3.1.8 - Anterior Uveitis Flashcards
what is uveitis?
- iritis
- iridocyslitis
What is iritis ?
this is when the iris is inflammed
WHat is iridocyslitis?
the iris + cillary body is inflammed in the eye
What are red eyes a symtom of uvitis?
Due to the inflammation the blood vessels with dilate
Why do you get pain during uvitis?
iris and the ciliary body = nerve rich
Why is blurry vision a symtom?
Derbis / inflam cells in the vitreous humour
Also sometimes posterior synichea can occour - the lens is affcted
What is posterior synechiae?
this is when the iris and the anterior lens get stuck together
we can trate using cyclo - diate the pupil and prvent it from sticking to the pupil
why do we see cells and flare in uveitis?
cells are white blood cells int he aqueous humor of the anterior chamber. cells = active inflammation!!
Why do we get flare?
smoky / foggy due to the protein + fibrins in the aqeious humour. – > flare and cells are because of the blood barrier in the vessels are more loose (allow more things out)
why do we get keratic precipitates?
Accumilation of inflamm cells on the endothelium of the cornea –> mutton fat = large and granulomatous = epitheloid cells cluster together
Why do we get pupil miosis?
The iris sohincter cells inflammded
Why do we get hypopyon>
This sis when there is a layer of white blood cells in the anterior chamber –> accumilation
Why do we see band keratopathy?
CALCIUM deposits in the superfical cornea – due to chnaged ph levels and the way calcium is metabolised has chnaged = build up = Band keratopathy
What are iris nodules and what causes them
Koeppe / Bussca
lumps and bumps on the iris -> on the edge and
Koeppe - pupil margin and small discrete bumps
What does bussca look like and where is it
surface of the riis and mid-stroma then the edge (koeppe)
small + round – more irregular copared to koeppe
why might iop decrease>
cilliary boyd dysfunction - production
How to assess the corneal endothelium?
specular reflection:#
optic section - i = r get the purkjunee image
look next it - to see the endothe
45 degrees i = R until bright reflection see = see next to it –> 16X to 25 –> adjust back and forth
Dimmer reflection at the back of the cornea - one eye peice only.
How to assess the anterior lens surface?