6. Catecholamine Receptors Flashcards
Alpha 1
Heart, blood vessels, GI SM, liver, radial muscles of eye, sweat glands, ejaculation, prostate, bladder sphincter
Gq/11 -> PLC
1) IP3 -> [Ca2+]
2) DAG -> PKC
-> Vasoconstriction, bladder sphincter closure, glycogenolysis, GI relaxation
Alpha 2
Autoreceptors, blood vessels, GI sphincter, GI glands Gi/o 1) BY -| VGCC 2) Ai -| cAMP -| PKA -| VGCC Prevents neurotransmitter release Platelet aggregation Vasoconstriction Decrease gland activity
Beta 1
Heart, GI SM, kidney
Gs -> cAMP -> PKA
1) Ih current activation by cAMP -> increase heart rate
2) MLC kinase phosphorylation -> inactivation -> contractility
3) VGCC activation
4) Phosphorylation of L-type calcium channels
Increase heart rate and contractility, relaxation of GI tract
Beta 2
Skeletal and cardiac vessels, Gi smooth mm, Liver, Ciliary mm, skeletal mm
Gs -> cAMP -> PKA
1) Ih current activation by cAMP -> increase heart rate
2) MLC kinase phosphorylation -> inactivation -> contractility
3) VGCC activation
4) Phosphorylation of L-type calcium channels
Increase heart rate and contractility, relaxation of GI tract
A2 > A1 > B1 > B2
Physiological antihistamine - used in anaphylactic shock
A1 Receptor Agonist
Raises blood pressure in acute hypotension
Slightly A2 selective Receptor Agonist
A2 selective Receptor Agonist
Used as a veterinary sedative due to CNS effects
Beta Receptor Agonist
Previous use in asthma treatment (but B1 related tachycardia was problematic)
B2 Selective Agonist, long acting
Used preventatively for asthma
Selective B1 Agonist
Used in acute cardiogenic shock (heart failure) as it has an inotropic effect
Selective A1 Antagonist
Used in hypertension
Non selective Alpha Antagonist
Reflex tachycardia
Beta 1 Blocker
Used with phenoxybendazole (irreversible alpha antagonist) to combat large release of catelcholamine release following surgery
Used in
Combined alpha and beta blocker
Used to treat hypertension in pregnancy
Four isomers with different activity
Alpha 2 selective antagonist
Alpha 2 Receptor Antagonist
Non selective beta antagonist
Past use as an antihypertensive - no longer due to bronchoconstriction