7 - Amoebae Flashcards
Give the main features of Amoebae
They have one macronucleus, most are aerobic, most are heterotrophic (some are mixotrophic) and the only reproduce asexually over no soecific plane
How do naked Amoebae move?
Via cytoplasmic streaming (often using pseudopodia)
How do naked Amoebae feed?
Via raptorial feeding, with no specific location for ingestion
What are the three forms of naked amoebae?
Trophozoites - the feeding form (blob form)
Floating form - stiffened pseudopodia for dispersal (can’t feed - transport form)
What are the four types of shelled amoebae and how do they feed?
Testate amoebae - raptorial
Foraminiferans - diffusion
Radiolarians - diffusion
Heliozoans - diffusion
How does diffusion feeding work?
Sticky parts of extrashellular cytoplasm (axopodia) capture prey and the prey then diffuses into the cytoplasm
What type of protist are ‘bad’ and why
Mainly amoebae and they allow the evolution of bacterial pathogens and act as a reservoir
What nutrients do photoautotrophs release and who do they help?
They release dissolved organic sugars (sugars) that are absorbed by bacteria.
What do heterotrophic Protozoa release and who absorbs it
Nitrogen and phosphorus which is absorbed by bacteria and photoautotrophic protists
Why do protists loose such much nitrogen and phosphorus
They have to maintain the ratio of carbon:nitrogen:phosphorus, so when they loose carbon dioxide in respiration they have to pump out nitrogen and phosphorus to maintain the ratio
How do amoebae help bacteria practice evading our immune system?
Naked Amoebae are very similar to macrophages, so they practice evading digestion in amoebae, making them more pathogenic
Why do some amoebae get called ‘Trojan horse’
They can contain thousands of pathogenic bacteria
How is Legionella transmitted and what is it’s reservoir?
It is transmitted by air and water (often inhalation of water droplets) and it’s reservoir is amoebae
How do amoebae help bacterial growth
They predate them which keeps them in the log phase, preventing them from reaching the stationary phase and keeps them active
What protists cause dysentery?
Amoebae (such as entamoeba histolytica), balantidium coli (ciliate) and flagellates (such as giardia lamblia)
what is the reservoir for dysentery?
Water and animals/humans
How is dysentery transmitted?
Via Contaminated water or via the faecal-oral route
What protist causes keratitis, what is it’s reservoir and how is it transported?
It is caused by amoebae from acanthamoeba, it’s reservoir is water and it is transmitted by dirty contact lenses
What causes primary ameobic meningioencephalitis, what is it’s reservoir and how is it transmitted?
It is caused by naegleria fowleri amoeba. It’s reservoir is warm water and it’s transmitted by the flagellate swimming up the nose.
What protist causes trichomoniasis, what is it’s reservoir and how is it transmitted?
It’s caused by the flagellate trichomonas vaginalis, it’s reservoir is humans (particularly males as they are asymptotic) and it is transmitted by sexual intercourse
What protist causes leishmaniasis, what is it’s reservoir and how is it transmitted?
It’s caused by leishmania mexicana, it’s reservoir is dogs and it is transmitted by a sand fly vector