6.5 - Case Studies In Soils And Weathering Flashcards

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What are the 7 soil functions as defined by the European Commission?

  1. Biomass production, including agriculture and forestry
  2. Storing, filtering and transforming nutrients, substances and water
  3. Biodiversity pool, such as habitats, species and genes
  4. Physical and cultural environment for humans and human activities
  5. Source of raw material
  6. Acting as carbon pool
  7. Archive of geological and archaeological heritage
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How does soil science relate to the SDG’s?


Soil science plays a crucial role in achieving many of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as healthy soils are essential for sustaining life on Earth and achieving sustainable development. Here are some examples of how soil science relates to specific SDGs:

Climatology = acts as a carbon storage and ghg regulation.
Food security= provides food
Water security - Flood mitigation and filters nutrients and contaminants

SDG 2: Zero Hunger - Healthy soils are essential for producing nutritious crops and feeding the world’s growing population. Soil scientists work to improve soil fertility and health, reduce soil erosion and degradation, and promote sustainable agriculture practices that ensure food security for all.

SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation - Soil acts as a natural filter, helping to clean and purify water as it moves through the soil layers. Soil scientists work to protect and conserve soil resources to maintain clean and abundant water sources for people and ecosystems.

SDG 13: Climate Action - Soils play a critical role in the global carbon cycle and are a major carbon sink. Soil scientists study how soils store and release carbon, and how land management practices can enhance soil carbon sequestration to mitigate climate change.

SDG 15: Life on Land - Healthy soils are critical for sustaining biodiversity and healthy ecosystems. Soil scientists work to protect and restore degraded soils and habitats, and promote sustainable land management practices that support biodiversity conservation.

Overall, soil science is essential for achieving a wide range of SDGs, as soil health and sustainability are intertwined with many aspects of human and planetary well-being.

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What is the science of terroir?


Terroir is a French term used to describe the combination of environmental factors, including soil, topography, climate, and other natural factors, that give a particular region and its agricultural products, such as wine, a unique and distinctive character. The science of terroir is the study of how these environmental factors influence the growth and development of crops and other agricultural products, and how they contribute to the unique sensory qualities of these products.

Terroir is based on the idea that environmental factors have a direct impact on the physical and chemical characteristics of crops, such as their taste, aroma, and texture. For example, soil composition and drainage can affect the mineral content of grapes, which in turn affects the flavor of wine made from those grapes. Similarly, climate factors such as temperature, sunlight, and rainfall can affect the ripening process of grapes, which can also influence the flavor and quality of wine.

Scientists studying terroir use a variety of techniques to analyze and understand the environmental factors that contribute to the unique characteristics of agricultural products. These may include soil analysis, climate modeling, and sensory evaluation techniques to assess the flavor and aroma of crops. By understanding the science of terroir, farmers and winemakers can better manage their agricultural practices to preserve and enhance the unique characteristics of their crops, and consumers can gain a greater appreciation for the diverse and complex flavors that are possible in agricultural products.

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How can terroir affect whiskey ?


Terroir can also play a role in the production of peat and whiskey, which are closely linked through the use of peat as a fuel for drying malted barley during the whiskey-making process. Peat is a partially decomposed organic material that accumulates in wetland environments, and its composition can be influenced by environmental factors such as soil type, climate, and hydrology.

Peat harvested from different regions can vary in its chemical composition, which can affect the flavor and aroma of the whiskey produced from malted barley dried with that peat. For example, peat harvested from coastal areas may have a higher salt content than peat from inland areas, which can affect the flavor of the whiskey. Similarly, the type of vegetation that makes up the peat can also influence its chemical composition and the flavor of the whiskey.

The terroir of peat used in whiskey production can therefore have a significant impact on the sensory qualities of the whiskey, just as the terroir of grapes can affect the flavor of WINE . Whiskey makers may carefully select the peat they use based on its chemical composition and the flavors it can impart to the whiskey. In this way, the science of terroir can help to create unique and distinctive whiskies that reflect the character of the regions where they are produced.

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How can terroir affect wine?


Terroir can have a significant impact on the flavor, aroma, and character of wine. The combination of soil type, climate, topography, and other environmental factors in a particular region can influence the growth and development of grapes, as well as the chemical composition of the grapes themselves.

For example, the soil in which grapes are grown can affect their mineral content and nutrient uptake, which can influence the flavor of the wine. Grapes grown in soils with high levels of minerals such as calcium and potassium may produce wines with a more acidic taste, while those grown in soils with lower levels of these minerals may produce wines that are more fruity and full-bodied.

Climate factors such as temperature, sunlight, and rainfall can also influence the ripening process of grapes, which can affect the flavor and quality of the wine. For example, grapes grown in cooler climates may have higher levels of acidity and lower sugar content, resulting in wines that are more tart and less sweet. Grapes grown in warmer climates, on the other hand, may have higher sugar content, resulting in wines that are more full-bodied and fruity.

Topography and other environmental factors can also play a role in the development of grape flavors. For example, grapes grown on steep slopes may experience different temperature and moisture conditions than those grown on flat terrain, which can influence their flavor and aroma.

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What happens to soil at or beyond the dry limit for life?


The “dry limit for life” refers to the point at which there is not enough water available to support most forms of life in soil. In extremely dry environments, such as deserts or some polar regions, soil can reach or even go beyond this limit.

When soil is at or beyond the dry limit for life, it becomes extremely arid, with little to no moisture available for plants or other organisms. This can lead to a significant reduction in soil organic matter and nutrient content, as well as a decrease in microbial activity.

However, even in these extremely dry environments, there are still some forms of life that can survive. For example, certain types of bacteria and fungi are adapted to live in arid soils and can remain active even when soil moisture levels are extremely low. Some desert plants have also evolved mechanisms to survive in dry conditions, such as developing deep root systems to access moisture deep within the soil.

In general, soil at or beyond the dry limit for life is not suitable for agriculture or other forms of intensive land use. However, understanding the unique microbial communities and plant adaptations that exist in these environments can help us better understand how life can persist in extreme conditions, and may lead to the development of new technologies and practices for managing soil in arid regions.

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What happens to outputs and inputs when the soil reaches the dry limit for life?


If it doesn’t tain then Outputs &laquo_space;Inputs (soils gain volume)
When soil reaches or goes beyond the dry limit for life, there are some significant changes in both inputs and outputs. Here are a few examples:


Water: Obviously, the most significant input that changes is water. In dry limit soil, there is much less water available for plants and microorganisms to use. This can lead to a decrease in plant growth and microbial activity.

Nutrients: Without water, nutrient availability can also decrease. Some nutrients may become more concentrated as water evaporates, but this can also make them more difficult for plants to take up.

Organic matter: Soil organic matter can also decrease as soil dries out. Microorganisms that break down organic matter require water to survive, so they may become less active or die off in dry soil.

Plant biomass: In dry soil, plant growth is often reduced, which means less biomass is produced.

CO2 emissions: Microbial activity is often reduced in dry soil, which means less CO2 is released through respiration.

Nutrient leaching: In dry soil, nutrients may become more concentrated and less available for plants, but they may also be more likely to be lost through erosion or leaching.

Overall, soil at or beyond the dry limit for life is often less productive and less able to support plant growth and other forms of life. However, understanding the unique inputs and outputs in these extreme environments can help us better manage soil in arid regions, and may lead to the development of new technologies and practices for agriculture and land management in these areas.

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What happens to soil when inputs are greater than outputs?


Soil volume may increase when outputs are smaller than inputs due to the accumulation of materials in the soil. When inputs to the soil, such as water and nutrients, are greater than the outputs, which include plant uptake and leaching, these materials can accumulate in the soil and lead to an increase in soil volume.

For example, if a soil receives more water than it loses through evaporation and transpiration, the excess water can accumulate in the soil and increase its volume. Similarly, if nutrients are added to the soil, but are not taken up by plants or lost through leaching, they can accumulate in the soil and contribute to an increase in volume

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What is a reservoir of nitrate beneath soils?


A reservoir of nitrate beneath soils refers to a layer of soil or rock that contains a significant amount of nitrate, which is a form of nitrogen that is important for plant growth.

Nitrate can be produced naturally through a process called nitrification, in which bacteria in the soil convert ammonium (another form of nitrogen) into nitrate. Nitrate can also be introduced to the soil through human activities, such as the use of fertilizers or the disposal of waste products.

In some cases, nitrate can accumulate in a layer of soil or rock beneath the surface. This can happen when the nitrate is not taken up by plants or when it is not readily available for use by other organisms. The nitrate can then be stored in the soil or rock, forming a reservoir that can be tapped into by plants or other organisms as needed.

The presence of a nitrate reservoir can have important implications for soil fertility and plant growth. Plants that are able to access nitrate from the reservoir may be able to grow more quickly or produce higher yields than plants that rely solely on the nitrate in the topsoil. However, the presence of excess nitrate in the soil can also lead to environmental problems, such as groundwater contamination or the production of greenhouse gases. Therefore, it is important to carefully manage the use of fertilizers and other sources of nitrate in order to maintain soil fertility while minimizing negative impacts on the environment.

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What is a reservoir of nitrate beneath desert soils?


In desert soils, a reservoir of nitrate may be formed due to the unique characteristics of these ecosystems. Because deserts are dry environments with low levels of rainfall and plant growth, the input of nitrogen into the soil is typically very low. However, when rainfall does occur, it can lead to a sudden surge in biological activity as dormant bacteria and other microorganisms are reactivated.

During these periods of increased rainfall, the bacteria in the soil can begin to convert nitrogen from the atmosphere into nitrate, which can then be stored in the soil. In addition, the increased availability of water can allow plants to grow and take up nitrogen from the soil, which can also contribute to the formation of a nitrate reservoir.

Over time, these periodic pulses of nitrogen input can lead to the formation of a deep layer of soil or rock containing significant amounts of nitrate. This nitrate reservoir can then provide a source of nitrogen for plant growth and other biological processes during periods of low rainfall.

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Where on earth is used as a mars analogue?


The Atacama Desert is often seen as a Mars analogue because it shares many similarities with the Martian environment, including its arid and hyperarid conditions, high UV radiation, and extreme temperature fluctuations. These similarities make the Atacama an ideal location for testing and developing technologies for future Mars missions, as well as for conducting scientific research to better understand the Martian environment.

For example, scientists studying the Atacama use rover prototypes and other technologies designed for Mars exploration to test their performance in extreme environments, as well as to conduct experiments on the geological and biological processes that may be relevant to Mars. The Atacama also provides opportunities for astrobiologists to study how microbial life survives and thrives in harsh conditions, which could shed light on the potential for life on Mars.

Overall, the Atacama Desert serves as an important Mars analogue because it allows scientists to test technologies, conduct experiments, and gain insights into the environmental conditions and potential for life on the red planet.

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What did we expect from Martian soil geochemistry vs what we found?


Prior to the exploration of Mars, scientists expected that the geochemistry of Martian soil would be similar to that of Earth’s soil, with the presence of minerals such as clays, sulfates, and oxides. However, the first data obtained from the Viking lander in 1976 revealed a surprising finding: the Martian soil appeared to contain no organic compounds.

In subsequent missions, such as the Mars Pathfinder and the Mars Exploration Rovers (Spirit and Opportunity), scientists discovered that the Martian soil is rich in iron and sulfur, and contains a high abundance of basaltic minerals, such as olivine and pyroxene. These minerals suggest that the Martian soil may have been formed from volcanic activity, and that it has undergone little weathering and erosion over time.

More recent discoveries from the Curiosity rover and other missions have found evidence of complex organic molecules, such as chlorobenzene and chloroalkanes, in Martian soil samples. This has led to renewed interest in the search for past or present life on Mars, as organic molecules can be a key building block for life.

Overall, the geochemistry of Martian soil has turned out to be more complex and varied than initially expected, and continues to provide new insights into the history and potential for life on the red planet.

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What dominant salts did we expect in Martian soil vs what we found


Prior to the exploration of Mars, scientists expected that the dominant salts in Martian soil would be similar to those found in Earth’s soils, such as calcium and magnesium sulfates. However, the first data obtained from the Viking landers in 1976 revealed a surprising finding: the Martian soil appeared to contain a high concentration of chlorine, leading to the suggestion that perchlorate salts may be present on the planet.

Subsequent missions, such as the Mars Pathfinder, Phoenix Lander, and Mars Science Laboratory (Curiosity rover), have confirmed the presence of perchlorate salts in Martian soil, along with other salts such as chlorate and sulfate. These salts can have significant implications for potential habitability on Mars, as perchlorates can be harmful to life as we know it, while other salts may be more benign.

Overall, the presence of these salts in Martian soil has challenged our understanding of the planet’s history and geochemistry, and continues to be an area of active research and exploration.

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What was the mars phoenix rover?


The mission’s main objective was to study the history of water on Mars by analyzing the Martian soil and searching for signs of past or present microbial life.

It dug up Martian soil and studied the soil samples.

During its mission, Phoenix discovered water ice beneath the Martian soil, and its instruments detected and analyzed a variety of minerals and organic compounds in the soil samples. The mission provided valuable insights into the geochemistry and habitability of Mars, and helped to lay the groundwork for future exploration and potential human missions to the planet.

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What is desertification?


Desertification is the process by which fertile land is transformed into arid and desert-like areas, usually as a result of natural climate change or human activities such as overgrazing, deforestation, and inappropriate agricultural practices. It is characterized by the loss of vegetation cover, erosion of soil, and the depletion of water resources.

Desertification can occur in any dryland ecosystem, and it is often a gradual process that can go unnoticed until it is too late to reverse. The impacts of desertification can be significant, including reduced agricultural productivity, loss of biodiversity, increased poverty and food insecurity, and social conflict.

Preventing and reversing desertification requires a multi-faceted approach that includes sustainable land management practices, reforestation and afforestation, conservation of water resources, and improved governance and policies. Efforts to combat desertification are critical for protecting the health and well-being of millions of people around the world who rely on dryland ecosystems for their livelihoods and food security

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Is the repository of paleo-atmospheric chemistry underexplored?


The repository of paleoatmospheric chemistry is a complex and evolving field of study, and while significant progress has been made in recent decades, there is still much to be learned. While some aspects of paleoatmospheric chemistry are well-understood, such as the evolution of atmospheric oxygen levels over geological time, other areas remain underexplored.

For example, the impact of ancient volcanic eruptions on atmospheric composition, as well as the role of biogeochemical cycles in shaping atmospheric chemistry, are areas of active research. Additionally, the development of new analytical techniques, such as high-resolution mass spectrometry and laser-based isotope ratio analysis, has opened up new avenues for studying paleoatmospheric chemistry.

Overall, while there is still much to be discovered and understood in the field of paleoatmospheric chemistry, ongoing research and technological advancements hold promise for uncovering new insights into the evolution of Earth’s atmosphere over geological time.