6.3 - Second Group of Exclusions: Loss or Damage Not Insured Flashcards
Exclusions - Loss or Damage Not Insured:
>Marring, scratching, abrasion, chipping, or breakage
-LoD caused by marring, scratching, abraision, or chipping or personal property or breakage of fragile or brittle articles is excluded unless caused by:
>a specified peril
>an accident to a land vehicle, watercraft, or aircraft; or
>theft or attempted theft
-this exclusion is added to the comp form because of the change to all-risks coverage, the exemptions make the coverage under the comp form slightly greater than under the basic or broad form
-such losses are excluded in the homeowners forms, but special insurance is available for especially valuable articles, often under separate policies or as separate riders attached to a HOs policy
Exclusions - Loss or Damage Not Insured:
>Wear and Tear
-comp and broad forms exclude loss due to wear and tear, deterioration, or defect
-its purpose is to avoid disputes about what a “risk” is
-in this case, the excluded causes of loss are not unexpected events but inevitable or inherent in the objects concerned
-the remedy for them is adequate maintenance or to accept them as business or inevitable losses
Exclusions - Loss or Damage Not Insured:
>Faulty Design, Material or Workmanship
-all-risks policies exclude loss due to the cost of making good faulty design, material, or workmanship
-these are losses due to lack of expertise, lack of care, or both
-insurers do not want to pay for someone else’s poor workmanship
Exclusions - Loss or Damage Not Insured:
>Setting, Expansion, Contraction, Moving, Bulging, Buckling or Cracking
-comp and broad forms exclude loss due to Settling, expansion, contraction, moving, bulging, buckling or cracking, including LoD caused by or resulting from pressure exerted by ground water, except resulting damage to glass of the dwelling and of the detached private structures, unless directly or indirectly caused by earthquake
-recent Canadian court cases have suggested this exclusion was only intended to exclude damages from gradual, naturally occurring events
-on this interpretation, if the settling is the direct result of sudden, human-made, fortuitous events such as a compaction of soil at an adjacent property, a broken watermain on municipal property, or a leak in a neighbour’s sprinkler system, the insurer will not be able to rely on this exclusion and will be required to pay the loss
Exclusions - Loss or Damage Not Insured:
>Data or Data Problem
-when security of system is breached, consequences may be serious and costly to fix, similarly, actions that deny service to Internet users may also result in financial loss
-whether deliberately or accidentally created and spread , a virus represents potential financial cost to a business or individual computer owner
-the heart of the problem is data - data for financial transactions, business plans, or product development; data for software; data printed or on screen, in code, in numerical or alphabetic characters, in tables, or in text; data that could be compromised, misinterpreted, or misappropriated or deliberately or inadvertently deleted, added or changed
-property policies exclude data, they also exclude LoD caused directly or indirectly by a data problem
-but the exclusion of loss due to a data problem does not apply to LoD directly caused by resultant fire, explosion, smoke, or water damage, all as defined int he specified perils clause
Exclusions - Loss or Damage Not Insured:
-the homeowners forms exclude LoD if it occurs after the dwelling has, to the insured’s knowledge, been vacant for more than 30 consecutive days
-vacancy is material to the insurer’s acceptance of the risk, in terms of coverage, and perhaps also the policy premium
-exclusion is triggered after 30 days and applies for as long as the vacancy persists, and the policy is not terminated, however, and coverage is automatically reinstated as soon as the vacancy ends
-vacancy is not the same as unoccupancy - the distinction lies in whether the occupants intend to return
-prolonged vacancy, unoccupancy, or disuse adversely affects the character of the risk, the property may be unsupervised, it may be vandalized, or used by trespassers who may start a fire, accidentally or deliberately, and should a fire start in the premises, notification to the fire department may be delayed
Exclusions - Loss or Damage Not Insured:
>Nuclear Incident
-both direct and indirect loss caused by nuclear incident are ecluded, except for ensuing loss or damage which results directly from fire or explosion
Exclusions - Loss or Damage Not Insured:
>Radioactive Contamination
-the homeowners forms exclude LoD caused by contamination by radioactive material except for ensuing LoD which results directly from fire or explosion; this exclusion is taken from the insurance acts of the common law provinces and territories
-contamination insurance is highly specialized and usually obtained only by the few who handle radioactive substances
-in hospitals of laboratories, property could be rendered unusable, which is really a business risk
-the major exposure for operations that use radioactive material extensively (for example power generators) is liability to others
-insurance for such risks is available through specialty sources
Exclusions - Loss or Damage Not Insured:
>War Risks
-LoD caused by war, invasion, act of a foreign enemy, hostilities, civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, or military power is excluded
-under this exclusions, loss by fire and by explosion is excluded if caused by one of the listed events
-generally the events listed in this exclusion are considered uninsurable
-under the HOs forms, riot is not considered a war risk and is therefore covered either as a named peril in the basic form or because it is not excluded under the all-risks coverage of the broad or comp form
Exclusions - Loss or Damage Not Insured:
>Intentional or Criminal Acts
-the HOs forms, and property policies in general, exclude los sfrom an intentional or criminal act or failure to act by any person insured by the policy or at the direction or any person insured by the policy
-historically, where there has been more than one insured under the policy, it has been possible to exclude coverage for all insureds even if the loss was caused by the criminal or intentional act of just one of them
-more recently, however, legislation has been passed in some provinces to protect “innocent co-insureds”
-to obtain this protection, the innocent insured must cooperate with the loss investigation, submit to an examination under oath, and produce requested information and documentation
-in recognition of such legislative changes, the exclusion in the IBC forms now protects an innocent co-insured - any person insured by the policy, but only to the extent of that person’s proportional interest in the lost or damaged property - who:
>has not committed and was not a party to the intentional or criminal act or failure to act
>has not abetted or colluded in the intentional or criminal act or failure to act; or
>has not consented to the intentional or criminal act or failure to act and neither knew nor ought to have known that the intentional or criminal act or failure to act would cause the loss or damage
Exclusions - Loss or Damage Not Insured:
>Property being Worked On
-all HOs forms exclude damage to property undergoing any process or while being worked on, where the damage results from the process or work
-resulting damage to other property is still covered
Exclusions - Loss or Damage Not Insured:
>Water Damage
-accumulations of ice and snow often compound problems, when water freezes, its volume increased, and the pressure can fracture pipes or other apparatus
-unlikely where heating is maintained in winter, but in unheated areas or outdoors, precautions are needed - ex. shutting off the water supply and draining pipes
-the policy will not cover damage caused by freezing to such piping or apparatus if it is not adequately protected
Exclusions - Loss or Damage Not Insured:
>Covered Water Damage - the 4 Sources of Water Damage
-in IBC named-perils forms, water damage encompasses loss of or damage to insured property caused by only 4 specific scenarios - under the water damage peril, and in the all-risks forms, coverage for those scenarios is ensured by making them exceptions to the exclusion of water damage so that the same 4 sources of water damage are covered.
-broad form includes them under the water damage peril in Coverage C
-broad and comp form excludes water damage, except for these four sources of water damage
- the sudden and accidental escape of water or steam from within a plumbing, heating, cooling, sprinkler or air conditioning system or domestic water container which is located within the insured’s dwelling or detached private structures
- the sudden and accidental escape of water from a domestic water container which is located outside the dwelling or detached private structures
- the sudden and accidental escape of water from a watermain located outside the insured’s dwelling or detached private structures
- Water that enters the dwelling or detached private structures through an opening created suddenly and accidentally by an insured specified peril other than water damage
Exclusions - Loss or Damage Not Insured:
>Covered Water Damage - 1. Building Systems and containers, and sprinkler systems
> building systems and containers:
-steam may escape from a hot-water heater or storage tank or heating system with such force that it expands over a large area, cools and becomes liquid
-water leaks from plumbing systems if they are not maintained as they age
-A/C systems condense excess moisture that is then drained through a pipe and if the pipe becomes blocked, it will back up and water will leak, damaging the dwelling or DPS and possibly the contents
> sprinkler systems:
-may either be the wet of the dry type
-pipes in a wet system release water when the heat of a fire opens a sprinkler head
-the pipes in a dry system only contain air under pressure, which is released if a head opens, the resulting drop in pressure trips a booster pump that sends water into the pipes to the heads that have opened
-systems should be properly maintained or serviced as they age
Exclusions - Loss or Damage Not Insured:
>Covered Water Damage - 2. Exterior Domestic Water Container
-an example of swimming pool is the most obvious, but “domestic water container” is broadly defined
-freezing is specifically excluded
Exclusions - Loss or Damage Not Insured:
>Covered Water Damage - 3. Watermain
-watermain is usually underground and often provides water for firefighting, as well as for drinking and other domestic uses
-if breaks, can lead to thousands of litres of water pouring out very quickly, can often overwhelm drainage facilities
Exclusions - Loss or Damage Not Insured:
>Covered Water Damage - 4. Opening created by Insured Peril
-water may enter the dwelling or DPS through an opening that has been suddenly and accidentally created by an insured peril other than water damage
-but that entry point of water need not coincide with the creation of the opening, not long enough for the insured to have had reasonable chance to deal with the original damage that caused the hole
Exclusions - Loss or Damage Not Insured:
>Water Damage - Freezing during heating
-freezing in an unheated part of the dwelling or DPS during the normal heating system is NOT covered
-freezing IS covered for each part of the dwelling or DPS that is heated, unless all members of the insured’s household are absent for more than a certain number of days - the number of days is left unspecified in IBC forms, but 4 days has been a common standard
-in the event of such an absence, and exception to the exclusion may restore coverage on either of two conditions:
1. the insured arranges for a competent person to enter the dwelling or DPS each day it is unoccupied - including the first 4 days - to verify that the heating system is continuing to work properly. “competent person” - they ought to know and be able to do what the insured would do in the circumstances
>if freezing still occurs during this unoccupancy with the person checking, the insured would not be penalized, the insured may be subrogated to any rights the insured might have against the person responsible for checking the dwelling or DPS
2. the water supply has been shut off and all pipes and domestic water containers have been drained
Exclusions - Loss or Damage Not Insured:
>Water Damage - Continuous or Repeated Leakage or Discharge of Water
-repeated leakage or discharge of water implies deterioration or a failure to maintain the property
-that suggests the ultimate damage is not fortuitous and so is not an insurable risk
-the question whether water leakage has been continuous or repeated as opposed to a sudden and accidental escape must be decided on the facts of each case
Exclusions - Loss or Damage Not Insured:
>Water Damage - Seepage
-“seepage” means - a slow flow of water that takes place over a more extended period of time than accidental discharge, usually through porous material
-an isolated event is not excluded, but seepage may persist for a long time, or reoccur from time to time
-repeated seepage also implies deterioration or a failure to maintain the property
Exclusions - Loss or Damage Not Insured:
>Water Damage - Escape from a Sewer, Septic System, or Sump
-water backing up or escaping from a Sewer, Septic system, or sump is generally caused by a plugged or otherwise dysfunctional drain or by a reverse flow from an external source beyond the dwelling or DPS’s plumbing and drainage systems
-common cause of sewer blockage is tree roots breaking through the pipes
-frequently, reverse flows occur during or shortly after a significant rainfall where the systems cannot handle the volume of water and possible rise in the water table
-some insurers amend this exclusion to allow the coverage of sewer backup, perhaps to a specified amount, depending on the location of the risk and additional premium will probably be charged
Exclusions - Loss or Damage Not Insured:
>Water Damage - Water System or Domestic Water Container
-this exclusion concerns a receptacle rather than the damage caused by escaping water
-this exclusion is of LoD to a system, which includes plumbing, heating, cooling, sprinkler, or air conditioning systems, in addition to domestic water containers from which water has escaped
-such LoD to the system or container would likely be due to mechanical failure, wear and tear, deterioration, or corrosion
-damage to the system or container is therefore not covered
Exclusions - Loss or Damage Not Insured:
>Water Damage - Building under Construction of Vacant
-LoD caused by the escape of water or steam is not covered if it occurs while the dwelling or DPS is under construction or vacant - even if written permission for construction or vacancy, or both, has been given by the insurer
Exclusions - Loss or Damage Not Insured:
>Water Damage - Freezing involving Domestic Water Containers
-coverage for escape of water from a domestic container located outside the dwelling or DPS, does NOT include:
>any LoD when the escape of water is caused by freezing; or
>any LoD caused directly or indirectly to a “domestic water container” as a result of freezing