6: Basic Concepts Flashcards
Rationale for policy
Free markets fail to achieve an efficient allocation of resources: market failures –> externalities (e.g. congestion, pollution, noise, emissions, accidents and social exclusion)
Unconsidered cost/benefit experienced by a third party due to an economic decision made by others
Requirement: lack of suitable pricing of the effect
Transport is a …
Derived demand: demand occurs as result of demand from another sector, users to not get any benefit directly from transport, but allows them to access other services/goods
Generalized transportation costs (GTC)
Cost of mobility for the individual: monetary costs (e.g. gas, depreciation, insurance) and non-monetary costs (time, (dis)comfort, safety, availability of info)
Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA)
Investment should only be made if the benefits outweigh the costs (positive NPV)
Main problems with CBA
- Lack of direct markets in which to value particular costs and benefits in monetary terms (considering non-economic variables is difficult)
- Distributional problems of valuing benefits and costs to people whose circumstances are different
Possible risks
Policy risk (legislative risk) Risk on delivering the asset (construction risk, planning risk, residual value risk) Risk on operating the asset (operational risk, inflation risk, maintenance risk) Risk of demand and revenue (design risk, availability risk, volume risk, technology risk)
Cost of building project
Project design decisions Legal requirements Community and political environment Site characteristics Project execution General and local market conditions
Estimated costs vs real costs (unreliable CBA)
Real costs often a lot higher than initial estimation, leads to wrong projects realized and misallocation of resources
Cost underestimation cannot be explained by error and seems to be due to strategic misrepresentation (lying)
Bias and CBA, why?
Benefits are overestimated and costs are often underestimated, because:
Technological reasons
Psychological reasons
Political-economic reasons