5. Anger and Annoyance, Animals Flashcards
an argument in which people are very angry and emotional
шумная ссора
We had a ____ row.
a blazing row
We had a blazing row.
to lose your temper and become very angry
срывать крышу
When she told him, he blew ____ and began shouting.
to blow your top
When she told him, he blew his top and began shouting.
to be a little angry
(often used when speaking to children)
быть сердитым, злым
You’d better do what your teacher says, or she will get very ____.
to be cross
You’d better do what your teacher says, or she will get very cross.
bad-tempered and easily made angry
быть раздражительным
I’m always a bit ____ when I wake up in the mornings.
to be crotchety
I’m always a bit crotchety when I wake up in the mornings.
to annoy sb
доводить кого-л. до бешенства
That constant drilling noise outside my house is driving me ____.
to drive sb up the wall
That constant drilling noise outside my house is driving me up the wall.
very angry
быть в ярости
When they told him, he was ____ and left the room.
When they told him, he was furious and left the room.
sth that is annoying, because it seems unfair or wrong
неприятный, раздражающий, досадный
The most ____ thing about his winning all that money is that he was already a millionaire!
The most galling thing about his winning all that money is that he was already a millionaire!
to annoy sb
действовать кому-л. на нервы
She gets on ____ with her meaningless chatter.
to get on sb’s nerves
She gets on my nerves with her meaningless chatter.
a bad argument in which people are very angry
горячий спор
Raised voices told me that a ____ argument was going on next door.
a heated argument
Raised voices told me that a heated argument was going on next door.
to lose your temper and become very angry
прийти в ярость; вспылить
He hit ____ when he saw my report card.
to hit the roof
He hit the roof when he saw my report card.
to be very angry because you think sth is wrong or unfair
быть возмущенным
She was ____ at the suggestion that she was lying.
to be indignant
She was indignant at the suggestion that she was lying.
make angry
приводить в ярость, в бешенство
Rude people ____ me.
Rude people infuriate me.
very angry
разгневанный, сердитый
Within two minutes of coming off the air, we were inundated with phone calls from ____ listeners.
Within two minutes of coming off the air, we were inundated with phone calls from irate listeners.
to annoy
раздражать, вызывать раздражение
His constant whistling ____ me.
to irritate
His constant whistling irritates me.
to be very angry
(not used before a noun)
очень сердитый, очень злой
When she finds out that you told him, she’ll be ____.
to be livid
When she finds out that you told him, she’ll be livid.
to be angry and not want to
не в настроении
I am in ____ to argue!
to be in no mood to
I am in no mood to argue!
a sudden explosion of anger
взрыв, вспышка
What was the reason for her sudden ____?
an outburst
What was the reason for her sudden outburst?
if you have a ____ temper, you lose your temper quickly and very easily
вспыльчивый характер
He’s got a very ____ temper, so be careful what you say to him.
a quick temper
He’s got a very quick temper, so be careful what you say to him.
to be annoyed and fed up with sth/sb
до смерти надоесть, устать от чего-то
I’m ____ and ____ of your excuses!
to be sick and tired of sth/sb
I’m sick and tired of your excuses!
to start kicking, crying and shouting (generally used for children)
закатывать истерику
Whenever Tom didn’t get his own way, he would throw ____.
to throw a tantrum
Whenever Tom didn’t get his own way, he would throw a tantrum.
to be bad-tempered and easily made angry
быть обидчивым, болезненно реагировать
I’m sorry I’ve been so ____ lately.
to be touchy
I’m sorry I’ve been so touchy lately.
to be very angry and ready to protest (used to describe group reaction)
быть вооружённым, быть готовым к борьбе, к сопротивлению
Local people are up ____ the government’s proposal to build a road through the village green.
to be up in arms about sth
Local people are up in arms about the government’s proposal to build a road through the village green.
sb considered to be a failure/an embarrassment by relatives
черная овца в семье
I’ve always been the ____ of the family. My father, mother and sister are all lawyers. Me? I’m a rock singer.
the black sheep of the family
I’ve always been the black sheep of the family. My father, mother and sister are all lawyers. Me? I’m a rock singer.
to have poor eyesight
быть слепым, как летучая мышь
She’s ____ without her glasses.
to be as blind as a bat
She’s as blind as a bat without her glasses.
you can do sth for a very long time, but it won’t change anything
пока коровы не вернутся домой
You can ask till the ____, but I won’t tell you.
you can… till the cows come home, but It won’t
You can ask till the cows come home, but I won’t tell you.
sb who people know very little about
темная лошадка
Sean is a ____, a bit of a mystery.
a dark horse
Sean is a dark horse, a bit of a mystery.
sth bad keeps causing you trouble and it will not go away
быть преследуемым чем-л.
I’ve been ____ ill health ever since I left university.
to be dogged by sth
I’ve been dogged by ill health ever since I left university.
for a very long time
(informal, British)
сто лет, уйма лет
I’ve known Tom for ____.
for donkey’s years
was originally “as long as donkey’s ears”
I’ve known Tom for donkey’s years.
to avoid sth which is going to hit you by lowering your head
наклониться, нагнуться
If he hadn’t ____ed, the ball would have hit him square in the face.
to duck
If he hadn’t ducked, the ball would have hit him square in the face.
sth does not affect you because you are accustomed to it
как с гуся вода
His criticisms are like ____.
it is like water off a duck’s back for sb
His criticisms are like water off a duck’s back.
Note: The phrase “like water off a duck’s back” is often used in a positive sense to describe someone who is resilient and unshakeable, and who is able to handle negativity and adversity with ease.
сомнительный, подозрительный
His proposal sounds a bit ____, so I don’t think we should trust him.
His proposal sounds a bit fishy, so I don’t think we should trust him.
to persistently follow sb
(used in connection with the press)
не давать прохода, преследовать
The paparazzi ____ed her wherever she went.
to hound sb
The paparazzi hounded her wherever she went.
the biggest part
львиная доля
Julie inherited the ____ of Uncle Fester’s fortune.
the lion’s share
Julie inherited the lion’s share of Uncle Fester’s fortune.
to talk for a long time in a boring way
разглагольствовать, распространяться (на какую-л. тему)
She ____ for ages.
to rabbit on (about sth)
Rabbit and Pork is Cockney slang for Talk.
She rabbited on for ages.
bad-tempered/easily made angry/irritated
злой, раздражённый
Sorry I was so ____ this morning. I didn’t get much sleep last night.
Sorry I was so ratty this morning. I didn’t get much sleep last night.
to really enjoy yourself
замечательно провести время
The kids ____ of a time.
to have a whale of a time
The kids had a whale of a time.
a search for sth that one is unlikely to find
погоня за недостижимым
Looking for him would be a ____.
a wild goose chase
Looking for him would be a wild goose chase.
to find a sneaky or clever way to escape or avoid a situation, obligation, or responsibility, usually in a deceptive or untruthful manner
выкручиваться из чего-л.
He ____ out of the work again!
to worm your way out of sth
He wormed his way out of the work again!