7 - phrases Flashcards
Ó lori bee, ha’u halo kafé / Ó lori bee karik, ha’u halo kafe / Se ó lori bee (karik), hau halo cafe.
If you bring water I will make coffee.
Mane ida-ne’e moras karik, nia sei hemu ai-moruk. / Se mane ida-ne’e moras (karik), nia sei hemu ai-moruk.
If this man is sick, he should take medicine.
Ó hakarak bá ho ami karik?
Would you like to go with us?
Ita-nia kaben haluha karik buat ruma?
Has your wife/husband forgotten something?
Sira la bele bá?
Can’t they go?
Ita keta hatene sira karik?
Don’t you know them?
Mana la’os bá eskola?
Aren’t you (big sister) going to go to school?
Ha’u kala la haree ó iha-ne’eba?
Didn’t I see you there?
Nia hatete (katak) nia lakohi mai ho ita.
He says he doesn’t want to come with us.
Ha’u hanoin (katak) Pedru hetan ona nia karteira.
I think that Pedru has found his wallet.
Ha’u hein atu sira bele ajuda ita.
I hope (that) they can help us.
Ne’e katak sá?
What does that mean?
Manél katak ká?
What does Manuel say?
Ó lalika fó osan ba mane-oan ne’eba: nis iha nato’on ona.
You don’t have to give that boy money: he has enough now.
Imi hanoin (katak) sira sei empresta sira-nia karreta mai ami?
Do we know if they will lend their car to us.