7. Geriatric psych Flashcards
What are symptoms of major depression in the elderly? (2)
Pseudodementia = Problems with memory and cognitive functioning
Diff. between dementia and pseudodementia (depression)?
Dementia = pts will confabulate (guess at answers), there’s increased confusion at night (sundowning), pt unaware of problems
Pseudodementia = onset more acute, sundowning uncommon, will often answer “I don’t know”, pt aware of problems, cognitive deficits improve with antidepressants
Whom do you use methylphenidate on?
Methylphenidate = stimulant; can be used at low dose as adjunct to antidepressants for pts w/ psychomotor retardation
What must you be careful of when using methylphenidate? (2)
- Arrhythmia risk in cardiac pts
2. insomnia if given in afternoon or evening
When is it considered complicated/prolonged grief?
after 6 months
How do you distinguish b/w complicated/prolonged grief and bereavement-associated depression?
- look for generalized feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, severe guilt, worthlessness, and suicidal ideation, IN ADDITION to complicated grief symptoms
When is treatment for depression recommended in pts with precipitating loss?
In pts who have 2 straight wks of depressive symptoms 6-8 wks after precipitating loss
Alcohol and H2 blocker interaction?
Higher BALs (blood alcohol level)
Alcohol and benzodiazepines, tricyclics, narcotics, barbiturates, antihistamines?
increased sedation
Alcohol and aspirin/NSAIDs? (2)
prolonged bleeding time, irritation of gastric lining
Alcohol and metronidazole, sulfonamides, long-acting hypoglycemics?
Nausea and vomiting
Alcohol and reserpine, nitroglycerin, hydralazine?
Increased risk of hypotension
Alcohol and acetaminophen, isoniazid, phenylbutazone?
Increased hepatotoxicity
Alcohol and antihypertensives, anti-diabetics, ulcer drugs, gout medication?
Worsen underlying disease
What are mental disorders worsened by alcohol? (2)
Depression, anxiety
Manifestation of Lewy body dementia?
Visual hallucinations early in dementia - DO NOT GIVE THESE PTS ANTIPSYCHOTICS
Why should you not use antipsychotics in treatment of elderly with dementia?
- limited efficacy and increased mortality
What is periodic leg movements (PLMs) and what is it due to?
restless leg movements during sleep, often due to dopamine imbalance