10.1 - Underwriting Property Insurance Flashcards
Underwriting Property Insurance - The Role of Brokers and Agents
-increasingly insurers are giving Brokers underwriting authority within specified limits
-even when Brokers do not have UW authority, brokers must do a form of underwriting, to anticipate the questions that underwriters will ask and to present them with risks and terms they are willing to accept
-brokers and agents and underwriters all underwrite the risk, but they do so from different perspectives. Broker or agent underwrites for the insured and the insurer; the underwriter underwrites for the insurer
-broker or agent has personal contact with the insured, and may even know them personally, the UW only has the information provided by the broker or agent and generally does not know the insured
-conversely, the underwriter know the types of risk the insurer needs to insure to generate a profit, and the UW may also see why certain risks may not be appropriate for the insurer. This difference in perspective may cause conflict between the broker or agent and the underwriter
-broker or agent will use the same UW process as the insurer’s UW, with the added benefit of having direct contact with the prospective insured
-brokers or agents negotiate terms and conditions for new policies, endorsements, and renewal with the insurers, so they compare the client’s needs with the insurer’s requirements
-part of the negotiation is to pre-qualify the client for the insurer in accordance with the insurer’s UW rules and guidelines and the authority granted to the broker or agent by its contract with the insurer
(1) the insurance company or group that underwrites or insures a particular risk
(2) the individual within an insurance company whose responsibility it is to accept or reject business in the particular line in which she specializes and, in this way, choose the risk her principals are prepared to underwrite
Underwriting Property Insurance - The Role of Underwriters
-to survive and make profit, insurers must offer coverage to insureds that, as a group, are likely to incur less in losses than they pay in premiums for their coverage, therefore, insurers must seek insureds that pose acceptable risks of loss, but avoid insureds that pose unacceptable risks of loss
-in accepting or rejecting risks on behalf of an insurer, UWs are in effect investing the insurer’s capital in those risks they accept and decline to invest capital in those risk they reject
-insurer needs an underwriting strategy, such as, identifying the types of risk the insurer wants to pursue; the lines of insurance it wants to UW; the reinsurance it can arrange; the amounts of insurance it will offer for the risks of different types and sizes; and the approach it will take to pricing, among other considerations
-underwriters are trained professionals that execute the insurer’s underwriting strategy
The Underwriting Process
-both Broker and agent, and the underwriter have important roles in the underwriting process, in general there are three parts to that process:
- Evaluating the risk
- Making the underwriting decision
- Pricing the risk
The Underwriting Process:
1. Evaluating the Risk
-brokers or agents and underwriters needs to distinguish between the information that they would like to have and the information they need to have - need to know vs want to know
Among the considerations in evaluating a property risk are the following:
>acceptable and unacceptable risks
>claims history
>Financial factors
>physical factors (COPE - construction, occupancy, protection, and exposure)
-COPE and a single family dwelling
-heritage and historic dwellings
The Underwriting Process:
1. Evaluating the Risk
- Acceptable and unacceptable risks
-insurer’s target market, high valued homes, condominiums, rental properties, commercial risks?
-guided by criteria determined by the insurer, which are part of the insurer’s strategic plan
-often specified in an Underwriting guide issued by the insurer’s head office underwriting department
-underwriting guide describes the types of risks the insurer is prepared to consider
-there is also the “line guide”, which describes the maximum amounts of exposure an insurance company is prepared to accept on various classes of risk
“line guide”
a listing of the maximum amounts of exposure an insurance company is prepared to accept on various classes of risk
The Underwriting Process:
1. Evaluating the Risk
- Claims History
-the losses a risk has incurred in the past are a critical tool for assessing the exposure to future loss that the risk represents
-record of pass losses describes the types of loss and the amount paid for each loss, and the UW process should determine what preventative measures, if any, have been taken to help prevent similar loss in the future, which is helpful in assessing how reasonable the coverage and other requested items are, as well as the price to charge
-when applicant indicates no claims history, UW should investigate further:
>did the applicant have insurance in the past? If not, no claims history to base an assessment on
>what deductibles do existing policies included - high deductible may mean the applicant has suffered previous losses and the current insurer has imposed a higher deductible to return more of the risk to the applicant
-a high deductible may also be a problem if the applicant has decided to repair the damages from losses that fall below the deductible. The UW may not learn of such losses and of the hazards that gave rise to them, and left unaddressed, those hazards may represent a large loss waiting to happen
-if the applicant’s current policy carries a large deductible, the UW should ask about all losses and not only losses in excess of the deductible
>the UW should check a commercially available database of personal property claims for losses involving theft or a suspicion of fraud on the part of an applicant or insured. If the applicant’s name should be found in the database, then the UW may follow-up with the Broker or agent about the applicant’s utmost good faith and whether the finding implies a moral hazard
-an UW needs to be careful with accusations of moral hazard, as failure to exercise caution in this regard may expose the insurer to a claim by the applicant for defamation of character
-denied claims should also be investigated as could identify a moral hazard, and can also identify a physical hazard that could cause legitimate claim if the UW were to accept the risk
-loss experience to be analyzed in terms of two basic elements - frequency and severity
-the frequency of loss is an important measure of how often losses are likely to occur, the more frequent, the more likely a severe or shock loss is to occur. The more costly a loss is likely to be, the more seriously the UW must consider whether to accept the risk or whether measures can be taken to reduce the likelihood of a severe loss
-less control over severity than frequency, no control over inflation or repair costs, among the many factors that may determine the final size of a claim, thus an UW might require, as a condition of coverage, that the applicant implement recommendations by the loss control inspector to reduce hazards that could give rise to a severe loss
this is a measure of how often losses are likely to occur in the future. Assuming the average size of loss is constant, the higher the loss frequency, the worse the loss experience
this is the average size of the losses. The larger the loss, the higher the loss severity is said to be. And assuming the loss frequency is constant, the higher the loss severity, the worse the loss experience
The Underwriting Process:
1. Evaluating the Risk
- Claims History - UW frequency and severity
-UW must understand frequency and severity as:
>descriptions of a risk’s loss experience
>measures of the exposure that the risk poses or would pose to the insurer; and
>determinants of the price and other terms under which the insurer might insure the risk
The Underwriting Process:
1. Evaluating the Risk
- Claims History - Fraudulent Claims
> increase insurance premiums
cause direct economic loss to a community when the fire department, police, and doctors are called on
cause direct economic loss to individuals and families through physical damage to insured property
cause indirect economic loss by the increase in insurance premiums and the increased cost of products and services needed to repair physical damage
result in unnecessary death or bodily injury to the general public and to emergency responders
The Underwriting Process:
1. Evaluating the Risk
- Financial Factors: Mortgages
-property is often used as security for a loan; a loan secured by an interest in property is called a mortgage
-the financial strength of an applicant or insured in part reflects the number and quality of the mortgages on the property
-risks with more than 2 mortgagees must be carefully reviewed and may in any event be unacceptable to many insurers
-in addition any risk with a mortgagee that is not a well-known lending institution must also be carefully reviewed
The Underwriting Process:
1. Evaluating the Risk
- Physical Factors: An Overview of COPE
The factors to be assessed in any physical risk: COPE - Construction, Occupancy, Protection, Exposure
C - Construction
>includes a description of the types of material used in the walls and roof of the applicant’s or the insured’s building
>residential homes primarily constructed of frame or frame with brick veneer or solid brick
>high-rise apartment or condo buildings are primarily of hollow concrete block or fire-resistive construction
>other aspects of construction may include the size of the building, its age, the number of storeys, and the type of heating system and fuel used
O - Occupancy
>use of the property by its occupants, number of occupants, the space each occupies, the hazards associated with each occupancy, and any measures taken to reduce those hazards
P - Protection
>includes both public and private protection
>Public protection is based on town grades assigned to each municipality, which is based on the availability and effectiveness of fire hydrants, the municipal water supply and pressure, and the expertise and response time of the fire department
>town grades 1-4 are considered protected; town grades 5-8, semi-protected; and town grades 9 and 10 unprotected
>Private protection includes sprinklers or other extinguishing systems and fire-alarm systems
E - Exposure
>refers to the chance the applicant or insured will suffer a loss as a result of proximity to one of more other risks or potential causes of loss to the applicant
The Underwriting Process:
1. Evaluating the Risk
- Physical Factors: COPE and a Single-Family Dwelling
Questions for a Single-Family Dwelling:
> Construction:
-is the size of the dwelling inappropriate or perhaps disproportionate to the neighbourhood? A larger house may mean greater exposure to other houses
-is the construction standard, or is it odd or unusual (like an environmentally friendly home made of old auto tires
-how is the home heated? Are non-standard fuels used, such as wood or corn pellets? Is the home heated by oil and are the oil tanks above or below ground?
-what is the age of the dwelling? The older the dwelling, the drier and more flammable is any wood used in its construction and the greater possibility of faulty or older high-risk wiring or other construction flaws
-is the dwelling currently under construction or undergoing renovations? That heightens the risk of a fire or other insured loss
-size and configuration of the dwelling and the corresponding likelihood of loss
-increased value should be reflected in an increased amount of insurance and additional premium