6. Arguing Flashcards
this is what sb/sth (a report, the weather forecast, the rule book, a contract, etc) says
в соответствии, согласно с
____ to her mother, she is having second thoughts.
according to sb/sth
According to her mother, she is having second thoughts.
easily, without question (used to describe something that is the best, most significant, or most obvious choice among a group of options; used to emphasize the degree to which something exceeds the alternatives)
means “beyond comparison, surpassing by a wide margin”
Of all the books I’ve read this year, this one is ____ my favorite.
(by) far and away
Of all the books I’ve read this year, this one is by far and away my favorite.
as a result of this
как следствие
She is overworked and ____ suffering from stress.
She is overworked and consequently suffering from stress.
for example
I can see a great many disadvantages to privatising hospitals. ____, what happens to those people who cannot afford medical insurance?
for instance
I can see a great many disadvantages to privatising hospitals. For instance, what happens to those people who cannot afford medical insurance?
when you consider/think about
учитывая, принимая во внимание
____ her lack of experience, I think that she has done remarkably well.
Given her lack of experience, I think that she has done remarkably well.
used to accept that what the person (one is arguing against) says, is true
принимая во внимание; признаю… но
____ that by not joining the single currency we will preserve one facet of our national identity. But is it really worth it?
granted (that)
Granted that by not joining the single currency we will preserve one facet of our national identity. But is it really worth it?
used to accept that what the person (one is arguing against) says, is true
по общему признанию, надо признать
____, John is a brilliant athlete.
Admittedly, John is a brilliant athlete.
conforming to
согласно, в соответствии
The estate will be divided among his heirs, in ____ with his will.
in accordance
The estate will be divided among his heirs, in accordance with his will.
and; followed by -ing form or noun
в дополнение к
In ____ to winning the Pulitzer Prize, she was also awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.
in addition to
In addition to winning the Pulitzer Prize, she was also awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.
in total
всего, в целом
There were about 5,000 people in ____ at the concert.
in all
There were about 5,000 people in all at the concert.
because sb/sth might happen
в случае
Be quiet ____ she hears us.
in case
Be quiet in case she hears us.
compared with
по сравнению с
His hometown seemed dull ____ with London.
in comparison with
His hometown seemed dull in comparison with London.
opposing, on the other side
против, в противовес
There was a wave of protest ____ to the new labour law.
in opposition
There was a wave of protest in opposition to the new labour law.
so as to
для того, чтобы, с целью
He left the phone off the hook ____ not to be disturbed.
in order to
He left the phone off the hook in order not to be disturbed.
(formal) if sth occurs; for possible future happening
в случае если
In the ____ rain, the picnic will be postponed.
in the event of
In the event of rain, the picnic will be postponed.
taking sth into consideration; followed by a noun or the fact that
в свете чего-либо
In (the) ____ of the new evidence, he will be tried for forgery as well.
In (the) light of sth
In (the) light of the new evidence, he will be tried for forgery as well.
(adj) the most important
Unemployment is likely to be a ____ issue in the debate tonight
Unemployment is likely to be a key issue in the debate tonight
в основном
The fact that he is in debt is ____ his own fault, as he buys too much on credit.
The fact that he is in debt is largely his own fault, as he buys too much on credit.
even though; typically used with appreciate, sympathise and verbs of liking/disliking
как бы не, хоть и
____ I sympathise with your problems, I’m afraid that there is nothing I can do to help you.
much as
Much as I sympathise with your problems, I’m afraid that there is nothing I can do to help you.
nor… either (used to introduce another negative idea and is followed by inversion)
также не
Finding somewhere to live is never easy in this part of Oxford. ____ is it particularly cheap.
Finding somewhere to live is never easy in this part of Oxford. Nor is it particularly cheap.
несмотря на то, что
____ their different political views, they get on very well.
Notwithstanding their different political views, they get on very well.
in addition to
вдобавок, сверх этого
The cat dug up the bulbs I had planted and then, ____ that, left muddy footprints all over the floor.
on top of
The cat dug up the bulbs I had planted and then, on top of that, left muddy footprints all over the floor.
в особенности
I am ____ fond of this restaurant and dine here often.
I am particularly fond of this restaurant and dine here often.
- whereas (contrast)
- although
в то время как; хотя и
- ____ Harry liked the idea, Jerry didn’t think it would work.
- ____ the government acknowleges the existence of the problem, it is unwilling to do anything about it.
- While Harry liked the idea, Jerry didn’t think it would work.
- While the government acknowleges the existence of the problem, it is unwilling to do anything about it.