64 verbs 15 notar Flashcards
So can use it in the reflexive so I can say¨I can see that when stating the obvious. It has connotations of to perceive or to notice
why learn notar?
Se te nota
So I see
se nota que es novato
you can tell he’s a beginner
¡cómo se nota que no pagas tú!
it’s obvious you’re not paying!
se notaba que había estado llorando
you could see she’d been crying
¿se notan las puntadas?
do the stitches show?
se notó mucho que no le gustó
it was very obvious she didn’t like it
- te has puesto maquillaje
2. ¿se nota mucho?
- you’re wearing makeup
2. is it very noticeable?
se le nota mucho el acento
his accent is very noticeable
apenas se le nota la cicatriz
you can hardly see the scar
anotar, apuntar
What verbs to you use for to note down?
apunta todo lo que tienes que comprar
make a note of everything you have to buy
tengo que apuntar tu dirección
I must jot down your address
asegúrate de anotar todos los detalles
make sure you make a note of all the details
anota mi número de teléfono
make a note of my phone number