6.10 Refeeding Syndrome Flashcards
Q10 — Refeeding syndrome
a) What is the daily energy requirement of a normal healthy 70kg man?
25-35kcal/kg/day (NICE recommendations).
b) What are the recommended daily proportions of carbohydrate, fat and protein?
● Carbohydrates — 50%.
● Fats — 35%.
● Proteins —
0.8-1.5g protein/kg/day
(or 0.13-0.24g nitrogen/kg/day).
c) What is refeeding syndrome?
A sudden carbohydrate load after a
little or no nutritional intake for >/=5
days causing severe electrolyte abnormalities
(due to the intracellular movement of phosphates,
fluids and electrolytes).
d) What are the three major electrolyte abnormalities seen in
refeeding syndrome?
● Hypophosphataemia.
● Hypokalaemia.**
● Hypomagnesaemia.
e) What is the commonest electrolyte nutritional deficiency?
f) Which patients are at particular risk of refeeding syndrome?
● Patients who abuse alcohol.`
● Chronically undernourished patients.
● Patients on diuretics.
● Patients on chemotherapy.
● Patients on insulin.
● Patients on antacids.
● Critically ill patients with no or minimal intake for >5 days.
g) How should the nutritional requirements of those ‘at risk’ be
● Identify the patients at risk of refeeding syndrome.
● For the first 2 days, commence nutritional support at 50% of
estimated energy requirements in this at-risk group of patients.
● Increase by 200-400kcal every day thereafter.
● Electrolytes and micronutrients to accompany nutrition and fluids.
● Close monitoring and correction of serum electrolytes — potassium, magnesium, phosphate after feeding is started.