7. MO theory Flashcards
Explain VB vs MO theories
VB - hybrids - localised bonds between atoms (resonance)
MO - atomic orbitals delocalised (over whole atom)??

What are the assumptions in MO theory?
- linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO)
- orbitals can’t be invented nor destroyed
Explain linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO)

What is the equation of in phase and out of phase combination of atomic orbitals?

What is the graphical representation of orbital combination in H2 when a bond is being formed?
In phase orbitals overlap - constructively interfere - increase e density between nuclei - stable - 1 bonding orbital formed
YOU START WITH 2 ORBITALS (H 1s, H 1s), YOU END WITH 2 ORBITALS (bonding / antibonding) -> another orbital is out of phase (one + another -) - destructive ineterference 0 overlap equals to 0 - decreased wavefunction - antibonding orbital - orbitals puch apart

What is the radial wavefunction of in phase combination of orbitals?
Bonding orbital

What is the radial wavefunction of out of phase combination of orbitals?
Antibonding orbital

What are the symmetry labels?
Symmetry labels characterise the orbitals symmetry - correspond to s, p, d, f… orbital shapes
sigma or pi
Explain sigma symmetry label
Completely symmetrical orbital → sigma symmetry - sigma orbitals

Explain parity labels
Inversion centre in the molecule:
g orbital (gerade) - phase is the same after inversion around inversion centre of MO
u orbital (ungerade) - phase changes after inversion around inversion centre of MO
Atomic orbitals can also be classified as u / g

What are MO energy level diagrams?

What does the MO energy level diagram fro H2 looks like?
Bonding orbital comes down - e placed - E has come down (compared to single atoms and molecule)
Antibonding orbital goes up and receives an *

What is bond order and how to calculate it?
Half filled - 1/2

Explain using MO energy diagram and bond order why He doesn’t form molecules
Not stable - both bonding and antibonding orbitals filled

Explain using MO energy diagram and bond order how Li2 is formed
E in bonding orbitals - E decreases - stable