6.1.8. Evaluates glaucoma risk factors to detect glaucoma and refer accordingly. Flashcards
What do we look at to diagnose glaucoma?
- VF
- OD
- AC
What is IOP?
resistance and production balance : 10-21 is normal variation –> detamined by body position / exercise
What rasies IOP?
- age
- bp
- cyclo
- steroids
why does cyclo increase IOP?
The iris will bunch up + block the trab mechwork –> resistance to outflow
what is ocular hypetension/
This is when the IOP is higher then 21 - normla disc + VF –> OHT = needs to be monitored cloesly for glaucoma risk
What are the risk factors of primary open gluacoma
- age
- race - afro - black
- thin cornea
- higher myopia
- FH
Why is age an risk factor for POAG?
as we get older the drainage system gets less effective –> there is accumilation of debrus
why are thin corneas a risk?
thinner corneas = under estimate the IOP
why is high myopia a risk factor of POAG?
Longer eye ball = stretching of the optic discs support tissues = more prone to damage
PPA - more risk for glaucoma
How can you tell the diffrence between alpha and beta PPA?
alpha is darker and more outside
beta is lighter and more inside