64-70 Society Flashcards
-1961, 75% had a tv and by 1971 it was 91%
-bbc 2 launched april 1964, first colour tv july 1967
-23% of leisure time by 1969
-development of cheap portable radios, car stereos
-radio 1 opened sep 1967, tony blackburn presenter
The sun
-the sun launched 1964 replaced the daily herald
-1969 bought by rupert murdoch
Leisure time
-diy and gardening became popular
-cookery, knitting still popular
-live theatre, events and football shrank in popularity
Car ownership
-car used for 77% of journeys by 1974
-bus, coach and train travel declined as a result
-34 million in 1961, 41 million by 1971
-4 million abroad 1961, 7 million by 1971
-britannia airways formed 1964
-largely for middle classes due to high prices
-package holidays 4% 1966 to 8.4% 1971
Tech developments
-1969 US landed on the moon
-post office tower for telecommunications 1965
-development of concorde
Theatre censorship
-plays had to gain a license from lord chamberlain
-backbencher george strauss and jenkins passed bill to abolish censorship 1968
-members of hair faced audience naked 1968
-mid 1960s more daring, darling (1965), alfie (1966)
-screen violence, sex became more acceptable
Feminist novels
-‘the feminine mystique’ betty friedan 1963
-‘women:the longest revolution’ juliet mitchell 1966
-‘the female eunuch’ jermaine greer 1970
women in work/education
-28% of higher education students by 1970
-5% of women reached managerial positions
-most jobs in service sector with low pay/prospects
-girls frequently left school at the minimum age
Family planning act
-1967 allowed local authorities to provide contraceptives and contraceptive advice
-number of illegitimate births 5.8% 1960 to 8.2% 1970
First womens lib conference
-held in oxford feb 1970 4 demands made:
-equal pay, free contraception/abortion, equal jobs/education, free 24 hour childcare
Further womens acts
-matrimonial property 1970
-womens work at home/office should be accounted for
-1970 equal pay act didnt come into force till 1975
Critics of ‘the permissive society’
-catholic church hostile to contraceptive pill
-mary whitehouse set up national viewers and listeners association 1965, had 100k members
Drug use
-cocaine and heroin 10x more common in 1960s
-dangerous drugs act 1967 made weed/coke illegal
-wootton report 1968 recommended weed legalisation
-1970 drug supplying max sentence of 14 years
Youths moral standards
-alcohol tobacco and caffeine used more than drugs
-1969 survey showed young people spent more time listening to music at home than at clubs/festivals
New trends for the youth
-listened to popular music through radio one
-ready steady go (1963) and top of the pops (1964) spread new trends in clothes, music and dance
New youth subcultures
-skinheads with braces, doc martens emerged late 1960s
-hippies embraced flower power and trends from america like love, peace, environmentalism
Vietnam war protests
-17 march 1968 violent scenes at an anti war demonstration
-28 march another violent with 200 arrested
-final one oct 1968 30,000 took park more peaceful
Racist attitudes
-north london survey in 1965
-1/5 would refuse to work with black people/asians
-1/2 would refuse to live next door
-9/10 disagreed with mixed marriages
first race relations act
-forbade discrimination in public about skin colour
-discrimination in housing/employment excluded
-race relations board would mediate between sides
Rivers of blood speech
-enoch powell in response to arrival of kenyan asians
-april 1968 complained about the constant immigration
Reaction to rivers of blood speech
-heath sacked him from shadow cabinet, didnt speak
-strikes from dockers/meat porters in response to sacking and protest march to downing street
-75% of population supported what he said
Second race relations act
-banned racial discrimination in housing, employment and other social services
Problems with 2nd race relations act
-complaints against police excluded from the law
-race relations board only upheld 10% of 1241 complaints about discriminatory employment to jan 1972