6 - surf, folk, soul, motown Flashcards
Where did surf music come from? WHy here? Who?
came from rapidly growing suburbs in Southern California
bc progressive! So taking/took on the girl group phenomenon and donig something newer now AND bc sand, sun very removed from the corporatization of NYC and other music hubs
who = Dick Dale, real surfer and also guitarist!
Who were the face of surf music?
The Beach Boys!
Who ewre the beach boys? Style?
Family biz = 3 brothers, a cousin, and close friend
Style = jazz influenced, Chuck Berry riffs, trebly guitar timbres, lyrics abt ennui of beach-loving middle classs teens
What is the paradox with the beach boys>
able to express the middle class aspirations of ppl who were paert of americas internal westward movement and the fragile california dream! BUT they are livin it
(leaving home, hoping for new success, plant flag in new locale)
What 2 things have more than anything shifted music scene focus to west coast?
1) location (west coast phsycial beatuy)
2) recontextualizing of instruments and voice - shaping and cleaning the rougher rock and roll
What is urban folk?
folk = passed orally, preserving face to face encounters and community
urban = exists among city dwellers and shared thorugh tech
Who in general were the early urban folk performers?
black or white southerners brought/encouraged to come to NYC by ppl associated with leftist Popular Front political movement
“we want to record you and tour sound!”
What was dominant musical style of urban folk?
ballad tradition of whoite rural southerners and shared qualities with hillbilly music at the time – folk vs hillbilly differences were more sociological
= hillbilly was overtly comercial // folk associations to traditional, rural, to evoke timeless purity
**took tradiitonal rural musci and put it smacl in the urban env.
Who was Woody Guthrie? Song style? Lyrics?
defined a gneration with polotical factors in music
wrote original songs that chronicled tribulations of dust-bowl refugees
BUT populist so diff perspectives could get on board (ex; this land is your land – everyone cares about country land!)
What relates woody guthrie to bessie smith?
wrote original songs that chronicled tribulations of dust-bowl refugees from middle amer. = WG became voice for them like Bessie Smith became voice for her community
Who are the Almanac Singers? Who Pete Seeger?
Alm singers group that stressed political and social issues (civil rights, labour uniions) – was joined by Guthrie and Pete Seeger was in it too!
PS = similar to above ^, formed The Weavers that lso sanf about liberal themes **son of famous musicologist Charles Seeger
= ppl experimenting with the nessage now, not tjust the music itself
What about urban folk music made it become popular?
It was seen as the remedy/antidote to meainstram pop and early rock n roll
–> bc somehow it was the “anti-commercial” form of popular music
often most urban folk artist would not make concessions to match mass taset
Who was Bob Dylan? What did he do unique? Stage style/personality?
took notion of folk and blasts it apart, chanign face of music – dont need guitar etc for good music, sometimes just a harmonica
style = CHAPLINESQUE physical hymour, moodiness from James Dean **combining personas for inique image
= much ‘hipper’ than other “pure” folkies who projected somber earnestness
wrote his own songs!
What was one thing that helped greatly solidify Bob Dylan’s fame?
Performing at the March on Washington 1963 in front of 200,000 people, where MLK did his I Have A Dream speech
= sealed image of Dylan with the puiblic as the conscience of his generation
How did Bob Dylan’s music change?
1965 album brought threat to folk aesthetic and political vibes bc had more rock and roll beat, surrealistic lyrics drawn from poets
= shift from more explicit political messages to instead weird imaginative humour and sarcasm abstractly critiqueing society
–> about moral fabric, cultural assumptions of western society (materialism, notions of normality, taken-for-gratned beliefs of ‘reality’ ‘truth’ ‘rationality’)
Why does bob dylans music chage show how special he is?
shows his creativity! and abliiy to put these mucj mpre abstract ideas into direct message that appeals to lots o people
What ended up being BDs bigggest hit?
Like A Rolling Stone!
over 6 mins long, electric guitar-led backing with organ (more into rock n roll vibe)
How did the population react to bob dylans change in his style? Was this unanimous?
folk movement saw it as a defection! especially since rock n roll of Like A Rolling Stone kind of embodied the commercial forces that folk and BD himself tried to stay away from
= “Sell out”, looked like he used follk just as a starting point and then abandoned it once he biult a name
not totally naimous: some people still stuck with him and viewed it as just natural progression of music and him doing new things in whatever way he wanted to as an artist
Where did soul come from? Motown?
blacl popujlar music cutting ties in 1960s with the 1950s rhythm and blues and shift to more chill, comppsed, but attitude music following girl groups
Soul split into down home, southern style at atlantic recording studios, and northern smooth uptown style at motown records in detroit (midwest, beside border near toronto)
Who is Berry Gordy?
startd Motown company with family loan of $700 in 1959.
- good ear for music
- good eye for personnel
- good business sense
= Motown became most successful independent record company and most successful black owned business in US
What are some hit artists from Motwon records? What was the range of sound? Commmonality?
the supremes
the four tops
the tempations
marvin gaye
mary wells
junior walker and the all stars
smokey robinson (and the miracles)
stevie wonder
the isley brothers
gladys knight and the pips
sound: from ‘sweet pop’ to full funk
commonality arising: performative dynamism!
What did Motown records specialize in? What did this kind o fmusic do?
specalized in The Motown Sound (cant put a finger on it but know it when you hear it), also just from songwriting teams like Holland, Dozier and Holland, The Funk Brothers
music was successful in crossing over to white audiences (similar to waht girl groups did) and according to Smokey Robinson, “breaking down barriers with music” (**very similarto what Little Richard said about rock and roll)
What did Motown Records do to help develop their artists?
“Artist Personal Development Department” opened in 1964
= helped them developn endearing presentation styles, and WALK, TALK, AND ACT LIKE ROYALTY
= empowered artists: youre a star, youre unique, proud - showed them how to show that, very different from the other gross corporatization
What are some motown songs? General trend across?
i heard it throught he grapevine - marvin gaye
visions - stevie wonder
my girl - the temtpations
for the love of you - the isley brothers
slower groove, strings instruments, EMOTIVE QUALITY
How does soul music connect to wider black experience and context?
soul music relationship with changing notions of black racial self-consciousness, especially from when racial politics were assuming higher more militant profile and when public awareness icreasing abt black nationallism and black power movement
= deeper recognition of selves in society, soul music not only backed that but embodied it
Who is Aretha Franklin? skill? roots?
huge range, mastery of gospel singing techniwue, piano playing
background in Baptist church, fahter was famous preacher and encouraged her to pursue music after her teenage years as church gispel singer (nice contrast with WC Handy’s annpying dad)
–> dad got her connected with ind people
how Aretha changed soul?
her version of Respect (Otis Redding) and Say it Loud (Im Black and Im Proud) (James Brown)signaled soul music into new phase of political engagement
many of her songs (Natural Woman, Think, Chain of Fools) expressed pride and strength not previously seen from black female singers
= she had the IDENTITY and the full on star power, confidence, dynamism, VOCAL STRENGTH to set the entire model for soul