60 Sentences Example in Future Continuous Tense Flashcards


Future Continuous Affirmative Sentences


I will be reading about this topic.
Ron will be talking about the problem at 9 a.m.
They will be watching the movie at this cinema.
We will be having coffee at this store.
You will be giving out presents at 10 a.m.
He will be cooking the meat in his kitchen.
She will be discussing this book at the clubhouse.
The ants will be collecting the sugar at your table.
Sam will be cutting his yard this morning.
Bob will be crawling in this pit.
My uncle will be decorating the tree at 7 a.m.
Our boss will be checking the camera in the staff room.
The A.I will be learning about this problem.
The team will be searching for a solution.
I will be typing my homework in my room.
They will be spraying the room at 8.
We will be running in the marathon.
You will be dancing on this stage.
He will be opening the present.
She will be questioning about the missing hat?

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Future Continuous Negative Sentence


I won’t be talking with you.
I won’t be going to work late today.
They won’t be giving out free food until 10 p.m.
She won’t be going to school late.
You won’t be writing much this Sunday.
Our family won’t be driving to the hotel.
My mother won’t be reading my diary anymore.
The teacher won’t be telling us much about the new contest.
Linn won’t be preparing for the wedding after the trip.
The store won’t be bringing out the new items until 10 a.m today.
The school won’t be opening until 6 a.m.
The kid won’t be running around the house anymore.
Hilda won’t be making weird foods anymore.
Dave won’t be asking about the situation anymore.
Zen won’t be traveling until the break.
It won’t be raining.
I won’t be faking it.
They won’t be yelling at kids.
We won’t be siding with your enemy.
You won’t be lying about your life anymore.

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Future Continuous Interrogative Sentence


What will they be doing at 9 a.m?
What will we be eating at the buffet?
Where will Gin be working after the decision?
What will you be wearing for the party?
Where will they be staying after the explosion?
When will you be making the cake?
When will the office be working?
Why will she be working at a big company after graduation?
Why will the car be running soon this weekend?
How long will you be going out this weekend?
How much will you be spending?
Will I be playing the rum?
Will they be making the cement?
Where will the gang be going for the next match?
Will you be hiding from it?
How long will they be walking?
Will Jim be taking care of the kid?
When will he be writing the note?
Will Tim be giving out the prize?
Will Oliver be typing the news?

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