6th lecture (hypertrophy) Flashcards
Adaptation definition?
The cell experiences an injury and has to adapt to it. They compensate their function to outer circumstances.
All responses to adaptation are reversible.
the adaptation allows the cell to escape injury.
What are the types of adaptation?
- hypertrophy
- hyperplasia
- Atrophy
- Metaplasia
- Dysplasia
Hypertrophy definition?
an Adaption that causes an increase in size and function.
the cells that do this are stuck in G0 phase, and not capable of multiplying undergo hypertrophy.
what causes hypertrophy?
Functional alteration is a demand in activity and/or function.
Demand in activity and or function (force for example)
Demand in hormonal background
Growth factors.
what are the alteration of a cell during hypertrophy?
- increase in protein synthesis,
- increase in breakdown of un-needed protein, (remodeling)
- increase in gene expression (growth monitoring genes)
- increase in cell survival down regulating the pro-apoptotic genes and proteins.
- remodeling of extracellular matrix
- increase in DNA content. 2n,4n,8n,16n,32n etc. big nuclei.
Examples for hypertrophy?
-concentric left side hypertrophy of the heart. The thicker muscle causes narrowing of the lumen.
What causes concentric left sided hypertrophy? (3)
Left ventricular hypertrophy.
-hypertension (increased resistance of the arterioles)
-Aortic stenosis (narrowing of the aorta)
-coarctatio aortae (congenital narrowing) such as ligamentum arteriosum compresses the artery.
ALL OF THE ABOVE mechanism are related to increased peripheral resistance, pressure overload of heart.
-kidney failure, the high pressure = hyalinic arteriosclerosis.
How far can the heart hypertrophy?
the coronary blood supply. There is a certain size of the heart that could not be compensated by the coronary circulation, at around 500-600 grams.
later on the heart will have small ischemic foci that is replaced by fibrous tissue, called CHRONIC ischemic heart disease (increased demand but same blood supply)
If enough tissue is replaced by fibrin the end result is left sided heart failure.
apoplexis description?
The arteries near the basal gangalions experience an aneurysm called;
charcot bouchard aneurysm MAY RUPTURE; the resulting brain hemorrhage
any aneurysm where the pressure if over 200mmHg has a chance to rupture.
To have a brain hemorrhage the vessels have to be preconditioned by the hypertension. On precondition is the charcot bouchard aneurysm, the other is arteriosclerosis (high pressure arteries will be leaky, causing hyalinic arteriosclerosis of the arteries which are more fragile to rupture.
what are the consequences of concentric left sided hypertrophy
CIHD is one consequence of this increased resistance do to the fibrosis of the heart.
apoplexis (brain hemorrhage)
how does kidney failure cases left ventricular hypertrophy?
The high pressure that causes hyalinic thickening of the wall causes kidney failure.
Also called nephrosclerosis. (small kidney with irregular surface, “grain leather”)
what is the lethal consequence of hypertension? (3)
- CIHD (chronic ischemic heart disease)
- brain hemorrhage
- kidney failure
what is concentric left side hypertrophy of the heart with terminal dilatation.
Heart increases in size but starts to reach the end point of its expansion, but still had to work harder. The Starling-mechanism takes effect at this point to increase the amount of work that the heart can do. (stretching of the fiber allows for more force).
Its terminal because this is the maximum stretching after which the patient dies.
what is eccentric left side hypertrophy of the heart?
(dilation). What causes it.
Concentric (pressure overload)
eccentric (volume overload)
Large heart with DILATED lumen with some hypertrophy of the heart.
-Mitral insufficiency (mitral valve does not close properly), During contraction there is a volume of blood moving back and forth between Left atria and ventricle and thus the heart dilates to pump a greater volume of blood to compensate for the volume of blood that its unable to pump do to the valve.
Similar for Aortic insufficiency.
types of hypertrophy of the heart?
- concentric left side hypertrophy of the heart
- eccentric left side hypertrophy of the heart
- right sided hypertrophy of the heart.