6 Conflict Resolution Flashcards
A) Know the sources of conflict within a project. B) Understand that conflict can have both positive and negative impacts within a project. C) Know ways in which conflict can be addressed in different situations
What is Conflict resolution?
The process of identifying and addressing differences that if left unmanaged would affect successful completion of objectives.
How should you prepare for conflict resolution?
Anticipating the conflict before it materialises.
Give an example of conflict during Concept.
○ Securing Funding
○ Business Case Approval
○ Balancing stakeholder influences
○ Agreeing project scope
Give an example of conflict during Definition
○ Alignment of scope to project budget and priorities
○ Agreeing resource plan and securing resources for the project
○ Establishing the various components of the PMP
Give an example of conflict during Deployment
○ Maintaining resource availability and commitment
○ Deadlines not being met or progress not as expected
○ Agree plan, process or methods not being followed
Give an example of conflict during Transition
○ Acceptance criteria not met
○ End-User expectation not achieved
Give an example of conflict during Adoption
○ Outputs not adopted as intended by BAU
○ Agreement of measurement and realisation
Give an example of conflict during Benefits Realisation
○ Agreement of measurement and realisation
How can conflict be a positive?
○ Creates open conversations
○ Shows feelings and agendas
○ Enables direction to be sought
What are the two axes in the Thomas-Kilmann model?
○ Vertical - Assertiveness
○ Horizontal - Cooperativeness
What are the 5 approaches of the Thomas-Kilmann Model?
○ Avoiding
○ Accommodating
○ Collaborating
○ Competing
○ Compromising
When is the accommodation approach suitable?
○ Other party is in a stronger position
○ Have been persuaded by their argument
When is the Collaboration approach suitable?
○ When trying to find a solution that fully satisfies both parties
When is the Compromising approach suitable?
○ Collaboration environment but inadequate resources
When is the Competing approach suitable?
○ Important/critical argument
○ Have the Sponsor’s backing/approval
Aside from the Thomas-Kilmann model, what other model is referenced in the assessment criteria?
Blake and Mouton Managerial grid
(Situational Leadership Model)
When is avoiding conflict an acceptable approach?
○ Stabilise emotions
○ Allow for response planning
What other topics is conflict resolution linked to?
○ Risk Management
○ Negotiation
○ Communication