6 - Axial Skeleton (complete) Flashcards
there are 80 bones in the axial skeleton, How many are skull bones, how many are associated bones, how many are in the vertebral column, and how many are in the thoracic cage
22 in the skull
7 associated bones
26 in the vertebral column
25 in the thoracic cage
What is the cranium
the skull without the mandible
what is the calvarium
the “skull cap”
the top part of the skull
What is the is the viscerocranium
facial skeleton
What is the neurocranium
the cranial vault (part that holds the brain)
What are the bones of the neurocranium 8
frontal 2- parietal 2- temporal occipital sphenoid ethmoid
what are the bones of the visceriocranium 14
2 - maxilla 2- zygomatic 2- nasal 2- lacrimal 2 -inferior conchae 2 - palatine mandible vomer
What are the three cranial fossa and what do they hold
anterior cranial fossa - frontal lobe
middle cranial fossa - temporal lobe
posterior cranial fossa - cerebellum
What are the 7 bones associated with the skull
2 - stapes
2 - incus
2 - malleus
What are the major sutures of the skull (4)
squamous suture
What are the minor sutures of the skull, and what do you call the location in which they all are
The location where they are all found is called the Pterion
What bones make up the orbit of the eye 7
frontal sphenoid lacrimal Maxilla Zygomatic palatine ethmoid
What are the 4 paranasal sinuses
frontal sinus
sphenoid sinus
ethmoid air cells
maxillary sinus
what are the fontanelles in a infants skull (5)
Metopic (frontal) suture
What bones does the occipital bone articulate with (4)
What are the important landmarks on the occipital bone
external occipital protuberance
external occipital crest
occipital condyles
What are the foramen of the occipital bone
hypoglossal canal
occipital canal
foramen magnum
jugular foramen
What are the bones the parietal bone articulates with (5)
other parietal bone occipital frontal temporal sphenoid
What is the important parietal bone landmark
superior temporal line
inferior temporal line
What bones does the frontal bone articulate with (7)
parietal sphenoid ethmoid nasal lacrimal zygomatic maxilla
What are the important landmarks of the frontal bone
zygomatic process supraorbital margin frontal squama glabella superciliary arch frontal crest frontal sinus
what bones does the temporal bone articulate with (5)
parital occipital mandible sphenoid zygomatic
What are the important landmarks of the temporal bone
zygomatic process
mandibular fossa
mastoid process
styloid process
what are the foramen of the temporal bone
foramen lacerum External acoustic meatus internal acoustic meatus carotid canal stylomastoid foramen
What bones does the sphenoid articulate with (9)
occipital parietal frontal temporal maxilla zygomatic ethmoid palatine vomer
What are the important landmarks of the sphenoid bone
lesser and greater wings sella turcica sphenoid sinus pterygoid fossa sphenoid spine medial and lateral pterygoid plates (both with pterygoid processes)
what are the foramen of the frontal bone
supraorbital foramen
supraorbital notch
what are the foramen of the sphenoid
foramen ovale foramen spinosum foramen lacerum optic canal superior orbital fissure foramen rodtundum inferior orbital fissure
What bones articulate with the ethmoid (8)
sphenoid palatine inferior nasal conchae vomer lacrimal maxilla frontal nasal
What are the important ethmoid landmarks
crista gali superior nasal conchae middle nasal conchae perpendicular plate cribriform plate
what is the most important ethmoid landmark
olfactory foramina
What makes up the nasal septum (5)
perpendicular plate of ethmoid vomer cartialge of septum crest of maxillary bone crest of palatine bone
What bone does the maxilla articulate with
all facial bones except the mandible
and the frontal and ethmoid bones
What are the imporatant maxillary bone landmarks
alveolar processes and margin anterior nasal spine palatine process maxillary tuberosity Maxillary tuberosity MAxillary sinus
What are the foramina of the frontal bone
infraorbital foramen and canal
nasolacrimal canal
incisive fossa and canal
Which bones articulate with the palatine bones (5)
ethmoid sphenoid maxilla inferior nasal chonchae vomer
what are the landmarks of the palatine bone
horizontal plate
What are the foramina of the palatine bone
greater palatine foramen
lesser palatine foramin
What makes up the hard palate
palatine process of maxilla
horizontal plates of palatine bone
transverse palatine suture
medial palatine suture
What bones articulate with the zygomatic bone (4)
What are the landmarks of the zygomatic bone
temporal process
What bones articulate with the lacrimal bones (3)
what bones articulate with the nasal bones (3)
frontal bone
What bones articulate with the inferior nasal conchae
What bones articulate with the vomer articulations
maxilla sphenoid ethmoid palatine nasal septum, cartilagenous portion
What are the articulations of the mandible
mandibular fossa of temporal bones
What are the landmarks of the mandible
body ramus angle coronoid process condylar process mandibular notch alveolar processes
What are the foramina of the mandible
mandibular and mental foramen