6A Flashcards
What is DNA virus
Have DNA as their genetic material
Lambda phage
What is RNA virus
Viruses that have RNA as the genetic material
TMV and Ebola
RNA retrovirus
RNA that produces DNA
- reverse transcriptase catalyse the production of viral DNA from single strand of RNA
The new viral DNA is incorporated into the host DNA where it acts as a template to produce viral protein and RNA
Process of lysogenic step 1
Bacteriophage attaches to bacterium
Process of lysogenic step 2
Phage DNA is injected into host cell. It brings about the synthesis of viral enzyme
Process of lysogenic step 3a
Viral DNA is incorporated into host cell DNA
Process of lysogenic step 3a2
Viral DNA is replicated each time the bacterium divides without causing any damage
Process of lysogenic step 2 to 3B
Phage DNA inactivated the host DNA and takes over the cell biochemistry
Lag phase
Population increase slowly as the population adjust to the new environment and starts to reproduce
Log phase
Lots of nutrients and space - exponential growth of the population double each divisions
Stationary phase
Population reaches it maximum as it is limited by its environment
Eg. Lack of resources and toxic waste product
During this phase the no. Of microorganisms dying equals the number being produced by binary fission and the growth curve level off
Death phase
Lack of nutrients and build up of toxic waste , death rate exceed rate of reproduction- population decline
Death rate increases:
Nutrients insufficient for growth
Accumulating waste —> lower pH —> bacteria can’t grow
How are tuberculosis spread
By droplets infection airborne
Why is it difficult to control TB by vaccination
Increased in elderly people: less effective immune system
HIV:increase TB
Increased poverty:overcrowding
Wars and political unrest : densely populated
Mobile population: tourism , global trade and refugees
Where does the TB initially infect
Affects the respiratory system, damaging and destroying lung tissue
It suppresses the immune system making the body less able to fight the disease
Symptoms of TB
Lung inflammation
May spread to other parts of the body which can cause organ failure
What happens in primary infection
Bacteria is inhaled into the lungs and slowly multiply causing no symptoms
If the immune system is fully active it will cause a localised inflammatory response , engulfing the bacteria and for making a mass of tissue called tubercule
After a while the inflammation would fully disappear and lungs heal
What happens in the active stage
Some bacteria is able to survive past the primary infection stage as they have an thick waxy outer layer which protects them from enzyme of the macrophages
—>which allows them to do so allowing them to remain dormant and reproduce until the immune system is weak the will cause active tuberculosis
Active stage continued step 1
Active TB result in deactivation of old or controlled infections
The bacteria reproduce rapidly causing rather noticeable symptoms
—> night sweat
Loss of appetite and weight loss
Active stage continued step 2
Patient will start to cough out liquid produced by the lungs called septum
If the infection gets more severe the lungs is damaged heavily the patient will start to cough blood