6. CNS/Sensory Flashcards
Brian + spinal cord
afferent neurons responsible for
sensory input
3 types of sensory afferents
- cranial nerves: go straight to brain
- spinal nerves: somatic sensation
- visceral: inflammation, pain inputs
sensory afferents have their axons where?
going into CNS
efferent neurons responsible for
motor output
motor neurons have their cell bodies where?
in the CNS
types of motor efferents
- cranial nerves + spinal nerves (contain mix of afferent and efferent)
- somatic efferent: send signals which innervate skeletal muscles
- autonomic efferent: innervates interneurons and smooth&cardiac muscles
- enteric efferent: control digestive tract
spinal cord (anatomy)
meets brainstem at base of skull
brainstem consists of: (3)
- Medulla
- Pons
- Midbrain
thalamus (anatomy)
relay station, sensory pathway
corpus callosum (anatomy)
major connection in middle, containing a bunch of neurons travelling between the 2 hemispheres
cerebrum aka…
cerebral cortex
cerebrum has foldings called…
gyrus and sulcus
4 parts of cerebrum
- frontal
- parietal
- occipital
- temporal
cerebellum (anatomy)
contains many neurons, contributing to motor skills
central sulcus
crack/folding that separates primary somatosensory processing from primary motor cortex
coronal splice
cutting down through the cerebral cortex
gray matter
where all cell bodies are
white matter
where axons are
cavities where cerebral spinal fluid flows
cervical nerves innervate…
neck, shoulders, arms and hands
thoracic nerves innervate…
shoulders, chest, upper abdominal wall
lumbar nerves innervate…
lower abdominal wall, hips and legs
sacral nerves innervate…
genitals and lower digestive track
gray matter composed of
- dorsal horn (back)
- ventral horn (stomach)
- central canal in middle
spinal segment composed of
- dorsal root
- ventral root
- dorsal root ganglion
dorsal root carries…
sensory afferents
ventral root carries…
motor efferents
dorsal root ganglion is where…
cell bodies of sensory afferents are located
top part which develops into CNS
becomes muscles, organs
big cavity that becomes the digestive system
lining of CNS
early development of nervous system in weeks 1-3
inner cell mass develops into embryonic disk
early development of nervous system in weeks 3-4
ectoderm folds into groove which will then close to form the neural tube
-> becomes CNS and part of PNS
early development of nervous system in week 4
vesicles develop with cavity in middle, forming the forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain
early development of nervous system in following 8 months
- forebrain becomes cerebral hemispheres + thalamus
- midbrain becomes midbrain
- hindbrain becomes cerebellum + pons + medulla
- cavity becomes ventricles + central canal
Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF) is produced where and by what?
produced in the 4 ventricles by the chloroid plexus
4 ventricles in the brain
- 2 lateral ventricles: largest ones, majorly producing CSF
- 3rd ventricle in middle of thalamus
- 4th ventricle attached to central canal
CSF composition
sterile, colorless, acellular fluid containing glucose
CSF circulates actively or passively?
passive circulation: oozing out from chloroid plexus
Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF) functions (3)
- support and cushion the brain: makes brain float in skull since gravity of brain and CSF are equal
- provide nourishment to the brain: glucose
- remove metabolic waste through absorption at the arachnoid villi
foramen of Monro
opening that connects lateral ventricles to 3rd ventricles
subarachnoid space
where CSF circulates around the brain
arachnoid villi
organelles that take CSF out of the subarachnoid space to empty it into venous blood
what covers the brain and spinal cord?
the membranes/meninges of CNS
3 meninges
- Dura mater
- Arachnoid membrane
- Pia mater
Dura mater
tough covering protecting the CNS + contains dural sinus
dural sinus
where arachnoid villi empty CSF to the blood
arachnoid membrane
not as tough as dura but creates subarachnoid space
found in arachnoid membrane, produce subarachnoid space
pia mater
thin and delicate, attaches itself to the cortex
what % of total blood does brain receive?
what substrate(s) is/are metabolised by the brain?
glucose + very little glycogen
brain requires continuous supply of
glucose and oxygen
how is glucose transported in the brain
automatically goes into neurons, no need for insulin
what carries blood to the brain
common carotid artery and vertebral artery
what carries blood to the rest of the body
aorta (85% of blood)
internal carotid artery
supplies base of the brain
external carotid artery
supplies outside of the head
basilar artery
the 2 vertebral arteries joined together
Circle of Willis
internal carotid + basilar artery form a loop, allowing for continuous supply of blood even if one of the carotids gets blocked
CSF circulation summary
chloroid plexus -> subarachnoid space -> dural sinus -> venous system
blood circulation summary
heart -> vertebral/carotid arteries -> Circle of Willis -> brain -> venous system
blood brain barrier
capillary wall with tight junctions between endothelial cells allows only a few things to leave the blood
what does the blood-brain barrier let through
- lipid soluble substances: water, O2, CO2
- small ions: Na+, K+, Cl-
- glucose through active transport
what isn’t let through the brain barrier
- plasma proteins
- large organic molecules
non-neuronal cells in brain which support neuron by regulating extracellular conditions
type of glia cells
astrocytes functions (3)
- phagocytosis of debris
- providing structural support
- inducing tight junctions
awareness of sensory stimulation
understanding of a sensation’s meaning
how do we perceive sensation
we perceive the neural activity/pattern produced by the energy of sensory stimulation
Law of Specific Nerve Energies
regardless off how a sensory receptor is activated, the sensation felt corresponds to that of which the receptor is specialised
Law of Specific Nerve Energies example
rubbing eyes creates a pressure which stimulates light to be perceived
Law of Projection
regardless of where in the brain you stimulate a sensory pathway, the sensation is always felt at the sensory receptors location
Law of Projection example
Phantom limb pain after amputation
general class of a stimulus
summary of Laws of Perception/Sensation
the brain knows the modality and location of every sensory afferent
stimulus reception steps
- stimulus energy activates afferents
- receptor membrane/cell contain ion channels, which respond only to adequate stimulus
- transduction: stimulus activates ion channels at receptor membrane/cell
- action potential sent to the brain
- neurotransmitter release
what affects neurotransmitter release?
variations in stimulus energy strength
adaptation of afferent response
signals changes in stimulus energy, allowing us to be sensitive to changes in sensory input
non-adapting encodes…
stimulus intensity and slow changes
slowly adapting encodes…
some stimulus intensity and moderate stimulus change
rapidly adapting encodes…
fast stimulus changes
Receptive Field (RF)
region in space that activates a sensory receptor or neuron
where is the receptive field strongest?
at its centre
population code
overlapping receptive fields
ability to differentiate one stimulus from another
small RF =
high acuity, ie. lips
-> can tell location go stimulus more precisely
large RF =
low acuity, ie. back
bottom up mechanism
lateral inhibition, reducing activity of neighbouring neurons
–> have no control over
top down mechanism
use of background knowledge to interpret what we see
–> can be controlled
sensory information sharpened by…
bottom up and top down mechanisms
somatic senses
touch, pain, proprioception, temperature
somatosensory system stimulus energy
mechanical, thermal, chemical
somatosensory system receptor class
mechanoreceptors, chemoreceptors, thermoreceptors, nociceptors
touch receptors are called
mechanoreceptors (touch)
specialised end organs that surround the nerve terminal, allowing only elective mechanical information to activate the nerve terminal
superficial layers of touch mechanoreceptors
- Meissner’s corpuscle
- Merkel disk
–> closest to skin surface so most sensitive
Meissner’s corpuscle key points
- fluid filled structure enclosing the nerve terminal
- rapidly adapting
- sensitive to light stroking and fluttering
Merkel disk keys points
- small epithelial cells surrounding the nerve terminal
- slowly adapting
- sensitive to pressure and texture
deep layers of touch mechanoreceptors
- Pacinian corpuscle
- Ruffini endings
–> less sensitive: require more energy to be activated