7. Investment Flashcards
Bail out
To help a person/organization that is having financial problems “government was obliged to bail out the bank”
Call the shots
To be in position of control or authority “he will be the one calling the shots on this project”
Fat cat
A very rich and powerful person, usually in business or politics (showing disapproval)
Going rate
Usual amount of money that people are paying for something
Grind to a halt
Things actually get slower until they stop
Market volatility
Unpredictable and fluctuating investment market
Weigh in
To become involved in something
To buy a property in order to rent it out and make money
To change from a higherpressure well-paid job to a potentially more satisfying lower-paid job (possibly new area of the country)
Eight age of man
The final stage of an old person’s life
Quids in
To make good money out of a deal “if you sell this t-shirt on Amazon you’ll be quids in”
To pull yourself up from a poor position by working very hard “after getting your business idea bootstrap yourself up”
Intellectual investment
Investment in people with skills and good ideas
Strategic defense
Protecting a country’s important industries from foreign takeovers
Ballpark figure
A rough estimate
Bite the bullet
To force yourself to do something difficult or unpleasant that you have been avoiding doing
Credit crunch
Periodo of economic depression in which leaders sto leading, credit is difficult to obtain and high interests
A bet
Sit tight
To not take action until the right time “we’ve done all we can to improve sales now we’ve just got to sit tight and wait
Tuck away
To put money ore securities in a safe place so that you can use them later “I always tried to tuck some away for retirement”
To say that you want something and must have it
Adjective used for something that is good enough but has non unnecessary extra features
To sell a customer features they do not need