6 A Parting of Ways: Rome and Byzantium, fifth to thirteenth century Flashcards
Year that Emperor Constantine established the Christian church?
311 AD
Why was the early Christian church unable to use pagan temples, and needed a new model for places of worship?
Because interior of temple was usually only a small shrine for statue of god. Processions and sacrifices took place outside. Church had to find room for whole congregation for mass and sermons.
What became the model for early Christian church buildings?
The basilica –covered market halls and public law courts
Etymology of basilica
Basileus –king, ancient Greek. Basilica literally means royal house
What is structure of pagan basilica?
Large oblong hall with clerestory, and with narrower, lower aisles along sides, often divided from main hall by columns.
At far end was room for a semicircular dais (or apse) where judge would take his seat.
Typically built alongside a forum.
Two reasons why early Christian church was down on paintings and sculpture?
1 Too like graven images and heathen idols condemned in Bible.
2 New converts might think that the statues are representations of what gods looked like (e.g.,a statue of Zeus)
Which great figure of the dark ages was in favour of using paintings in church, and what was his argument?
Pope Gregory the Great (late 500s AD). “Painting can do for the illiterate what writing does for those who can read”.
How was Christ depicted by early Christians?
Asa young beardless man with long hair –like Apollo.
Or as man with beard –like Zeus.
The power of the observation of nature, which we saw awakening in Greece in about ____BC, was put to sleep again around ____AD.
The power of the observation of nature, which we saw awakening in Greece in about 500BC, was put to sleep again around 500AD.
What was the Byzantine view of Christian art, and why was it so static?
Images offer a glimpse into a supernatural world. Only certain types of representation, hallowed by tradition, could be seen as truly sacred –rather than just any pretty image.
When did Rome fall?
476 AD, when the Germanic King Odoacer deposed the last Roman Emperor, Romulus Augustus
Identify, date, describe
Basilica of S. Apollinare in Classe, Ravenna, 530AD
Early Christian basilica:
- nave flanked by columns
- flat-roofed aisles,
- choir (where altar is)
- timber roof with visible beams.
Identify, date, describe
Miracle of Loaves and Fishes, 520AD, Basilica of S. Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna
Stiff, rigid –without mastery of movement and expression of classical art. Strictly frontal figures, like children’s drawings.
Hidden sophistication –main joints of body visible in folds of cloth, stones of different colours convey shading, foreshortening.
Simplicity and clarity is deliberate.
Mixture of the primitive and sophisticated that characterises art of Middle Ages.
Why was year 754 significant for art history?
Year in which iconoclasts gained control of Eastern Church.
Positions polarised, and their opponents (iconolaters), who regained power a century later, began to regard images as sacred.
This led to strict observance of ancient models of representation.
Identify, date, describe
Madonna and Child on Curved Throne, 1280, altar painting, Constantinople
Golden background symbolizes unchanging divine realm.
Archangels Michael and Gabriel, shown in Christian art as messengers and protectors.
Draping of cloth around joints and modelling of face show influence of Hellenistic painting.
Despite its strict adherence to formula, Byzantine art remained closer to nature than Western.
Identify, date, describe
Christ as ruler of the universe, etc. c1190, Cathedral of Monreale, Sicily.
Decorated by Byzantine craftsmen, even thought Sicily part of Western (Latin) church.
Includes representation of Thomas Becket, whose murder had resounded throughout Europe 20 years earlier.
Where has the tradition of icons continued after fall of Constantinople?
In Russia
Who was Thomas Becket?
Born around 1120, was appointed Archbishop of Canterbury in 1162 by King Henry II. Their friendship soured as Becket defended Church rights against royal encroachments. Becket was eventually murdered in Canterbury Cathedral by four knights in 1170. This shocked Christian world, and his canonization followed in 1173.