10. Other topics green anaesthesia DAS neck Flashcards
Green Anaesthesia
The detrimental health effects of climate change continue to increase.
Although health systems respond to this disease
burden, healthcare itself pollutes the atmosphere, land, and waterways.
We surveyed the ‘state of the art’ environmental
sustainability research in anaesthesia and critical care, addressing why it matters, what is known, and ideas for future
Focus is placed upon the atmospheric
chemistry of the anaesthetic gases,
recent work clarifying their relative global warming potentials, and progress in waste anaesthetic gas treatment.
Life cycle assessment (LCA; i.e. ‘cradle to
grave’ analysis) is introduced as the definitive method used to compare and contrast ecological footprints of products,
processes, and systems.
The number of LCAs within medicine has gone from rare to an established body of knowledge in
the past decade that can inform doctors of the relative ecological merits of different techniques.
LCAs with practical outcomes are explored,
such as the carbon footprint of reusable vs single-use anaesthetic devices (e.g. drug trays, laryngoscope blades, and handles), and the carbon footprint of treating an ICU patient with septic shock.
Avoid, reduce, reuse, recycle, and reprocess are then explored.
Moving beyond routine clinical care, the vital influences that the source of energy (renewables vs fossil fuels) and energy efficiency have in healthcare’s ecological footprint are highlighted.
Effects of other increasing GHGs (mainly
CH4, N2O, O3, and halogenated compounds) have contributed
as much to global warming as increasing CO2 its
halogenated compounds (including volatile anaesthetic
agents) accounting for approximately 11%
Nitrous oxide is responsible for the
majority of ongoing ozone depletion
approximately 6% of anthropogenic global warming
CO2 equivalent (CO2e) is used to indicate the global
warming potency of GHGs relative to the reference unit of CO2
m global warming potential (GWP). Carbon
dioxide has, by definition, a GWP of 1,
whereas N2O for example has a GWP of 265
Anaesthetic activity
- Gases
Avoid, where possible, the use of
anaesthetic gases with high GWP and
minimise amount used of all
anaesthetic gases. - TIVA
- Regional anaesthesia
- Plastic syringes
Avoid excessive use - Theatre Attire
Avoid disposables - Energy Consumption
Turn off machines
- Gases
Avoid the use of desflurane and nitrous oxide.
The GWPs of anaesthetic gases are well researched.
Encourage low flow and automated end tidal control anaesthesia.
What is the worldwide use of anaesthetic gases/TIVA
and how is this evolving?
Waste anaesthetic gas reclamation research is emerging,
though currently rare clinically.
What are the environmental effects of medical use of O2/air?
Known: TIVA (propofol) itself has approximately 1%
the GWP of even sevoflurane volatile anaesthesia.
TIVA’s other environmental effects.
Quantification of water contamination
from anaesthetic pharmaceuticals.
Balancing TIVA’s plastic waste, etc. with the GWPs of volatiles.
- Regional
Uncertain: What is the environmental footprint of regional anaesthesia?
Are there trade-offs between the carbon footprint and other environmental effects?
The carbon footprint of machines for treating100 ICU patients and the overall ICU footprint.
ICU engineering HVAC formed the majority of the carbon footprint.
Methods to reduce the use of excessive
gowning for routine patient care whilst
avoiding cross-contamination.
Uncertain: How to safely reduce the
carbon footprint of ICU engineering energy use.
- Plastic syringes
Plastic syringes
Avoid excessive use
Draw up the minimum practicable number of syringes.
Leave emergency drugs/equipment unopened, but immediately available.
- Theatre attire
Theatre attire
Avoid disposables
Use washable, theatre-only hats and shoes.
- Anaesthetic Machine
Energy consumption
Turn off anaesthetic machine and scavenging + Suction use out of hours
Heating, ventilation and air conditioning make up a large proportion of OR carbon emissions so ‘set back’ out of hours
Anaesthetic breathing circuits Known:
Evidence from two studies96,97 that weekly circuit changes are as safe as daily changes.
Uncertain: Unclear how widespread knowledge/translation of such knowledge is.
- Reusable
Surgical gowns Known: Review of five LCAs comparing reusable to single-use showed reusable surgical
gowns consistently have a lower environmental footprint (energy, water, waste).
Anaesthetic drug trays Known: One LCA of anaesthetic drug trays71 showed reusable trays have lower financial
and environmental footprints.
LMAs Known: One LCA of reusable and single-use LMAs72 showed reusables have a lower
environmental footprint than single-use.
Face masks, circuits and laryngoscope
Known: Using reusable anaesthetic equipment estimated to save AUD$5000/OR/
annum91; however, in Australia, using reusable equipment can have a slightly higher
carbon footprint than single-use. Conversely in Europe/UK/USA the carbon footprint is
much lower for reusable equipment (more renewable electricity).
Reusable laryngoscopes are less expensive and have a lower environmental footprint
than single-use laryngoscopes.84
Reusable anaesthetic equipment can
require greater use of water
Known: Washing reusable equipment uses more water than required for manufacturing
single-use equipment.
Donate equipment to less developed
Donation of useful anaesthetic equipment can have social, financial and environmental
benefits but these must be balanced against risks and problems such as access to
appropriate training, consumables, and waste disposal management.1
AAGBI suggestion
The greatest impact for many will come from reducing their use of anaesthetic gases with significant global warming potential – in particular desflurane and nitrous oxide.
We suggest:
- Avoid nitrous oxide whenever possible,
and use oxygen/air as the carrier gas;
the effect of the increased use of volatile agent
to achieve an adequate depth of anaesthesia
is more than offset by the benefit of eliminating nitrous oxide - Avoid use of desflurane except for rare occasions
when its use is really necessary - Use low flow anaesthesia (max 1.5 l/min) during maintenance in all cases
- Consider swapping volatile agent-based anaesthesia for a TIVA technique
- Consider use of central neuraxial block or regional anaesthesia
BMJ article suggestions
Inform yourself about the basic science of climate change, the health benefits of taking action, and the urgency of doing so
Advise your patients. Better diet and more walking and cycling will improve their health and reduce their carbon emissions
Save energy and money through house insulation, turning off appliances and lights and reductions in use of goods and services
Drive and fly less, walk or cycle more, teleconference/webcast
Eat local food, less meat, and less processed food - a low carbon diet is a healthy diet. Drink tap water
Advocate locally
Agitate for personal carbon entitlements and financial incentives to reduce carbon costs
Advocate population stabilisation, by promoting literacy and promoting women’s access to birth control, via the International
Planned Parenthood Federation or Marie Stopes International.
Advocate a climate change agenda at all meetings
Ally yourself with other health professionals
Nitrous oxide project
The NHS has committed to achieving net-zero direct emissions by 2040, this specifically includes anaesthetic gases. Nitrous oxide confers the largest carbon footprint of the anaesthetic gases within the acute sector, accounting for at least 80% of the total anaesthetic gas footprint in 2019/20.
Flattening anaesthetic nitrous oxide emissions by: minimising system waste; educating and promoting green practice; and assessing and applying nitrous oxide catalytic cracking technologies where appropriate.
Piped Nitrous Oxide Waste Reduction Strategy
Recent efforts within NHS Lothian to reduce the total contribution of theatre nitrous oxide has revealed that wastage from piped manifold systems is a far more significant problem than that of persistent clinical usage. NHS Lothian’s lean approach can be adopted to address piped nitrous wastage oxide at any acute site. The project lead for NHS Lothian advises that once a nitrous oxide mitigation project team is established at an acute site, they should first discuss their investigative approach and draw on the Lothian methodology as an exemplar and not an absolute standard. An audit and analytics sheet has been included at the end of this document to facilitate investigation
BJA article conclusions
Healthcare itself pollutes.
Anaesthesia and critical care are
the cause for a considerable contribution to such healthcare
pollution. We recognise that there can be accord and conflict
between individual patient health and public health commitments, particularly in the field of infection prevention,
although one can protect the patient and the planet.
Over the past decade considerable progress has been made in
improving the research foundation of environmentally sustainable healthcare, a summary of evidence pertaining to
anaesthesia and critical care
Such considerations do not usurp patient-centred nor fiscally prudent care, but rather complement such goals by protecting
patients, our healthcare system, and the environment
BJA 2015 articles
Key points
The inhalational anaesthetic agents sevoflurane isoflurane and desflurane have global warming potentials 2-3 orders of magnitude higher than CO2.
Nitrous oxide contributes significantly to global warming and ozone depletion.
5% of the carbon footprint (CO2e) of the NHS is attributable to exhaled anaesthetic agents.
Most medical nitrous oxide liberation originates from Entonox use, including maternity use.
Reducing the environmental impact of anaesthesia, can be achieved through behaviour change
Nitrous oxide
global warming effect, the atmospheric lifetime is sufficiently long to ensure that it reaches the stratosphere where it is capable of ozone destruction
Photolytically generated oxygen atoms react with ozone to produce two oxygen molecules. Medical emissions of N2O account for <4% of all emissions of N2O, the majority originating from microbial action on nitrogenous fertilizers
Isoflurane 510
Sevo 130
Desflurane 2540
N2O 310