600-4 Motor Vehicle Pursuits Flashcards
The driver of an authorized emergency vehicle shall..
drive with due regard for the
safety of all persons and is responsible for
the consequences of reckless disregard for
the safety of others.
Motor Vehicle Pursuit..the
suspect must exhibit ONE of the following
types of conduct:
willful disregard for personal safety or
the safety of others in an attempt to
avoid arrest
refusal to obey an officer’s repeated
signal to stop
The decision to engage in a motor vehicle pursuit is highly dependent upon…
the ability of an officer, supervisor, or commander to
the RISK OF INJURED involved (officer, public, or the suspect) in engaging in
the pursuit.
Officers may initiate or continue a pursuit only if
all the following requirements are met:
the need to immediately apprehend the
suspect(s) outweighs a clear risk of
harm to the public in initiating or continuing
the pursuit
constantly evaluate the risk and
factors involved when initiating or continuing
a pursuit.
What are the some of the FACTORS involved when intiating or continuing a pursuit?
seriousness of the crime
officer’s immediate
presence is necessary to apprehend
a suspect or to prevent injury or loss
of life
alternative courses of action to acheive a comparable result
What RISK factors shall officers continually EVALUATE when initiating or continuing a pursuit?
Knowledge about the suspect being
pursued. (If enough information exists
to file a warrant, officers shall be expected to discontinue the pursuit)
observable driving behavior of
the suspect being pursued
Relative performance capabilities of
the pursued vehicle
Road conditions.
Population density.
Vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
The presence of other persons in the
police vehicle.
Officers shall continually ASSESS?
the nature and severity of harm their actions
could cause
the likelihood any harm would occur
whether any risk of harm would be clear to a reasonably prudent officer
The designated on-duty field supervisor is responsible for?
Command of the pursuit
immediately and succinctly advising the dispatcher if the
pursuit should continue based upon
communication and the assessment of
the circumstances
monitor all radio communications
related to the pursuit and make every effort
to ensure only authorized units participate
in the pursuit
when time and air traffic allow supervisors shall affirmatively break the air and remind officers:
To maintain their professional composure.
That the pursuit shall result in a high risk
vehicle approach
What are some examples of why a motor vehicle may be continued by a supervisor or the “need to immediatley apprehend the suspect outweighs a clear risk of harm to the public”?
deadly weapon involved, serious bodily injury inflicted, hostage taken, or a flagrant DWl
For pursuits last less than fifteen minutes within how many days must a supervisor review all available information from the pursuit and also supplement
the report with any available relevant
or pertinent information?
Five calender days of the pursuit
An officer may initiate or continue a pursuit
only if all the following requirements are
met. The officer’s police vehicle is:
Equipped with working emergency lights
and sirens.
Believed to be in sound mechanical
condition including, but not limited to,
brakes, steering, and police radio systems
True or False: Vehicles transporting prisoners, witnesses, suspects, complainants, or other non-police
personnel shall be used to initiate or
participate in a pursuit?
False. Vehicle containing any of the listed people shall NOT be used to initiate or participate in a pursuit.
True or False: Officers in unmarked
police vehicles who reasonably
suspect a criminal offense has occurred
and immediate action is warranted, may attempt
to ______ a fleeing vehicle until a
marked unit with operable emergency
equipment arrives to initiate the pursuit?
A pursuit initiated by a solo unit (HPD motorcycle)
may be reassigned to the first arriving
marked patrol unit?
False. The first arriving marked patrol unit SHALL be reassigned to the first arriving marked patrol unit.
A field supervisor may approve additional
units if any of the following situations exist:
There are an insufficient number of officers
in the authorized units to safely effect
an arrest.
An authorized unit is unable to continue the pursuit or the dispatcher has been informed an authorized unit is terminating its involvement. In this case, the field supervisor shall authorize replacement units as needed.
Before any stopping technique is deployed,
officers shall:
be adequately trained by
Training Division personnel in its proper use
shall assess the risk of bodily harm to
bystanders, any passengers in the suspect’s
vehicle, themselves, or the suspect
as a result of using a stopping technique
versus the threat to the public if the pursuit
The following stopping techniques may be
used provided the field supervisor authorizes
the use and the techniques are used in
accordance with current department procedures:
Standard Roadblocks, Rolling Roadblocks, Tire Deflation Devices, or Slow-Speed Diverting Tactics
Who may terminate a pursuit?
Officer in the primary unit, On-duty officer holding the rank of sergeant or above, On-scene Tactical Flight Officer
If the pursuit is not initiated or is terminated
without apprehending a suspect and the
identity of the suspect is known, the primary
unit shall?
Attempt to obtain a to-be warrant
through the appropriate district attorney’s
office prior to the end of the officer’s shift.
An officer may initiate or continue a pursuit only if all the following requirements are met. The officer’s police vehicle is:
Equipped with working emergency lights and sirens.
Believed to be in sound mechanical condition
including, but not limited to, brakes, steering, and
police radio systems.
This method may be used only if the suspect is not speeding but is willfully failing to stop.
Rolling roadblocks.
Any employee who deploys a tire deflation device (a.k.a. “spike strip”) must supplement the original report indicating the…..
the approximate location where the device was deployed, whether or not the target vehicle or others ran over the device, and if applicable, why the vehicle did not run over the device.
The field supervisor assigned to the pursuit shall complete ______ at the conclusion of the pursuit.
Houston Police Department Vehicle Pursuit Form.
The form shall be completely filled out and submitted regardless of the duration of the pursuit. The completed form shall be immediately faxed to the Command Center and the field supervisor’s division shall maintain a copy. The original form shall be forwarded through the chain of command to the division’s assistant chief.