6 Basics of the Central Nervous System Flashcards
What makes up the CNS and what makes up the PNS?
Cerebral hemishpheres
Spinal cord
Dorsal and ventral roots
Spinal nerves
Peripheral nerves

The brain is said to flex on a 90 degree angle. Where is the ventral part of the brain on the following image and where is the dorsal part?

Label the 1-3 of the brainstem and give there functions:

- Midbrain: Eye movements and reflex responses
- eg Loud noise- reflex to turn towards it
- Pons: Feeding and sleeping
- eg Baby reflex to start sucking
- Medulla: CVS and Respiratory systems
- Major motor pathway

‘Pons’ means bridge. Why is this part of the brain given this name?

What are the labelled parts of the brainstem also known as? Locate the medullary pyramids on this image:

- Midbrain: Mesencephalon
- Pons: Metencephalon
- Medulla: Myelencephalon

What is highlighted in pink in the following diagram?

What is decussation?
Crossing over of pathways
- (Deca= 10)- X crosses over*
- Body controlled by contralateral sides*
Differentiate between the following:
- Sulcus- groove/furrow in brain, separates adjacent gyri
- Gyrus- ridge or fold in brain
- Fissure- large crack/ split between adjacent large areas of brain

On the following image, which area of the brain controls motor function and which area is sensory?

Label the parts of the brain shown on this image and give their function:

Frontal: Higher cognition, motor function, speech
Parietal: Sensation, spatial awareness
Temporal: Memory, smell, hearing
Occipital: Vision
Cerebellum: Coordination and motor learning

What is the clinical significance of the uncus? (part of temporal lobe)
Part of temporal lobe that can herniate- compressing midbrain

Label the highlighted parts of the brain and give their function:

Corpus callosum: fibres connecting 2 cerebral hemispheres
Thalamus: Sensory relay station- projecting to sensory cortex
Hypothalamus: Homeostasis