1. Adjectives Flashcards
(+/-) if sb is ____, they say what they really think, even if what they say is impolite and will hurt or offend someone
грубоватый; прямой, резкий
- a blunt reply/remark/refusal
- To be blunt, I think that what he did was cowardly and pathetic.
(-) if sb is ____, they are annoyingly loud, overconfident and aggressive
дерзкий, наглый, нахальный
That TV presenter is far too noisy and brash for my liking.
(-) if sb is ____, they get what they want by careful and clever planning, without caring about anyone else
Percy is disliked by most of his colleagues because of his sly and calculating ways of getting what he wants.
(-) if sb is ____, they are cruel and heartless
чёрствый, бессердечный, безразличный
His callous disregard of her feelings upset her.
(-) if sb is ____, they are bad-tempered and tend to argue with people about insignificant things
вздорный, придирчивый, сварливый
Paul is not an easy person to have as a friend, because he is so cantankerous.
(+) if sb is ____, they are happy and in a good mood
весёлый, радостный, живой, энергичный, неунывающий
Why are you so cheerful today?
(-) if sb is ____, they are very abrupt (and rude, as a result) when they talk to another person
отрывисто-грубый, резкий (о речи)
I knew from his curt tone that he was angry.
(-) if sb is ____ , they are not faithful or loyal to their friends
непостоянный, переменчивый; ненадёжный
How can you have trusted someone as fickle as Joan?
(-) if sb is ____ , they are always trying to find out about other people’s lives, often by asking a lot of questions
любознательный, пытливый
She was nervous. The man in front of her was being unusually inquisitive.
(+) interested in many different things and always wanting to know more about them (often used about children)
любознательный, пытливый
He is a very inquisitive child. He’s going to love school.
(-/+) if sb is ____ , they are very careful about what they do, paying attention to small details and making sure that everything is correct or in order
тщательный, дотошный, педантичный
Mother was always meticulous about her appearance.
(-/+) if sb is ____, they refuse to give up, despite difficulties or opposition
настойчивый, упорный
The customer was most persistent and refused to speak to anyone but the manager.
(-) if sb is ____, they do dangerous things without thinking about the consequences of their actions
безрассудный, безумный, опрометчивый
That was a very reckless thing to do. Do you realise you put your own life in danger?
(-) if sb is ____ , they are cruel and cold and have no mercy or feelings for others [Note: also used to describe actions]
безжалостный, беспощадный, жестокий
- a ruthless decision / (in football) a ruthless tackle
- The dictator was ruthless in silencing opposition and had the mass media strictly censored.
(-/+) if sb is ____ , they do not like the sight of, and are usually upset by, unpleasant things such as blood or needles
брезгливый; подверженный тошноте
This horror film is not for people who are squeamish.
(-) if sb is ____ they are bad tempered and do not speak much
замкнутый, сердитый, угрюмый
Rob sat in his room, in one of his sullen moods again.
(-) if sb is ____, they are prepared to act in an immoral and dishonest way to get what they want
беспринципный, без моральных убеждений
He’s probably the most unscrupulous businessman I’ve ever met. He’d do anything to make a profit.
(-) if sb is ____ , they lose their temper very quickly and very easily
непостоянный, изменчивый; ветреный, капризный
We need someone who is calm, patient and level-headed. Joe is far too volatile.
(-/+) if sb is ____ , they are very quiet and do not like talking to others
замкнутый, ушедший в себя
Katy is so withdrawn and introverted that you can hardly get a word out of her.