7) Hitler’s foreign policy Flashcards
What were Hitler’s foreign policy aims?
- Lebensraum- get ‘living space’ especially in east- expand population to 9.5 million.
- Reverse TOV and restore land lost in 1919
- Destroy communism especially in USSR
- Unite all German speaking people (self determination) (Gross Deutschland)
- Anschluss (Union) with Austria which was forbidden by TOV
What was the Disarmament Conference 1932-4?
In 1932, 60 nations met to discuss reducing chances of war. Hitler withdrew when France refused to reduce their armed forces to those of Germany.
The next year, Hitler set up a New Air Ministry to build 1000 planes. No countries stopped him. He also withdrew from the League of Nations.
What was the non-aggression pact with Poland in 1934?
Hitler accosted Poland’s boarders. This meant he no longer had to fear polish attack. It also angered the French, as they had a treaty with Poland which this broke. Britain saw this as Hitler wanting peace.
What was attempted Anschluss with Austria in 1934?
The Austrian Chancellor Dollfuss, outlaws the Austrian Nazi Party. Hitler was angry. Austrian Nazis assassinated Dollfuss. However, Mussolini sent troops to the Austrian border to earn off any German involvement. Anschluss had failed.
What happened in terms of the returning of the Saarland in 1935?
A plebiscite or vote was held on whether the Saar re-join Germany. 477,000 voted yes and 48,000 no. The Saar region re-joined Germany. This gave Hitler encouragement to continue to pursue an enlarged United Germany.
What did Hitler want to do in terms of rearmament and conscription?
Hitler renounced the Treaty of Versailles’ limits in the German army in 1935. He drew up proposals to increase the army to 550,000. Conscription was reintroduced.
Hitler claimed he was doing this in self-defence against France and USSR. It made him popular in Germany.
What was Stresa Front in 1935?
European countries were worried by rearmament. French, Italian and British representatives met at Stresa in Italy. They agreed to maintain peace.
What was Stresa Front undermined by?
- Anglo-German Naval Treaty 1935 which allowed German navy to increase to 35% of Britain’s
- Italian invasion of Abyssinia 1935- Mussolini was clearly not willing to work with Britain and France.
What had happened to the Rhineland under the Treaty of Versailles?
It had been demilitarised. The allies were to occupy the areas for 15 years or more, they were withdrawn in 1935.
In the March following the withdrawing of the allies from the Rhineland did Hitler do to it?
He re-occupied it, denouncing the Locarno Pact. This was a gamble by Hitler but he was convinced that neither Britain nor France, who were both preoccupied with the Abyssinian crisis would challenge his actions. It was successful and Hitler was convinced by this that Britain and France were unlikely to act against further aggression.
What were the results of the reoccupation of the Rhineland?
- Encouraged Hitler to challenge TOV even more
- Made it difficult for Britain and France to deal with the Abyssinian crisis as they feared that taking firm action against Mussolini would bring him closer to Hitler.
- Referendum held asking German people to approve the reoccupation- 98.8% voted in favour.
- Improved Hitler’s popularity in Germany.
What was the Rome-Berlin Axis?
October 1936, Italy and Germany signed it. They agreed to work together on areas of mutual interest. Mussolini was keen on closer relations Germany after Anglo-French opposition to the invasion of Abyssinia. Central to the agreement was the policy to stop the spread of communism in Europe. The axis was strengthened by an interchange of visited by Hitler and Mussolini in 1937 and 1938.
What was the Anti-Comintern pact?
In November 1936, Hitler signed a treaty with Japan known as the Anti-Comintern pact. A year later 1937 Mussolini joined. Main aim was to limit communist influence especially in the USSR. Provided scope for much closer relations between Germany, Japan and Italy. Encouraged further Japanese expansion into
Why did Hitler’s self confidence grow considerably?
Due to his success in the Rhineland in 1936.
Who did Hitler meet on November 5th 1937?
He met his military chiefs in Berlin and seemed to be firmly in the agenda. Following his meeting Hitler turned his attention to expansion eastwards.
Why did Hitler think Anschluss was justified?
He thought it was justified under president Wilson’s principle of self-determination.
Why was the Nazi party in a much stronger position in 1938?
Because the new Austrian chancellor, Schuchnigg, had appointed Nazis into his government in return for the promise, which Hitler had no intention to keep of respecting the independence of Austria.
Why was Hitler in a much stronger position in 1938?
He had built the German armed forces up and was encourage by his success in the Rhineland as well as the failures of the League of Nations in Abyssinia.
Mussolini who had allowed the first Anschluss attempt was now an ally of Germany.
How did Britain and France react to Anschluss?
Britain and France and the league did protest but took no further action. Neville chamberlain felt that the Germans and Austrians had a right to be united and the TOV was wrong to separate them. Britain and France knew that their armed forces were not in a positron to wage any kind of conflict.
What policy had French and Britain politicians followed towards Hitler?
A policy of appeasement and believed that he had a finite set of reasonable demands all relating to the Treaty of Versailles.
Why did Hitler want to take over the Sudetenland?
- Contained 3 million German speakers
- Had been part of Austria-Hungary before 1918
- Contained almost 3/4 is Czechoslovakia’s industry and some important armament factories.
Why did Hitler want Czechoslovakia?
- A free and hostile Czechoslovakia would make it impossible for Germany to fight a war in the West.
- Thought the Soviet Union might invade Czechoslovakia.
- wanted to require valuable wealth and resources and create lebensraum.
What were the results of the Munich conference for Germany?
- Decided that Britain and France wouldn’t oppose again so focussed on Czechoslovakia.
- Hitler gained more confidence.
- Acquired more than 33% of Czechoslovakia’s population and most of its industry.
What were the results of the Munich conference for Italy?
Supported Hitler
What were the results of the Munich conference for Britain and France?
Had a great sense that war had been avoided Chamberlain returned to a hero’s welcome
What were the results of the Munich conference for the USSR?
Stalin was furious that he was not invited to Munich and was convinced that Britain and France would stand back if Hitler moved against Poland and the USSR.
What were the results of the Munich conference for Czechoslovakia?
They lost land to Hungary and Poland and felt they had been deserted by their allies Britain and France.
How did Hitler take over Czechoslovakia in March 1939?
- Hitler put pressure on new Czech leader and threatened invasion.
- Hitler invited to restore order and thus could claim he had not broken any international law by securing control of Czechoslovakia.
- Czech provinces e.g. Bohemia and Moravia became German provinces.
What did Britain and France to in response to Germany’s take over of Czechoslovakia?
They ended the policy of appeasement and agreed that they had to stop further German aggression. Chamberlain had been betrayed by Hitler.
Where did Hitler send troops into in March 1939 and how did Britain and France react?
Hitler Sent troops into Lithuania. Britain believed that Hitler was planning to invade Poland and take Danzig by closing the Polish corridor. Britain promised to guarantee Poland’s borders.
What was the pact of steel?
It was an agreement between Hitler and Mussolini in May 1939.
– It guaranteed to support southern Europe.
–Hitler needed Stalin support in southern Europe and avoided fighting on two fronts.
– Stalin believed Britain did not want an alliance.
When did Hitler make the Nazi Soviet pact with Stalin and what did it do?
On August 23, 1939. It was a promise not to go to war with each other and promised to invade Poland.
What did the Nazi Soviet signed term include?
- not to support any third country if it attacks the other.
– To consult on the matters of common interest and promise not to join any alliance aimed at the other
– agreed (secretly) to invade and divide Poland
– Soviet union was allowed to occupy the Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.
Why was Hitler pleased about the Nazi Soviet pact?
Because he would not be faced with war on two fronts and was able to take over parts of Poland with ease.
Why was Stalin pleased with the Nazi Soviet pact?
He could take part of Poland and stop the western powers allying.
When did German troops invade Poland?
1st September 1939
When did Britain and France declared war on Germany?
3rd September 1939
Which tactics did the Germans used when invading Poland?
The tactics of Blitzkrieg.
What happened to Poland after the 6th of October?
Poland ceased to exist when it was formally divided by Germany and the Soviet union. 100,000 men were able to avoid capture and made their way to Britain to fight in the free Polish forces.