64 verbs 10 servir Flashcards
1, to serve (fml)
- to work, as in to function or use as (the most common)
- in stock formal phrases
- what are the 2 common meanings of servir?
- which is the most common?
- How is the less common used?
no sirve mi teléfono
my phone doesn´t work
¿Para qué sirve?
What is it used for? or What good is it?
¿En qué le puedo servir?
How can I help you?
- Tome lo que quiera
2. servir
- Help yourself. eg to food
2. what verb DON´T we use?
sirvió en Infantería
he served in the Infantry
¿esto sirve para algo?
is this (of) any use?
tíralo, ya no me sirve
throw it away, it’s (of) no use to me
esto te puede servir de manto para el disfraz
you can use this as a cloak for your fancy dress costume
idea of to do the favour of doing X, formal
ie servirse + infinitive
How do you use servirse?
si el señor se sirve firmar aquí …
if you would be kind enough to sign here, Sir
sírvase rellenar la solicitud que se adjunta
please fill in the enclosed application form
sírvase pasar por caja donde le harán efectivo el pago
if you would like to go over to the cashier, they will give you the money
les rogamos se sirvan enviarnos esta información a la brevedad
we would ask you to send us this information at your earliest convenience