6 mark questions Flashcards
Explain, using examples, the concept of culture.
Definition - Culture is the ‘whole way of life’ (Christopher Jencks) and defines a groups norms, values, customs, and traditions. Culture is responsible for providing norms or guidelines for behavior which should regulate how people act or behave.
1) Youth culture. Made up of teenagers or ‘youth’ functionalists believe that youth culture is essential for conformity and social order later on in life.
2) The Na. Culture based in the Himalaya region of China, there norms are different to our because instead of marriage they live with their siblings and children are brought up as part of the collective.
Explain, using examples, the concept of norms.
Definition - Unspoken societal rules that we followed based upon traits and characteristics that we value. Norms help to keep social order and consensus.
1) One example of a norm is respecting human life. It is not the norm to murder or commit cannibalism because it creates anomie in society and creates society an unsafe place.
2) Another norm is gender norms. We’re socialized into wearing certain things, talking in particular ways, and being interested into certain things based on our gender - due to our socialization.
Explain, using examples, the concept of values.
Definition - A value is a trait or characteristic that is deemed desirable by a society. Values often affect our norms as our norms are created on what we value as a society.
1) Religions such as Buddhism in Japan value trust as the religion is based on prioritizing the group over yourself. This common value helps Buddhists to find social solidarity among each other.
2) Western society values the respect of others. For example when talking to others, it is the norm to smile and be attentive to show respect to whoever is talking.
Explain, using examples, the concept of collectivism.
Definition - When people in a group setting are in agreement about particular norms and values that they should follow. Often collectivism is created from a feeling of social solidarity among the group.
1) One example of collectivism is the belief in different types of religion. Religion can be under the term of a ‘value’ as it normally promotes certain values that people agree they should look up to.
2) Another example is norms such as having crime being seen as taboo. This helps to create social order among groups.
Cultural relativity
Definition - The belief that there are no universal measures that cultures should be defined by. Many different cultures have different norms and values to western society and that is acknowledged and appreciated.
1) For example Mead researched the Tchambuli tribe and found that the gender roles were completely reversed (women more dominant and men more submissive). This shows that in their culture they have different socialization.
2) Another example is the cultural diversity of Papa New Guinea. In the country, there are 850 spoken languages and 80% of the population live in widely dispersed societies.
Explain, using examples, the definition of conformity.
Definition - Conformity is the process of following the unwritten rules of society to keep social order. Functionalists believe that in order to achieve a healthy society, you need conformity from everyone.
1) Gender norms. Men can’t wear skirts and have the breadwinner role so women can play the expressive role and look after the children.
2) Avoiding crime. Rules enforced by the court and the police are put in place to encourage more people to conform to society and not be deviant.
Explain, using examples, the definition of deviancy.
Deviancy - The act of taking part in behavior which is seen as not the norm, and generally considered to be unacceptable. functionalists may try to discourage deviancy to avoid anomies, however Marxists and feminists may encourage deviancy due to their belief in inequality.
1) One example of deviancy is committing crime. To avoid this, society puts in place rules and regulations that people must go through in order to be a part of society, and encourage social orer.
2) Another example of deviancy is going outside of the norms as an act of resistance. People from lower social classes may behave without manners / social etiquette in order to raise their status in society.
Explain, using examples, the definition of cultural diversity.
Definition - A society which has a range of skills, traits, views, appearances, and interests. Cultural diversity helps society to become more culturally relative and less ethnocentric in our own culture.
1) One example of cultural diversity is interracial marriage, which helps to integrate other ethnicity into our society more. 46% of Londoners are non white.
2) Another example of cultural diversity is cultures that support pride month. This helps to avoid anomies in society by avoiding ‘othering’ for LGBTQ+ people and helps to create consensus among everyone.
Explain, using examples, the definition of intercultural diversity
Definition - Communities in which there is a deep understanding and respect for all cultures. Intercultural diversity helps to promote cultural relativity.
1) One example of Intercultural diversity is Black History Month. This is taught in school in order to learn and appreciate other cultures that in the past would’ve gone unseen.
2) Another example is the Olympics where people from all around the world can represent their country and appreciate others. This helps to build more positive relationships between countries and create much more of a consensus and social order.
Explain, using examples, the definition of intracultural diversity.
Definition - Intracultural diversity is the difference of culture for individuals within a larger group or culture. This diversity helps to encourage cultural relativity, however is less likely to have consensus due to everyone having their own norms.
1) One example is the UK. Although the UK has it’s own culture, norms, and values that everyone contributes too - there are also many different religions within the UK which have their own culture.
2) Another example is a school setting. Where everyone conforms to school values etc, however there may be different groups within the school setting that have their own goals, aspirations, and acheivments.
Explain, using examples, the definition of a subculture.
Definition - A subculture is a subsection of a general culture which has slightly different norms and values then the main culture, but is still in consensus with the mainstream culture. Subcultures, however, can often be deviant - particularly in more recent times.
1) One example of a subculture is the Punks. They had the rebellious attitude of youth culture, however they had their own style consisting of DIY clothes and hair, which set them apart from the mainstream.
2) Another example are the Hippies. The hippies occurred due to an ‘extended period of youth’ which most teenagers had, however they were much more politically inclined and had much stronger values.
Explain, using examples, the definition of cultural hybridity.
Definition - Cultural hybridity is the merging of two separate cultures in order to form a new hybridized culture. Often, cultural hybridity can occur due to globalization across the world where countries adapt and change to western norms and values.
1) One example of cultural hybridity is music such as Rock and Roll that appeared in the 1950’s. Rock and Roll was a hybrid of blues, jazz, folk, and gospel music and appealed much to the youth culture around that time.
2) Another example are piercings and tattoos. Often found in native american tribes to convey status, tattoos and piercings have become a norm in western society and are combined with our fashion.
Explain, using examples, the definition of high culture.
Definition - High culture is the culture that refers to the pursuit of the elite class. It normally centers around intellectual things, or expensive things that often set apart the rich from mainstream society.
1) One example of high culture is private education. Private education often separates higher classes from lower classes and gives them more life opportunities.
2) Playing classical instruments. Classical instruments are often associated with intelligence, therefore high culture may be a part of this to further separate themselves from mainstream media and gain more social status.
Explain, using examples, the definition of Popular culture
Definition - Popular culture is culture which is aimed towards the younger generation and is generally associated with mindless entertainment rather then intellectuality. Functionists
would say that pop culture is important because it creates more
social solidarity and creates more things for people to relate about.
1) Sports are an example
of popular culture. Often, they’re associated with ‘boisterous’
activities and contribute to mainstream marketing in sponsorships.
2) Another example of popular culture is the use of slang. Youth culture in particular develop new ways of talking in order to create solidarity among each other and feel like they’re ‘in the know’ to ultimately avoid feeling othered or an outsider.
Explain, using examples, the definition of consumer culture.
Definition - Consumer culture
is a lifestyle which is hyper-focused on spending money to buy material goods. It is one of
the biggest sources of capitalism and may brands / companies use consumer culture in order
to profit for their own benefit.
1) One example of consumer culture is make-up products for women. Feminists would argue that brands socialize young girls
into beleiving that they need to wear make-up / meet the beauty standard in order to fit ‘the norms’ - ultimately having these brands profit off women’s insecurities.
2) Another example of consumer culture is the use of drugs and alcohol. Many people mass buy alcohol for a source of entertainment or a co-dependency for it, the use of alcohol has become the norm for many people as it hits mainstream
society and is used as a form
of escapism for some.