6.20.17 Flashcards
PID –> outpt tx
ceftriaxone + doxy + metro
PID –> inpt tx
- 1st: cefoxitin + doxy
- alt: clindamycin + gent
what is courvoisier sign? seen in what condition?
palpable gallbladder –> pancreatic cancer
T/F: painless jaundice is NOT common in pancreatic cancer
jaundice in pancreatic cancer indicates?
obstruct intrapancreatic CBD –> sign of adv dz
what PE finding is highly suggestive of spinal cord compression?
vertebra pt tenderness w percussion
spinal cord compression –> presentation (3)
- vertebral tender
- sensory level
- hyperreflex
spinal cord compression –> should start what med immed?
glucocorticoid –> decrease compression –> prevent permanent paralysis
chol embolization synd –> most accurate dx test
bx of skin lesion –> chol xls
chol emboli –> tx
supportive: no specific tx to reverse atheroembolic dz
chol emboli –> urine finding
A-fib –> initial tx
rate control:
- BB
- CCB –> verapamil, diltiazem –> block AV node
- digoxin
A-fib –> rate controlled to under 100 –> next step?
- warfarin
- dabigatran
- rivaroxaban
A fib –> goal of care (2)
- rate ctrl
- anticoag
T/F: rate ctrl drugs do NOT convert pt into sinus rhythm
CHADS score –> components
- CHF/cardiomyopathy
- Age >75
- DM
- Stroke or TIA = 2pts
CHADS score <1 –> tx
CHADS score >2 –> tx
- warfarin
- dabigatran
- rivaroxaban, apixaba`n
diabetic nephropathy –> earliest renal abnormality? 1st change that can be quantitated?
earliest abnormal: glomerular hyperfiltrate
earliest qty: glomerular BM thicken
sz –> can lead to post or ant shoulder dislocation?
10M –> persistent HA w no relief, daily nonbloody nonbilious emesis, eyelid retract, limited upward gaze, prefer downward gaze –> what condition?
pineal gland tumor:
- parinaud synd
- obstructive hydrocephalus
parinaud synd –> presentation (3)
- limited upward gaze –> prefer down gaze
- eyelid retract (Collier sign)
- light-near dissoc (pupil react to accomm but not to light)
T/F: absent/decreased achilles reflex –> normal in elderly pt
diclofenac –> what kind of drug
defibrillation is for what conditions (2)
- Vfib
- pulseless V tach
synchronized cardioversion is for what conditions (3)
complex tachyarrythmia:
- Afib
- A flutter
- VT w pulse
suspect lupus –> initial test
antinuclear Ab (ANA)
suspect SLE –> ANA+ –> next step
ANA sens but not specific for SLE –> test for more specific Ab –> confirm dx:
- anti-dsDNA
- anti-Smith
suspect SLE –> why not do anti-dsDNA as initial test
anti-dsDNA is more specific for SLE but is not sens
73M w dementia –> low abd pain for 36hr –> refused oral intake, last bowel mvmt 2day ago –> h/o BPH, hemorrhoid, HTN, hyperlipid, chronic neck pain-started amitriptyline 8days ago –> abd full & tender at midline below umbilicus –> what condition?
amitriptyline –> antichol –> reduce detrusor contract, prevent urethral sphincter relax –> acute urinary retention
antichol + pressure from urine retention –> constipation
27F preg 28wk gestation –> abnormal pap high grade squamous intraepi lesion –> next step?
HSIL –> immed colposcopy w bx of abnormal lesions –> even if preg d/t high risk of progress to cancer
menopause –> hot flash –> tx
wt loss
menopause –> hot flash ssx not improve w wt loss –> next tx?
hormone replace tx
what is the only indication for HRT
<60yo –> menopause in past 10yr –> vasomotor ssx
polyarthralgia, tenosynovitis, vesiculopustular skin lesion –> classic triad for what condition?
disseminated gonococcal infect
use dependence –> MC seen w what kind of anti-arrhythmic?
class IC
class IC antiarrhythmic –> use dependence –> can cause what change in EKG w fast HR?
widened QRS
what is oral leukoplakia
hyperplasia of squamous epithelium –> reactive precancerous lesion
when should bx oral leukoplakia for malig transformation to SCC?
develop areas of induration/ulceration
appearance: oral leukoplakia vs SCC
leukoplakia: white patch w granular texture
SCC: areas of induration/ulceration
anti-histone Ab –> seen in what condition?
drug induced lupus
SLE –> maintenance tx
SLE –> lupus nephritis –> tx
IV cyclophosphamide –> oral mycophenolate
BPH –> which area/zone of prostate enlarges?
central zone
what herbal supplement works for BPH?
saw palmetto
lactose intol –> may be 2ndary to what conditions (2)
- Crohns
- bact overgrowth
what is hepatorenal synd
progressive renal fail d/t adv liver dz: renal vessels vasoconstrict –> renal hypoperfusion
hepatorenal synd –> tx
liver transplant is only cure –> usu fatal w/out it
shoulder dystocia –> what are 6 steps to deliver fetus?
1) McRoberts maneuver
2) Rubin maneuver
3) Woods maneuver
4) deliver post arm
5) deliberately fracture clavicle
6) Zavanelli maneuver
what is McRoberts maneuver
flex knees –> suprapubic pressure
what do Rubin & Woods maneuvers do?
rot fetus shoulders
what is Zavanelli maneuver
push fetal head back into uterus –> C/S
difference bw spont abortion vs intrauterine fetal demise
abortion: <20wk
fetal demise: >20wk
MC type of urinary incontinence in elderly
urge incontinence
what is urge incontinence
detrusor –> invol & uninh contract –> sudden urge to urinate –> invol loss of urine
urge incontinence –> 1st line tx
bladder training exercise
urge incontinence –> 1st line tx fail –> next tx?
- anticholinergic (oxybutynin)
- TCA (imipramine)
66F –> 3mo agitation, restless, poor sleep, HA, gain 14lb –> h/o smoke –> BP 160/110, facial plethora, scattered bruises, Na 147, K 3.2, glucose 205 –> what condition?
smoke –> small cell lung cancer –> ectopic ACTH production –> hypercortisol –> Cushing synd
3F –> dysuria –> h/o 3 bladder infect trted w abx, constipation since start cow’s milk –> suprapubic tender, anal fissures –> UA & culture show UTI w E.coli –> normal renal US, voiding cystoureterogram –> what condition?
constipation –> fecal retention –> compress bladder –> incomplete void –> urine stasis –> recurrent cystitis
11mo black M –> ant fontanelle wide open, pliable skull bones w/out stepoffs, bony prominences of costochondral jxs, genu varum –> what condition?
vitD def –> rickets
rickets –> presentation (3)
- craniotabes (softening of cranial bones)
- rachitic rosary (costochrondral jt hypertrophy)
- genu varum (femoral/tibial bowing)
MC 1ary bone tumor in children/YA
2nd MC 1ary bone tumor in children/YA
Ewing sarcoma
osteosarcoma –> typically involve what part of bone
long bone –> metaphyses
osteosarcoma –> XR finding (2)
- “sunburst” periosteal rxn
- Codman triangle
Ewing sarcoma –> XR finding
“onion skin”
63F –> leg swelling –> h/o HTN, OSA, smoke for 30yr –> 2+ pitting edema, dilated & tortuous superficial veins, ulcer on L medial ankle –> what condition?
chronic venous insuff –> venous HTN –> varicose veins, edema, medial skin ulcer, skin discolor
chronic venous insuff –> initial tx
- leg elevate
- exercise
- compression therapy
48M –> pain in R foot/leg after small cut while sailing –> now fever w rigors –> h/o hemochromatosis –> T 103, edema, dark bullae, streaking erythema –> what condition? causative org?
marine environ –> vibrio vulnificus –> wound contamination –> necrotizing fasciitis, septic shock
who is at particularly great risk for vibrio vulnificus infect?
liver dz
78M –> 6mo progressive b/l butt pain that radiate to thigh, calves –> worse w ambulation, improve when lean on cane, sit –> cannot walk more than 2-3blocks –> mod relief w IBU –> what condition?
spine OA –> osteophytes –> lumbar spine stenosis –> compress lumbar N roots –> neurogenic claudication
common causes of spinal stenosis (3)
- degen arthritis (spondlyosis)
- degen disk dz
- thickening ligamentum flavum
47M black farmer from Missippi –> 3wk malaise, nonproductive cough, fatigue, SOB –> h/o smoke –> erythema nodosum, CXR bilat patchy opacities, enlrg mediastinal & hilar LN –> HIV, TB neg –> LN bx noncaseating granuloma –> trted for sarcoidosis w steroid –> deteriorate rapid –> CXR progression of pulm infiltrate –> what condition?
27F –> 2mo hirsutism –> acne, clitoromegaly –> abd CT L adrenal mass –> what condition?
androgen-producing neoplasm
intussusception –> constant or episodic pain?
acute resp distress –> ABG findings:
- acid-base
- O2
- CO2
- acid-base: resp alk
- O2: low
- CO2: low
acute resp distress –> Swan-Ganz catheterization findings during mech vent:
- wedge pressure
- PaO2:FiO2 ratio
- wedge pressure: <18mmHg
- PaO2:FiO2 ratio: <200
Wegener’s granulomatosis –> aka
granulomatosis w polyangiitis
granulomatosis w polyangiitis –> bx finding
noncaseating granuloma
sudden dyspnea, pleuritic CP, feeling of impending doom, loud S2, decreased breath sounds –> what condition?
PE –> need to be on anticoag for how long
PE –> EKG findings (3)
- tachycardia
- lead I: S wave
- lead III: T wave inversion
suspect PE –> V/Q scan equivocal –> next step
29M –> copious watery diarrhea for 10day –> returned from vacation to E Europe where hiked & swam in local lakes –> what condition? causative org?
ingest contaminated water –> Cryptosporidium parvum –> prolonged traveler’s diarrhea
traveler’s diarrhea that is prolonged, profuse and watery is often caused by what type of pathogen?
development of AV block in pt w infective endocarditis –> raise suspicion for what condition?
perivalvular abscess
bilat trigeminal neuralgia –> raise suspicion for what condition?
pseudotumor cerebri –> most sig comp?
26F –> microcytic anemia nonresponsive to iron supplement –> adopted from Greece –> what condition?
B-thal minor
fever, chill, LUQ pain, splenic fluid collection –> what condition?
splenic abscess
splenic abscess –> most commonly assoc w what condition
infective endocarditis
splenic abscess –> classic triad presentation
- fever
- leukocytosis
- LUQ abd pain
splenic abscess –> can also present w what other ssx (3)
- L pleuritic CP
- L pleural effusion
- splenomeg
70F –> fever, cough, CXR R lower lobe infiltrate –> what condition? causative org?
Strep pneumo (#1 cause of CAP) –> CAP
rickets –> lab findings:
- alk phos
- phos
- Ca
- alk phos: high
- phos: low
- Ca: low
- PTH: high
what is Marjolin ulcer
SCC arising w/in burn wound
suspect acute aortic dissection –> initial dx study in hemodynamic stable pt
CT angio
new murmur & fever –> raise suspicion for what condition?
infective endocarditis
infective endocarditis –> Duke criteria –> need to meet how many criteria to dx?
- 2 major
- 1 major + 3 minor
- 5 minor
infective endocarditis –> Duke criteria –> what are major criteria
- bacteremia
- new regurg murmur, echo –> vegetation
infective endocarditis –> Duke criteria –> what are minor criteria
- fever
- RF: IVDA, h/o endocarditis, prosthetic valve
- vasc comp: embolism, Janeway lesion, intracranial hemorrhage
- rheum comp: Roth spots, Osler nodes, glomerulonephritis
suspect aortic dissection –> best initial test? most accurate test?
initial: CXR
accurate: CT angiogram
aortic dissection –> most important goal in management
ctrl BP –> BB
at what age start screen for AAA?
what is Grey Turner sign
ecchymosis on back/flanks
what is Cullen sign
ecchymosis around umbilicus
Grey Turner sign, Cullen sign –> indicate what condition?
AAA –> expansion & impending rupture
find AAA –> at what size need surg?
amphetamine, cocaine, bath salt –> intox –> tx
- antipsych
- benzo
- antiHTN
amphetamine, cocaine, bath salt –> withdrawal –> tx
- bupropion
- bromocriptine
microcytic anemias (4)
- anemia of chronic dz
- thal
- sideroblastic
normocytic anemias (5)
- sickle cell
- G6PD def
- spherocytosis
- autoimmune hemolysis
- paroxysmal nocturnal Hburia
asx hyperCa, elevated PTH –> what condition?
1ary hyperPTH
infective endocarditis –> strep mutans –> tx?
- ceftriaxone
HOCM –> symptomatic –> tx
neg inotropic agent –> BB –> prolong diastole, decrease contractile –> decrease LVOT obstruct –> improve angina
neonate –> 1st week of life –> should have how many wet diapers a day?
equal to infant’s age in days: 4day –> 4diapers
“brick-red” areas on diaper –> what is it? indicates what?
urate xls –> mild dehydration
when does breastfeed fail jaundice occur? breast milk jaundice?
breast fail: 1st week of life
breast milk: start 3-5day –> peak at 2wk
breastfeed fail jaundice –> cause
lactation fail:
- maternal: infreq feed, …
- infant: poor latch, …
how can distinguish bw breastfeed fail jaundice vs breast milk jaundice
dehydration vs no dehydration & no feeding problems
breastfeed fail jaundice –> pathophys
lactation fail –> inadeq stooling –> decrease bili elimination –> increase bili in circulation
breast milk jaundice –> pathophys
breast milk –> high B-glucurondinase –> deconj bili –> increase bili in circulation
chickenpox –> type of rash
successive crops of intensely pruritic vesicles
acute pancreatitis –> MCC? 2nd MC? 3rd MC?
#1) alcohol #2) gallstone #3) hyperTG
serum TG level must be what to be considered potential cause of pancreatitis?
> 1,000mg/dl
what PaO2 shows hypoxemia?
resp fail –> mech vent –> still hypoxemia –> increasing what values can increase oxygenation? (2)
- FiO2
cyclosporine –> what kind of drug
calcineurin inh (immunosupp)
cyclosporine –> MOA
decrease production of inflamm cytokines by T-cell lymphocytes
calcineurin inh (2)
- cyclosporine
- tacrolimus
cyclosporine –> AE (6)
- nephrotoxic
- hyperK
- gum hypertrophy
- hirsutism
- tremor
tacrolimus –> AE (4)
- nephrotoxic
- hyperK
- tremor
same as cyclosporine but not hirsutism, gum hypertrophy
azathioprine –> AE (3)
- diarrhea
- leukopenia
- heptatoxic
mycophenolate –> AE (1)
BM suppress
EKG –> broad flat T wave –> what condition?
what is fusion beat
electrical impulse from 2 diff sources act on same region of heart at same time
ventricular fusion beat –> appearance on EKG
hybrid of both normal & wide QRS
wide complex tachycardia w fusion beats –> what condition?
sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia
sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia –> pt is stable –> tx
kidney stone –> obstruct ureter –> imaging of choice to dx?
abd US
which study design is best for determining incidence of a dz
pernicious anemia –> need to monitor for what longterm comp?
gastric CA
pernicious anemia –> why have increased risk of gastric cancer?
pernicious anemia –> chronic atrophic gastritis –> decrease produce IF
chronic alcohol –> cerebellar dysfx –> presentation ( 5)
- gait instability
- truncal ataxia
- difficult w rapid alt mvmt
- hypotonia
- intention tremor
Creutzfeldt-Jakob dz –> EEG finding
sharp, triphasic, synchronous discharges
18mo M –> recurrent sinopulm infect, PMI displaced to R chest –> what condition?
Kartagener synd
Kartagener synd –> classic triad presentation
- situs inversus
- recurrent sinusitis
- bronchiectasis