7- Learning disability Flashcards
Definition of LD (American psychiatric association (APA))
- Sub average intellectual functioning
- At least two limited areas of adaptive functioning exist concurrently
- The disability occurred before the age of 18 years
- All three criteria need to be satisfied
IQ distribution
Classification of intellectual function based on IQ score
mild LD = below 70
borderline intellectual functioning
- Not classified as LD but still vulnerable due to cognitive status
- Living independently
- Subtle communication difficulties
- High-school ‘drop-out’ or in special education
- Difficulty keeping a job, receiving government assistance
- At risk of abusive relationships, challenges rearing children
adaptive skills
Health and safety
mild learning disability
- Relative independence in self-care and daily living skills
- Can hold a conversation and engage in the clinical interview
- Abstract concepts e.g. time are difficult
- Requires varying levels of service support
- May have paid employment
moderate learning disability
- basic comm skills
- requires supervision with self-care
- living in supported accom
- can engage in a structured day programme or workshop activities
- community access with staff
severe learning disability
- limited communication
- motor impairment
- needs supervision in daily activities
- living in 24-hour staffed home
- in alternative day programmes with a combination of skills- based and recreational activities
-profound learning disability
- requires 24-h supervised care
- living either with family or in group home/nursing home
- multiple medical problems
- inner world largely unavailable to other because of communication difficulty
what LD is NOT
- specific learning difficulty
- dyslexia
- dyspraxia
- dyscalculia
- emotional or behavioural problems
- acquired brain injury in adult life
aetiology of LD
- inherited
- genetic
- malnutrition
- perinatal
- postnatal
genetic causes of LD
perinatal causes
postnatal causes
down syndrome and LD
LD is associated with
- physical problems
- psychiatric associations
LD and physical associations
- Epilepsy
- Infantile spasms
- Tonic Clonic Seizure in middle age
- Hypothyrodism
- Obesity
- Sensory impairments
- C-spine abnormalities
- Recurrent Respiratory Tract and ear infection
- Obstructive sleep apnoea
LD and psychiatric associations
- dementia
- depression
- hyperactivity
- conduct disorder
- autism
issues with communication in people with LD
examples of how people with LD may find expression difficult
- Content of conversation can be superficial
- Likely to contain ‘fillers’ such as ‘as you know’.
- Articulation may be difficult
- May speak too slowly or loudly, find it difficult to use conventional syntax or grammar
examples of how people with LD may find pragmatics difficult
- Problems understanding and applying social conventions in conversations
- Difficulty waiting their turn
- Communication style may seem self-centred
- Sensitive to criticism or negative approach in conversation
other factors which impact on communication
Sensory function
- Hearing impairment
- Visual impairment
- Other physical disabilities
Cognitive function
• Attention difficulties
• Retention difficulties
• Too many people in room
- Temperature
- Lighting
- Sound
• Other environmental triggers
how to communicate
- Look at the Communication Passport
- Environmental alterations
- Use simple language, check if they have understood, clarify
- Phrase questions carefully in order to avoid interrogative suggestibility
- Give enough time for responses
- Write things down / draw pictures to aid understanding
how not to communicate
- Ask yes/no questions
- Most people with learning disability will say yes even if they do not understand what is being asked/said.
- Feel offended if the patient seems disinterested
- This could be due to a less well developed social communication style.
- Pretend to understand what the patient has said if you have not.