653 & 650 - P2 (50Q) Flashcards
Radiographs of repaired work and records of radiographs of repaired work shall be marked with:
The letter “R”.
All leaks in pontoons or compartments of double deck floating roofs shall be repaired by:
Rewelding the leaking joints and/or the use of patch plates.
Acceptance criteria for a radiograph of a repaired on a tank is found:
Section VIII of the ASME Code.
API Standard 653 requires new welds of shell to bottom plate to be inspected:
Their entire length by right-angle vacuum box and solution film or by applying light diesel oil.
An internal inspection interval for above ground storage tanks must not be greater than:
20 years.
UT measurements are required on a tank shell, how many measurements shall be taken:
Owner / operator judgment.
Non homogeneous fill, such as a lump of clay in the sand of a foundation pad under the tank bottom is one factor that:
Can cause corrosion and tank bottom leakage.
RT procedures to satisfy the requirements of API 653 should be evaluated in accordance with:
ASME Code, Section V.
Newly welded bottom joints shall be tested using a vacuum box and solution film or by means of:
Tracer gas and detector examination.
A tank has a shell corrosion rate of 5 mils per year and a remaining corrosion allowance of 0.17”. For this tank, the maximum interval for service UT thickness measurements is:
15 years.
Formal in service visual external inspection must be conducted by:
An inspector qualified in accordance with API 653.
UT testing inspection of the shell plate for laminations in the affected area is mandatory when:
A reinforcement plate is added to an existing un-reinforced shell penetration.
Which type of repair of a crack is allowed in the tank shell to tank bottom weld?
Remove the entire crack and repair the weld.
When external ultrasonic thickness measurements are used to determine a rate of general uniform corrosion relevant to the integrity of new tank shell and the rate of corrosion is not known, what is the maximum interval for ultrasonic thickness measurements?
5 years.
When preparing a tank prior to installing a replacement bottom over an existing bottom, the tank shell must be separated from the tank bottom by cutting the shell parallel to the tank bottom a minimum of __________ above the bottom-to-shell weld or by removing the entire shell-to-bottom weld and the HAZ by gouging or grinding.
Distortion of anchor bolts and excessive cracking of the concrete structures in which the anchor bolts are embedded may be indications of:
Over pressure up lift condition.
Guidance for evaluation of an existing external floating roof shall be based on criteria in:
API 650 appendix C.
The recommended procedure for accessing the risk of failure due to brittle fracture is based on:
A decision tree analysis and appropriate factors.
Penetrations installed using insert plates shall have the butt-weld examined by means of:
Full radiograph.
Certification that the tank has been reconstructed in accordance with API 653 is normally done by:
Reconstruction organization.
Who has the ultimate responsibility for complying with the provisions of API 653?
Owner / Operator.
Radiographs taken of a reconstructed tank shall be retained:
One year
For tanks to be reconstructed, all shell plate materials and bottom plates welded to the shell shall be identified. Material not identified shall be:
Tested and identified by chemical analysis and mechanical test as required by ASTM A-6 and A370 including Charpy V-notch test.
During hydrostatic tests of repaired or reconstructed tanks foundation settlement shall be measured during filling and when water reaches what percentage of the test level?
The maximum vertical and horizontal dimension of a lapped patch repair plate is ____ & ____ inches respectively.
48” & 72”
Completed welds of stress relieved assemblies of shell penetrations shall be examined by visual and MT or PT methods:
After stress relief and before the hydrostatic test.
If it necessary to replace a roof rim, the new roof rim shall be a minimum thickness of:
Rim-mounted primary shoe seals and toroidal seal systems can be removed, repaired, or replaced. To minimize evaporation losses and reduce potential hazards to workers, no more than:
1/4 of the roof seal system should be out of an in-service tank at one time.
Welding procedure specification (WPS), and welders and welding operators shall be qualified in accordance with:
Section IX of the ASME Code.
When a tank is reconstructed, each welder and welding operator shall be assigned:
An identifying number, letter, or symbol.
When a tank is reconstructed, in lieu of other means of identification, the welder or welding operator’s identification mark shall be hand or machine stamped adjacent to and at intervals along the completed weld not exceeding:
3’ along completed welds.
Acceptable settlement may be determined as described in Appendix B of API Standard 653. An alternate to this is:
A rigorous stress analysis of the tank may be carried out.
The minimum dimension of a lapped patch repair plate is:
The thickness to be used for each shell course when checking the design for a reconstructed and relocated tank shall be based on measurements taken within _____ days prior to relocation.
The projection of the bottom plate beyond the outside toe of the shell-to-bottom weld shall be at least ____ inch.
In lieu of stamping complete welds:
A record may be kept that identifies the welder or welding operator employed for each welded joint.
If a tank shell has a thickness no greater than _____ the risk of failure due to brittle fracture is minimal, provided that an evaluation for suitability of service per section 2 of API 653 has been performed.
Where concrete ringwalls are provided under the shell, the top of the ringwall shall be level within ____ in any 30’ of the circumference measured from the average elevation.
Plus or minus 1/8”.
When design and construction details are not given and are not available for a tank, then details that will provide a level of integrity equal to the level provided by the current edition of _______ must be used.
API Standard 650
Excess settlement during a hydrotest shall be cause to:
Stop the test for foundation investigation and / or repair.
Impact testing is not required for a design temperature of:
Greater than 60F.
Where concrete ring walls are provided under the shell, the top of the ringwall shall be level within +/- _____ inch in any 30’ of circumference and +/- _____ inch in the total circumference measured from the average elevation.
1/8” and ¼”
The measurement for internal bottom settlement shall have maximum of _____ feet spacing between elevation points across the diameter?
Completed welds of stress relieved assemblies shall be examined by _______, after stress relieving, but before hydrotest.
VT & MT or PT
Repaired shell vertical joints shall have ______ radiograph taken in every joint.
A name plate for a reconstructed tank shall have:
Design condition listed
The minimum length of readable RT film according to API 653 is?
When the corrosion rate of a tank is known the interval between taking UT thickness measurements shall be the smaller of RCA/2N or:
15 years.
If the corrosion rate is not known, what is the in-service UT interval?
5 years.
General inspection reports shall include:
Metal thickness measurements, conditions found, repairs, any settlement measurements, and recommendations.