65 Flashcards
Esti me assiduo defectum cura dolore sevocat a docti, Hortale, virginibus, nec potis est dulcis Musarum expromere fetus mens animi, tantis fluctuat ipsa malis -
Although anxiety calls me away from the learned muses/maidens, having been weakened by constant grief, oh Hortalus, nor is the mind of my soul able to reveal the offspring of the sweet muses, it fluctuates with/from so/such great evils itself -
namque mei nuper Lethaeo in gurgite fratris pallidulum manans alluit unda pedem, Troia Rhoeteo quem subter litore tellus ereptum nostris obterit ex oculis.
for in fact, recently the flowing wave washed the pale foot of my brother in the whirlpool of Lethe, whom the Trojan earth crushes under the shore of Rhoeteum, having been snatched away from our eyes.
numquam ego te, vita frater amabilior, aspiciam posthac?
hereafter shall I never look at you again, oh brother more lovable than life?
at certe semper amabo, semper maesta tua carmina morte canam, qualia sub densis ramorum concinit umbris Daulias, absumpti fata gemens Ityli. -
but certainly I will always love [you/him], I will always sing sorrowful songs for your death, like the kinds that the Dualian one sing together under the dense shadows of branches, lamenting the fates of Itylus having been removed by death. -
sed tamen in tantis maeroribus, Hortale, mitto haec expressa tibi carmina Battiadae,
but, nevertheless, in such great mourning, oh Hortalus, I send to you these translated songs of the Battiades [Callimachus],
ne tua dicta vagis nequiquam credita ventis effluxisse meo forte putes {subj.} animo, ut missum sponsi furtivo munere malum procurrit casto virginis e gremio,
lest by chance you should think your words flowed from my mind having been entrusted to the roaming winds in vain, just as an apple runs forward from the pure lap of a maiden having been sent as a secret gift of her betrothed,
quod miserae oblitae molli sub veste locatum, dum adventu matris prosilit, excutitur, atque illud prono praeceps agitur decursu, huic, manat tristi conscius ore rubor.
which having been placed under the soft clothing of the wretched girl having been forgotten, is shaken out, as she rushes forward during the the arrival of the mother, and so by leaning forwards that apple is driven headlong with a descent, from this, a guilty blush flows over the sad face.