5) Nazi Economic Social And Racial Policy Flashcards
What had Hitler done to tackle unemployment before he was chancellor?
Before he was chancellor, Hitler had appealed to the unemployed and promised to create jobs if he was elected, on becoming chancellor, he introduced a series of measures to reduce unemployment.
What was the National Labour Service Corps (RAD)?
- Scheme to provide young men with manual labour jobs.
- It was intended to ‘educate German youth in the spirit of National Socialism and to acquire a true conception of work, above all a respect for manual labour’
How did the RAD work?
- From 1935 it was compulsory for all men aged 18-25 to serve in the RAD for 6 months.
- 1939- extended to women
- Workers lived in labour service camps, wore uniforms, received very low pay and carried out military drills as well as work.
How did Hitler build Job creation schemes?
- He spent 18.4 billion reichsmarks in 1933 and 37.1 billion five years later
- Nazis subsided private firms
- Also introduced a massive load-building programme to provide Germany with 7000km of motorways as well as other public work schemes such as the construction of schools, hospitals and houses
What dubious method did the Nazis use to keep down unemployment figures?
Invisible unemployment
How did the Nazis use invisible unemployment?
The official unemployment figure did not include:
- Jews dismissed from their jobs
- unmarried men under 25 who were pushed into national labour schemes
- Women dismissed from their jobs or who gave up to marry
- Opponents of the Nazi regime held in concentration camps
- Part-time workers were listed as fully employed
By 1935 how many males were listed as unemployed?
Only 35,000 out of 25 million
Why did Hitler want to rearm?
Hitler was Determined to build up the Armed Forces in readiness for future war. This in turn greatly reduced unemployment.
The re-introduction of what took thousands of young men into the military services?
Conscription (1935)
How much did Germany rearm?
- Army grew from 100,000 in 1933 to 1,400,000 by 1939.
- Heavy industry expanded to meet the needs of rearmament coal and chemical usage doubled in the years 1933-1939, oil, iron and steel usage tripled.
- Billions spent on producing tanks, aircraft and ships.
How much did Hitler spend on rearmament?
3.5 billion marks in 1933, increased to 26 billion by 1939.
What was the German Labour Front (DAF)?
A Nazi policy for workers that replaced trade unions when they were banned on May 2nd 1933
How many members did the DAF have by 1939?
22 million and became the largest organisation in Germany.
What did the DAF decide?
Wages and strikes were banned
What did worker get from the DAF?
Relatively high wages, job security and social and leisure programmes.
What was the Volkswagen scheme?
- Gave Workers the opportunity to pay 5 marks a week to buy their own car.
- By 1938, more than 150,000 had ordered a car but in 1939, all money was diverted to military fund and nothing was refunded with no cars received.
How did the strength through joy (KDF) scheme help workers?
- Set up to replace trade unions
- Improved leisure time amongst workers
- Included concerts and holidays
- Low cost of living
- Improved working conditions
How did the Nazis think women should behave?
- No makeup
- Blonde, heavy-hipped and athletic
- Wore flat shoes and full skirt
- Did not smoke or work
- Did all house hold duties
- Took no interest in politics
Why were the Nazis concerned about marriage and family?
They were worried by the decline in birth rate.
How did the Nazis use propaganda to tackle their concerns about marriage?
The Nazis launched a massive propaganda campaign to promote motherhood and large families.
What law was introduced in 1933 which would help to tackle Nazi concerns about marriage and family?
Law for encouragement of marriage- aimed to increase birth rate by giving loans to young couples to marry, provided the wide left her job. Couples were allowed to keep 1/4 of loans for each child born, up to four children.
Which women were awarded medals on Hitler’s birthday?
Women with big families
How did the Nazis change the divorce law in 1938?
A divorce was possible if the husband was infertile.
What was the lebensborne programme?
A programme whereby specially chosen unmarried women could donate a baby to the Führer by becoming pregnant by racially pure SS men.
What was the German women’s enterprise?
A new organisation that organised classes and radio talks on household topics and skills of motherhood.
What were women meant to abide by instead of working?
The 3ks- Kinder, küche, kirche (Children, Kitchen, Church)
When and why did the Nazis have to reverse their 3ks policy?
Germany was rearming, they abolished marriage loans and introduced a compulsory ‘duty year’ for women entering employment.
How did the Nazis use textbooks to control education?
- All text books had to be approved by the ministry of education.
- They were rewritten to fit Nazi view of history and racial purity.
- Mein Kampf became a standard text.
How were teachers used to control education?
- By 1936, 36% of teachers were members of the Nazi party.
- Teachers had to promote Nazi ideals in the classroom and many were dismissed if they didn’t.
- Had to award an oath of loyalty to Hitler and join the Nazi teachers’ league. By 1937, 97% had joined.
How were lessons used to control education?
- Nazi themes presented through every subject
- Began and ended with students saluting ‘Heil Hitler’
What did maths, geography and history lessons involve?
Maths= Problems dealt with social issues
History= Evils is communism and TOV
Geography= Showed how Germany was surrounded by hostile neighbours
How was the curriculum amended to control education?
- Eugenics taught
- Students taught Aryans were superior race
- 15% time dedicated to PE- Hitler wanted fit, healthy men and women.
- RE became optional
What were girls taught at school?
Needle work
How to become good mothers
Home crafts
What were boys taught at school?
Emphasis put on military
Hitler youth membership 1932 1934 1936 1938 1939
1932: 108,000
1934: 3.6 million
1936: 5.4 million
1938: 7 million
1939: 7.4 million
When did boys join the German young people and Hitler youth?
German young people - 10
Hitler youth - 14-18
What did the Hitler youth do?
- Learned Nazi songs
- Athletics
- Hiking
- Camping
- Marching
- Maps reading
- Military skills
Why did boys enjoy being part of the Hitler youth?
They liked the comradeship and being near the league of maidens.
What did the German League of Maidens do?
The same activities as the boys but also learned domestic skills.
When did girls join the young girls and league of maidens?
The young girls age 10
German league of maidens age 14-18
What did some girls do in response to the League of Maidens?
Resented then fact that they are trained to be housewives and mothers.
What did people do to combat the Hitler youth and league of Maidens?
- Lots of youth wanted to do things like smoke and try new fashion but this was banned
- Lots of youths resented the fact that their old clubs and youth groups were banned
- Rival groups arose e.g. Edelweiss pirates
What were all non-German groups treated like?
Second class citizens (especially Jews).
How did Hitler back up his treatment of non-German groups?
He said that there were only two races shown in the bible - the aryans and Jews and that god had a special purpose for the aryans.
What did Nazis believe that the Germans were?
A ‘master race’ from Aryan descent- they were shown as blond, blue eyed, tall, lean and athletic.
What did the Nazis believe about Jews?
Jews and Slavs were ‘subhumans’. Nazi propaganda portrayed Jews as evil moneylenders and Hitler was convinced that Jews were involved in a world conspiracy to destroy humanity.
What techniques did Nazis use to increase aryans and destroy Jews?
Selective breeding and destruction of the Jews.
What was the trigger cause of kristallnacht?
On November 7th, 1938, Ernst Von Rath, a German embassy official station in Paris was shot by Herschel Grynszpan a 17 year old Polish Jew.
How many synagogues were burnt during kristallnacht?
How many Jewish businesses were trashed and looted during Kristallnacht?
Over 7000
How many Jewish people were killed during Kristallnacht?
100 and 20,000 sent to concentration camps
What does Kristallnacht mean?
‘The night of the broken glass’ for the shattered glass from the store windows that littered the streets.
What happened the morning after kristallnacht?
300,000 Jewish men were arrested