregular in yo present tense
I explained the problem.
Expliqué el problema.
I practiced the piano.
Practiqué el piano.
Review of past tenses in each Recipe
Review of past tenses in each Recipe
I used to go eat over there.
Iba a comer allí.
Magic Circle - imperfect
I went to go eat over there
Fui a comer
Magic Circle Preterit
I was planning to work
Pensaba trabajar
Magic Circle Imperfect
She wanted to read it
Quería leerlo.
Magic Circle Imperfect
She tried to read it.
Quiso leerlo.
Preterit Querer = to try - no accent on the o
There was a problem.
There was a problem yesterday.
Había un problema.
Hubo un problema ayer.
Recipe 2 - Hay Imperfect and Preterit.
They were here.
They were here yesterday.
Estaban aquí.
Estuvieron aquí.
Recipe 3 - Estar
He was here.
He was here yesterday.
Estaba aquí.
Fue aquí ayer.
Recipe 3 - Estar Imperfect and Preterit
We had the stamps.
She had the money yesterday.
Teníamos los sellos.
Tuvo el dinero ayer.
Recipe 4 Tener - Imperfect and Preterit
I wanted the best price.
I tried to see.
Quería el mejor precio.
Quise ver.
Recipe 5 Querer - imperfect and preterit
no accent on the e
I used to like the beach.
Me gustaba la playa.
Recipe 6 Gustar - Imperfect
I liked the beach.
Me gustó la playa.
Conjugation based on the object
Were you working?
Recipe 7 - Conjugation Imperfect
Did you work?
Recipe 7 Preterit
I used to run.
I ran.
Recipe 7 - Imperfect and Preterit
Compare Spanish and English in Preterit.
In English we say, “Did you run?”
In Spanish it is one word “¿Corrió?”
Did you already speak?
¿Ya habló?
Did you already begin?
¿Ya empezó?
Did you [tú] already order?
¿Ya ordenaste?
Irregular Preterit- Dar
di, diste, dio, dimos, dieron
No accents
Irregular Preterit- Hacer
hice, hiciste, hizo, hicimos, hicieron
Irregular Preterit- Decir
dije, dijiste, dijo, dijimos, dijeron
Just one i in dijeron
Please give me it.
Favor de dármelo.
She told me that . . .
Ella me dijo que . . .
She told you that.
Ella te dijo que.
He gave us
Él nos dio
Preterite dar does not have the accents
I already did it.
Ya lo hice.
Did you do it?
¿Lo hizo?
I have it here with me.
Lo tengo aquí conmigo.
Present tense
You [tú] told us that
Nos dijiste que
I had them with me
Los tenía conmigo
I whistled
Did you already finish?
¿Ya terminó?
Fernando gave me the keys.
Fernando me dio las llaves.
Juan already told me
Juan ya me dijo