7 Bank Flashcards
How is bank different from other financial institutions that accept deposits and make advaces?
They cant create credit
What is profit of bank?
Accepts deposits —-> Purchases at Certain rate of interest
Leds money —> Sells money at higher rate of interest
Difference in profit
Bank is dealers in money and credit because?
Their profit.
Why is banking relationship oriented?
- Based on mutual trust Between:
Bank and Customers - Burrower or depositor of bank directly interacts with the respresentative or the employee of the bank
Why is central bank called central bank?
It occupes the central position in countries bamking secotr
Purpose of central bank is to earn profit. For or Against:
It is not to earn profit but to serve the country
Meaning of Central Bank:
Banking institution which controls the baking sysytem in a coutnry an d carries out its monetory policy
Functions of Central Bank
- Banker’s Bank
- -2. Clearing house facility - Banker to the government
- Credit Control
- Currency notes
- Custodian of Foreign Exchanges
- Mantanence of exchange rate
- Development function
- Collection and Publication of data
- Banker’s Bank:
Acts as bank for all commercial bank in the country
When comemrcial bank needs funds,
Can obtain loan and redicount its bills => LENDER OF LAST RESORT
Commercial banks are required to keep a cash reserve (credit control)
advises on matter relating to business
- Banker to the government:
BANKER, AGENT, ADVISOR (manager, representator) TO THE GOVERNMENT.
Banker: Receives and makes payments on behalf of the gov
Agent: Agent In financial matters
Advisor: In Monetary an banking policy
Manager: Manages the national debt and issue of gov security
Representator: In international conferences of monetary and banking matters
- Issue of Currency notes:
Central bank has monopoly over issuing currency notes Central bank is given monopoly because: 1. Mantain uniformity 2. Avoid Over issue 3. Lend prestige
Why does central bank keep reserves of gold and silver?
In order to inspire public confidence in paper currency
- Credit Control
Bank exercies qualitative and quantitiative control over cresit granting capacity of Credit granting capacity of commercial banks
In order to mantain stability in prices and foreign exchanges
- Custodian of Foreign currency reserves:
Sole custodian of :
Foreign exchange
All other reserves
Manages these JUDICIOSULY:
Overcome difficulty in balance of payments
stabilize exchange rates
Balance of payments is managed by
Controlling imports and exports and restrictions
- Maintenance of Exchange rate
Monitors the exchange rate of home currency with respect to the foreign currencies
Tries to mantain stability in exchange rate:
1. promote country’s foreign trade
2. encourage the flow of foreign investment
Buys and sells currencies in order to mantain a stable exchange rate
- Clearing House Facility?
The central bank settles the claims of commercial banks
Enables them to clear their dues
thru book entries
Mantains debit and credit in their accounts
for convenient adjustments of their daily balances
Advantages of Clearing House facility:
- Possibility of cash withdrawal during economic crisis are reduced
Helps to stabilize the baking system
Clearing house of facility is done by
State Bank of India
RBI has no office
- Development functions:
- Creating special financial institutions for
Agri, Infustry, Transport, Trade and Finance - Balanced regional development
- Controlling prices
- Collection and Publication of Data:
Conducts surveys and publishes reports and bulletins
Central Bank
Provide staff training for commerical bank
Relations with world bank, IMF etc.
Credit Control:
Credit control means the regulation of credit by central bank for achieving desired objectives.
Involves expansion and contraction of creidt.
Objjectives of Credit Control:
- Stabilize general prive level and exchange rates
- Maintain and promote, Normal and steady growth rate in business activity and high level of icnome and employment
- Eliminate fluctuations in production and employment
- Avoid lending to wrong parties for unproductive purposes
Methods of Credit control can be:
Quantitative credit control includes:
- Bank Rate policy
- Open market opoerations
- Cash reserve ratio
- Statutory liquid ratio
Qualitative credit control includes:
- Margin requirements
- Credit rationing
- Moral suasion
- Publicity
Functions of Commercial Bank maybe:
- Accepting deposits
- Lending deposits
- Agency Function
- General Utility Function
Accepting deposits include:
They receive deposits ffrom public for making investments and granting loans
People deposit for safety and earning interest
Depositors can withdraw in form of 1. Cash and 2. Cheque
Accepts deposits of various types to meet requirements of different people
- Fixed Deposit
- Savings deposit
- Recurring deposit
- Current Account
Lending money can be:
- Overdraft
- Cash Credit
- Discounting of Bills
- Loans and Advances
An arrangement under which currrent account holder is allowed to withdraw more than the balance to his credit upto the specifies limit
Short period and INTEREST is Charged
Commercial Banks provide overdraft against personal security of account holder and security of some assets
Cash credit;
Bank advances cash loans to burrowe against tangible security or personal guarantee
Withdrawer can withdraw upto his CASH CREDIT LIMIT according to his needs and can deposit back surplus
Longer period than overdraft so popular method for Bsinessmen