7: Bovine Abortions Flashcards
What are diseases that cause late term abortions?
BHV-1, Mycoses, Brucellosis, Lepto, Opportunistics, Neospora, Epizootic Bovine Abortion
What are diseases that can cause abortions at any time?
Ureaplasma, mycoplasma
BVD, bluetongue, Listeria
Three mechanisms of hematogenous abortion:
Infect fetus directly through umbilical veins
Infect fetus indirectly through contamination of amnionic fluid from primary placental infection
Hypoxia via placentitis (no fetal infection)
Two main routes of abortifacient infection:
Hematogenous dam-> placenta
Ascending infections from vagina through cervix
When do losses due to campylobacter occur?
Majority 30-70d
Occasionally at 4-8 mo
Campylobacter mechanism:
Heat-stable endotoxin-> placentitis-> fetal hypoxia
Mollicute infection abortion presentation:
EED/Abortion/Stillbirth/Weak calves/Neonatal pneumonia
Retained fetal membranes common
White-brown exudate and thickened, fibrotic, necrotic, amnion & chorioallantois
Mollicute infection tx:
Macrolide abx
Mollicute transmission:
Venereal or respiratory
Likes mucosal/serosal surfaces
When do opportunistic infections cause abortion:
2nd half of gestation
variable presentation
Dx of exclusion
Where is epizootic bovine abortion more common?
California, Oregon, Nevada
“Foothill Abortion”
What is the mechanism of Epizootic bovine abortion?
Tick borne
Replication in histiocytes-> fetal stress-> parturition induction
SLOW infection
When are cattle susceptible to EBA and when does it cause abortions?
Susceptible mid-gestation (60-140d)
Abortions in 3rd trimester
Mechanism of brucellosis abortions:
Penetrates resp. mucosa-> localizes in lymph nodes-> bacteremia-> uterus-> trophoblast necrosis and chorioallantoic ulcertation (placentitis)-> fetal bacteremia
Gross pathology associated with brucellosis abortions:
Moroccan leather placenta (dry, thickened, cracked) may be covered in yellowish exudate
What does brucellosis cause in cows?
Spontaneous late term abortions, premature calving, infertility
Compare Lepto serovars hardjo and pomona on terms of timing and abortion rates:
Pomona: higher abortion rate (50%); 3rd trimester abortions; 1-6 wk post infection
Hardjo: <10% abortion rates; 2-3rd trimester abortions; 4-12 wk post infection
Mechanism of leptospirosis abortions:
Infection-> 4-10d incubation-> bacteremia-> localizes/persists in repro & kidneys-> persistent shedding in urine & repro fluids-> May deliver weak infected calves or autolyzed/icteric fetus