6th NCERT Flashcards
Sulaiman and Kirthar hills to the
Some of the areas where women and
men first began to grow crops such as wheat and
barley about 8000 years ago
The places where rice was
first grown are to
he north of the Vindhyas
Later, about , cities
developed on the banks of the Ganga and its
tributaries, and along the seacoasts.
2500 years ago
some of the earliest cities flourished on the banks of these rivers river Indus and its tributaries
about 4700 years
This inscription dates to about 2250 years ago, and was found in Kandahar, present-day Afghanistan.
written on the orders of a ruler named Ashoka
Scripts consist of letters or signs.
two different scripts and languages, Greek (top) and Aramaic (below), which were used in this area
are known as factory sites.
Places where stone was found and where people made tools
Traces of ash have been found here
Kurnool caves
This in turn led to an increase in the number of deer, antelope, goat, sheep and cattle, i.e. animals that survived on grass.
Around 12,000 years ago, there were major
changes in the climate of the world
The Palaeolithic period extends
2 million years ago to about 12,000 years ago
Mesolithic (middle stone)
12,000 years ago till about 10,000 years ago
Miccoliths are found in which period
Mesolithic (middle stone)
from about 10,000 years ago
Ostriches were found in India during
the Palaeolithic period.
The first animal to be tamed
the wild ancestor of the dog
of the earliest plants to be domesticated were
The earliest domesticated animals include
wheat and barley.
sheep and goat.
Wheat, barley, sheep, goat, cattle
Mehrgarh (in present day-Pakistan)
Rice, fragmentary
animal bones
Koldihwa (in present-day Uttar Pradesh)
Rice, cattle
(hoof marks on clay surface
Mahagara (in present-day Uttar Pradesh)
Wheat and lentil
Gufkral (in present-day Kashmir
Wheat and lentil, dog, cattle,
sheep, goat, buffalo
Burzahom (in present-day Kashmir)
Wheat, green gram, barley, buffalo, ox
Chirand (in present-day Bihar)
Millet, cattle ,sheep, goat, pig
Hallur (in present-day Andhra Pradesh)
Black gram Millet cattle sheep, pig
Paiyampalli (in present-day Andhra Pradesh)
people built pit-houses, which were dug into the ground, with steps leading into them.
Burzahom (in
present-day Kashmir)
Neloithic tools
These include tools that were polished
to give a fine cutting edge, and mortars and pestles
used for grinding grain and other plant produ
was probably one of the places
where women and men learnt to grow barley and
wheat, and rear sheep and goats for the first time
in this area.
the dead person was buried with goats, which were
probably meant to serve as food in the next world at
Mehrgarh near Bolan pass
stone tools, including mortars and pestles,
have been found .Other finds include jadeite, a stone that may have been brought from China
Daojali Hading near the Brahmaputra Valley,
Harappan civilization developed around
4700 years ago
the Great Bath, was built in this
Other cities, such as had fire altars, where sacrifices
may have been performed
Kalibangan and Lothal
had elaborate store houses during harappa civilization
Harappa, and Lothal
stone weights made up of during harappa civilization
Beads made up of during harappa civilization
carnelian red stone
metals during harappa civilization
copper, bronze, gold silver tin
Cotton was probably grown
Mehrgarh from about 7000 years ago
The Harappans probably got copper from
present-day Rajasthan, even from Oman in West Asia
The Harappans probably got Tin,
present-day Afghanistan and Iran
The Harappans probably got Gold
present-day karnataka
The Harappans probably got precious stones from
from present-day Gujarat, Iran and Afghanistan.
Harappans grew
wheat, barley, pulses, peas, rice, sesame, linseed
and mustard
Unlike some of the other Harappan
cities, which were divided into two parts this city
was divided into three parts
The city of Lothal stood beside a
tributary of the Sabarmati
The Rigveda includes more than a thousand hymns, called
sukta or well said
languages spoken in Jharkhand and parts of central India belong to
he Austro-Asiatic family.
This is part of one such hymn,
a dialogue between a sage named Vishvamitra,
and two rivers
beas and satluj
words were used to describe the people or
the community as a whole
jana or vish
Sometimes, the people who composed the
hymns described themselves as
and called their opponents
Dasas or Dasyus
The practice of erecting megaliths began about
3000 years ago, and was prevalent throughout
the Deccan, south India, in the north-east and
dead in megaliths were buried with distinctive
pots, which are called
Black and Red Ware.
Here, one skeleton was buried with 33
gold beads, 2 stone beads, 4 copper bangles, and
one conch shell.
Here, adults were generally buried in the ground, laid
out straight, with the head towards the north.
Sometimes burials were within the houses.
Vessels that probably contained food and water
were placed with the dead.
Inamgaon on the river Ghod tributary of Bhima
who wrote a book on medicine known as the Charaka
Charaka about 2000 years ago
men now became recognised
as rajas by performing very big sacrifices.
around 3000 years ago
vaishya or vish meaning
ordinary people
books in later vedic period
the Samaveda, Yajurveda and Atharvaveda,
janapada literally means
the land where the jana set its foot,
Painted Grey Ware.
later vedic period in jan padas
bhaga or share
tax on crops in mahajanpadas
landless agriculture labourers
Magadha had two very powerful rulers,
Bimbisara and Ajatasattu Mahapadma
He extended his control up to the north-west part of the subcontinent.
Mahapadma Nanda
Alexander reached upto banks of river
different form of government, known as gana or
sangha. at
account of the Vajjis mentioned in
the Digha Nikaya, a famous Buddhist book
Ajatasattu wanted to attack the Vajjis. He sent his
minister named to the Buddha to get
his advice on the matter
Mahajanapadas existed around
2500 years ago)
Alexander’s invasion, composition of the Digha Nikaya time period
2300 years ago
End of the ganas or sanghas ) time period
(about 1500
years ago
The Buddha belonged to a small gana known
as the
Sakya gana
Buddha passed away at
Upanishad literally means ‘
approaching and sitting near
The wise beggar story in which upanishad
Chhandogya Upanishad.
Shaunaka and Abhipratarin were two sages
poor who participated in debates held in royal courts.
Satyakama Jabala
who prepared a grammar for Sanskrit.
Vardhamana Mahavira, was a
kshatriya prince of the Lichchhavis, a group that
was part of the
Vajji sangha
Jina, meaning
The rules made for the Buddhist sangha were
written down in a book
Vinaya Pitaka
this city ay on the route from north to south
was an ambassador who was sent to the court of
Chandragupta by the Greek ruler of West Asia named Seleucus Nicator.
He was the first ruler who tried to take his message
to the people through inscriptions.
Most of Ashoka’s inscriptions were in P
rakrit and were
written in the Brahmi script.
officials, known as who
went from place to place teaching people about
e dhamma mahamatta
Ashoka also sent messengers to spread ideas
about dhamma to other lands, such as
Syria, Egypt,
Greece and Sri Lanka
The use of iron began in the
subcontinent around
3000 years ago
In the Tamil region, large landowners were known as
In the Tamil region ordinary ploughmen were known as
In the Tamil region landless labourers, including slaves, were known
kadaisiyar and adimai
In the northern part of the country, the village
headman was known as the
grama bhojaka hereditary position
functioned as a
the king often used him to collect
taxes from the villagejudge, and sometimes as a policeman
independent farmers, known as , most
of whom were smaller landowners
grihapatis most
of whom were smaller landowners
dasa karmakara,
men and women who did not own any land
Sangam literature
tamil, around 2300 years ago and in Madurai city
located at the cross roads of two major
routes of travel and trade — from the northwest
to the east and from north to south.
became the second capital of the Kushanas,
Many crafts persons and merchants now
formed associations known as
provided training, procured raw material, and distributed the finished product
also served as banks, where rich men and women deposited money
was a coastal settlement where ships
unloaded goods from distant lands.
Arikamedu (in Pondicherry)
was particularly valued in the Roman Empire, so much so that it was known as black gold
Tamil word meaning three chiefs, used for the heads of three ruling families, the Cholas, Cheras, and Pandyas
, the port of the Cholas
, the capital of the Pandyas.
were known as lords
of the dakshinapatha,
Gautamiputra Shri Satakarni and other satvahna rulers
were amongst the earliest rulers of the subcontinent to issue gold coins
kushanas ruled over
Central Asia and north-west India around 2000
years ago.
poet who composed a biography of the Buddha,Buddhacharita
Ashvaghosha lived in court of
Kanishka a Kushana ruler
Language used by Ashvaghosha
The worship of Bodhisattvas became very popular, and spread throughout .
Central Asia, China, and later to
Korea and Japan
These were supposed to be persons who had
attained enlightenment
The older form of Buddhism, known as Theravada Buddhism was more popular in these areas
Sri Lanka,
Myanmar, Thailand, and other
parts of Southeast Asia
including Indonesia.
Arrival of pilgrims in increasing order
Fa Xian, who came to the
subcontinent about 1600 years ago, Xuan Zang
(who came around 1400 years ago) and I-Qing,
who came about 50 years after Xuan Zang
Chinese pilgrim spent time studying in Nalanda
Xuan Zang,
Most Bhakti literature tells us that riches, learning and high status do not automatically ensure a close relationship with the deity. This is part of a poem composed in
Tamil by Appar, a devotee of Shiva,
Harishena was court poet of
He is also described as equal to the gods in prashastion the Ashokan pillar at Allahabad.
rulers of Aryavarta,
rulers who were uprooted, and their kingdoms were made a part of Samudragupta’s empire.
rulers of Dakshinapatha
surrendered to Samudragupta after being defeated and he then allowed them to rule again.
the descendants of the Kushanas and Shakas, and the ruler of Sri Lanka, who
submitted to Samudragupta and offered daughters in
adopt the grand title of maharaj-adhiraja title that
Samudragupta also used
The famous poet Kalidasa lived in the court of _____
Chandragupta II
Aryabhatta was in court of
Chandragupta II
Banabhatta was court poet of
wrote his biography, the Harshacharita, in Sanskrit
Xuan Zang visited during the reign of
Fa Hein visited during the reign of
Chandragupta II
Harsha was stopped by a ruler belonging to the
Chalukya dynasty, Pulakeshin II
Capital of Pallavas
region of Pallavas
Kanchipuram, to the Kaveri delta,
Region of Chalukyas
Raichur Doab, between the rivers Krishna and Tungabhadra.
the capital of the Chalukyas
Court poet of Pulakeshin II
chief judicial officer Harishena
important minister Harishena
meaning a minister of war and peace
chief banker or merchant of the city
the sarthavaha leader of the merchant caravans
leader of the merchant caravans
prathama-kulika or the
chief craftsman
military leaders who provided the king with troops
whenever he needed them. They were not paid
regular salaries. Instead, some of them received
grants of land
the sabha, which was an assembly
of brahmin land owners
Ur was village assembly found in areas
the land owners were not brahmins
Nagaram was an organisation of
Abhijnana Shakuntalam, is the story of the love between a king named Dushyanta and a young woman named Shakuntala composed by
The Chinese pilgrim noticed the plight
of those who were treated as untouchables by
the high and mighty
Fa Xian
famous Tamil epic, the Silappadikaram, was
composed by a poet named
It is the story of a merchant named Kovalan, who lived in Puhar and fell in love with a courtesan named Madhavi, neglecting his wife Kannagi.
famous Tamil epic, the Silappadikaram,
Tamil epic, the Manimekalai was
composed by
describes the story of the daughter of
Kovalan and Madhavi.
poem, the Meghaduta, written by
Both the Puranas and the Mahabharata are
supposed to have been compiled by
is recognised as the author of the Sanskrit
Language used by kalidasa