7 Leadership Flashcards
Define leadership
-Ability to establish vision and direction
-Influence and align others towards a common purpose
-Empower and inspire people to achieve success
What are the 3 models of leadership?
-Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
-Herzberg’s two-factor theory
-McGregor’s theory X & Y
What are the 3 things Maslow’s hierarchy of needs states?
-A leader can support team performance by identifying which level of need the team member seeks to address
-Each need must be satisfied - once satisfied then ceases to continue motivation
-Motivation derives from individuals wanting to move to the level above
What 3 things does Herzberg’s two-factor theory state?
-‘Hygiene factors’ - leaders should address to remove potential job dissatisfaction and focus on motivators
-Hygiene factors = working conditions (e.g. pay)
-Motivators - should increase job satisfaction by providing opportunities for tangible results and recognise individuals when they reach goals
What does McGregor’s theory X & Y state?
-Effective leadership style comes from adapting to individuals in the team
-Leader determines whether they’re X workers (dislike work and unmotivated) or Y workers (self-motivated, enjoy work etc.)
Give the 3 types of leadership style
-Autocratic - one has full authority
-Participative/democratic - team members involved in decision making
-Delegative/Laissez-faire - self rule/employees empowered to make decisions
Give 3 scenarios an autocratic leadership style would be beneficial
-Issue is threatening objectives being achieved
-Issues are critical
-Team members new and lacking motivation
When would a participative/democratic leadership style be suitable?
Time to focus on team development
When would a delegative/laissez-faire leadership style be suitable?
Team is established and working well, and has the knowledge to work independently
What are the 3 aspects to consider when coaching and mentoring?
-Understanding individual strengths and weaknesses (more direction for new team members)
-Understanding the situation (critical situation - more direction appropriate)
-Dealing with uncertainty (leader to create supportive environment to show trust)
What is critical to successful leadership?
Emotional intelligence - the ability to understand and manage one’s emotions and those around you
What are the 5 elements of emotional intelligence?
-Self awareness (understand strengths and weaknesses)
-Self regulation (staying in control and understanding own values)
-Social skills (good communicators and managing change)