6 Crew Resource Management Flashcards
For IFR operations, the pilot meeting the requirements of FAR 61.xx is the PIC. If both pilots meet the requirements, the pilot in the right seat is the PIC.
Pg 44
Which pilot/s is responsible for the safety of the aircraft?
- Both
- Both pilots are responsible for the safety of the aircraft.
Pg 44
Second-in-command (SIC) - Pilot not designated or qualified as PIC. For IFR operations, the SIC must meet the requirements of FAR 61.xx.
Pg 44
Pilot Xxxxxx (PF) - The pilot manipulating the aircraft controls. Pilot Xxxxxxxxxx (PM) - The pilot not manipulating the controls.
Pilot Flying (PF) Pilot Monitoring (PM) Pg 44
True or False
Normal checklists can be accomplished in a variable sequence without preliminary challenge. After all items are completed, the checklist is then read while each item is verified.
Normal checklists can be accomplished by the “Do - Verify” method. This consists of the checklist being accomplished in a variable sequence without preliminary challenge. After all items are completed, the checklist is then read while each item is verified.
Pg 44
True or False
A sterile cockpit shall be maintained during all ground operations involving run-up, taxi, takeoff, landing and parking procedure. During VFR flight, a sterile cockpit will be maintained below 500 feet AGL. For IFR flight, a sterile cockpit will be maintained below 1,000 feet AGL.
A sterile cockpit shall be maintained during all ground operations involving run-up, taxi, takeoff, landing and parking procedure. During VFR flight, a sterile cockpit will be maintained below 500 feet AGL. For IFR flight, a sterile cockpit will be maintained anytime the aircraft is in other than cruise flight.
Pg 45
The keys to advanced crew coordination are: mutual xxxxxxxxxx early xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx verification xxxxxxxxxx of error
mutual confidence early detection immediate verification correction of error Pg 45
True or False
If the PF fails to respond to the second deviation call, the PM must take the controls to ensure the safety of the flight.
If the PF fails to respond to the second call, the PM must then take whatever action is deemed necessary to ensure the safety of the flight.
Pg 45
True or False
Emergency checklists shall be accomplished by the “Challenge-Do- Verify” method after immediate action items have been accomplished. Confirmation of critical engine controls (e.g., T-handles, fuel lever, etc.) must be made by the PIC only, prior to the movement of that control.
Confirmation of critical engine controls (e.g., T-handles, fuel lever, etc.) must be made by both pilots prior to the movement of that control.
Emergency checklists shall be accomplished by the “Challenge-Do- Verify” method after immediate action items have been accomplished.
Pg 45
Standard IFR Alerts
Precision Approach:
• At xxx feet above DH
• At xxx feet above DH
• At XX with or without landing minimums
Standard IFR Alerts
Precision Approach:
• At 500 feet above DH
• At 100 feet above DH
• At DH with landing minimums, or
• At DH without landing minimums
Pg 46
Standard IFR Alerts
Non-precision Approach (other than OSAPs):
• At xxx feet above MDA
• At xxx feet above MDA
• At XXX with landing minimums, or
• At XXX without landing minimums
Standard IFR Alerts
Non-precision Approach (other than OSAPs):
• At 500 feet above MDA
• At 100 feet above MDA
• At MDA with landing minimums, or
• At MAP without landing minimums
Pg 46
Standard IFR Alerts
Significant Deviations:
• IAS +/- xx knots
• Heading +/- xx°
• En route Altitude +/- xxx feet
• Glide slope deviation x/x scale
• CDI deviation x/x scale
• MDA + xx feet - x feet on final
• Banks in excess of xx°
Standard IFR Alerts
Significant Deviations:
• IAS +/- 10 knots
• Heading +/- 10 °
• Enroute Altitude +/- 100 feet
• Glide slope deviation 1/2 scale
• CDI deviation 1/2 scale
• MDA + 50 feet - 0 feet on final
• Banks in excess of 30°
Pg 46
AW139 Pilot duties for PIC, SIC, PF, PM, LS or RS?
The XX …watches for traffic, calls for checklists…
Pg 46
AW139 Pilot duties for PIC, SIC, PF, PM, LS or RS?
The XX …should be the primary source for entering and updating data in the FMS…
Pg 46
AW139 Pilot duties for PIC, SIC, PF, PM, LS or RS?
The XX …supervises the loading and unloading of passengers and cargo…
Pg 46
AW139 Pilot duties for PIC, SIC, PF, PM, LS or RS?
The XX …Monitors outside the aircraft during the performance of engine checks and records the data…
Pg 46
AW139 Pilot duties for PIC, SIC, PF, PM, LS or RS?
The XX …Operates the aircraft parking brake handle, raises and lowers the landing gear and conducts all engine performance checks.
Pg 46
AW139 Pilot duties for PIC, SIC, PF, PM, LS or RS?
XX - Reads and verifies the checklist.
XX - Accomplishes checklist.
Pg 46
AW139 Pilot duties for PIC, SIC, PF, PM, LS, RS, or Both?
Xxxx - Shall maintain constant vigilance outside the aircraft during taxi. Whenever possible, set radio frequencies, obtain clearances and complete paperwork prior to taxi. Doors shall be closed during taxi.
Pg 46
AW139 Pilot duties for PIC, SIC, PF, PM, LS, RS, or Both?
XX - Verifies and announces that the before takeoff checklist has been completed. Calls out obstructions and any deviations from the normal take-off and climb profile.
Pg 46
AW139 Pilot duties for PIC, SIC, PF, PM, LS, RS, or Both?
XX - Acknowledges before takeoff checklist complete…
Pg 46
AW139 Pilot duties for PIC, SIC, PF, PM, LS, RS, or Both?
XX - Verifies and announces cruise checklist complete, before landing check complete, and performs after-landing check and announces after-landing check complete.
Pg 46