6.2 Explain cryptography algorithms and their basic characteristics. Flashcards
1 symmetric encryption in the world
AES - by default is 128-bit.
56-bit Key symmetric encryption
168-bit key symmetric encryption
worlds only streaming cipher
64-bit symmetric encryption
128-bit symmetric encryption
OTP (One-Time-Pad)
considered unbreakable
use a key that is as long as a plain-text message
Keys are used only once and then discarded
1 Asymmetric encryption in the world
RSA (Rivest Shamir Adelman)
DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm)
**Can be used only for signing data and it cannot be used for encryption.
Asymmetric encryption
United States Federal Government standard for digital signatures.
Used for exchanging encryption keys over an untrusted network.
Asymmetric encryption
El Gamal
Asymmetric encryption
Derived from Diffie-Hellman
Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC)
Used for cell phones
Asymmetric encryption
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) / Gnu Privacy Guard (GPG)
Asymmetric/Symmetric HYBRID encryption
Widely used for email encryption
Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
Primarily used for secure online transactions such as online shopping or banking.
weaker than TLS
How many Asymmetric encryption standards are there for the test?
- Diffie-Hellman
- ElGamal
Transport Layer Security (TLS)
Like SSL, TLS is used for secure connections over the Internet
Stronger than SSL
1 hashing algorithm in the world
MD5 (Message Digest 5)
MD5 message digest length
Produces a 128-bit / 32 character message digest from variable length data.
How many bit is SHA1?
SHA-1: 160 bit hash from any size of data.
test question about military phones uses Sha2. How many bits?
SHA-2: 256 bit hash (32 byte word)
RIPEMD (RACE Integrity Primitives Evaluation Message Digest)
RIPEMD-160 performs like SHA-1 and is same size
HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code)
HMAC is never used alone
The Size Varies, it takes on the size of whatever you are using it with.
A password hashing function based on the Blowfish cipher
Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 (PBKDF2)
key stretching software
Substitution ciphers
type of coding or ciphering system that changes one character or symbol into another.
Caesar cipher
ROT13 is this
Caesar cipher/Substitution ciphers
You are responsible for e-commerce security at your company. You want to use the most widely implemented asymmetric algorithm available today. Which of the following is the most widely used asymmetric algorithm today? A. RSA B. AES C. 3DES D. SHA
You need to encrypt your hard drive. Which of the following is the best choice? A. DES B. RSA C. AES D. SHA
Which of the following is similar to Blowfish but works on 128-bit blocks? A. Twofish B. IDEA C. CCITT D. AES
A. Twofish