15 Harmony Attained: Tuscany and Rome, early sixteenth century Flashcards
Why was there more competition between artists in Italy than in the North?
Because Italy was fractured into independent cities - which would vie with each other to secure greatest artists, while in the feudal north cities had less independence and civic pride.
Why were the courts of Italy so interested in the work of artists?
Creating magnificent buildings, frescoes, etc. was a way of getting prestige and perpetuating one’s names.
In earlier times, the _____ bestowed his favours on
the ________. In the high renaissance the roles were reversed, and
a great ______ granted a favour by accepting a ____________.
In earlier times, the prince bestowed his favours on
the artist. Now the roles were reversed, and
a great artist granted a favour by accepting a commission.
Who was originally commissioned to rebuild St Peter’s Basilica?
Donato Bramante (1444-1515)
In _____ Pope ______ __ decided to pull down and rebuild St Peter’s.
In 1506 Pope Julius II decided to pull down rebuild St Peter’s.
Identify, date, describe
Tempietto, church of San Pietro in Montorio, Rome, 1501, Donato Bramante.
Shows deep study of classical form. Balustrade balances colonnade below.
In classical architecture, entablature is typically divided into?
Architrave (the supporting member immediately above; equivalent to the lintel in post and lintel construction).
Frieze (an unmolded strip that may or may not be ornamented).
Cornice (the projecting member below the pediment).
What was the plan for Donato Bramante’s St Peter’s?
A square church with chapels symmetrically arranged round a gigantic cross-shaped hall. This hall was to be crowned
by a huge dome resting on colossal arches.
How did the building of St Peter’s help spark the reformation?
Selling indulgences against contributions for the building of the new church led Luther to his first public protest.
Leonardo da Vinci dates?
Late 1400s, early 1500s.
Who was da Vinci apprenticed to?
Andrea del Verrocchio (1435-88)
Identify, date, describe
Bartolomeo Colleoni, 1479, Andrea del Verrocchio, bronze Campo di SS Giovanni e Paolo, Venice.
Colleoni was an Italian condottiero, who became captain-general of the Republic of Venice. Left bequest for equestrian statue to be placed in Piazza S Marco (not allowed, so put elsewhere).
Minute study of anatomy of horse and muscles of Colleoni’s neck. Concentrated energy of pose.
What would Leonardo have learned in Verrocchio’s workshop?
Foundry and metalwork, making studies from nature, optics of perspective and use of colours.
One advantage of Leonardo’s humble background?
He was not constrained by book knowledge, and relied on experiment to solve any problem.
What was peculiar about Leonardo’s writing?
He was left handed and wrote from right to left so his notes can be read in a mirror.
Aristotle had codified the status of artists by distinguishing between arts that are compatible with a liberal education, such as _______, _______, _______, and _______, and those below the dignity of a gentleman, that involved working with the __________.
Aristotle had codified the status of artists by distinguishing between arts that are compatible with a liberal education, such as grammar, rhetoric, logic and geometry, and those below the dignity of a gentleman, that involved working with the hands.
One factor driving Leonardo’s relentless attempts to find a science of painting?
To demonstrate that painting was a liberal art, and legitimate object of study, and that the manual labour was no more essential than in the writing of poetry.
Leonardo often failed to ________ his __________, despite the urgent requests of the patron.
Leonardo often failed to carry out his commissions, despite the urgent requests of the patron.
Identify, date, describe
The Last Supper, Leonardo da Vinci, 1498, tempera on gesso, pitch, and mastic. Refectory of Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan.
Seems like continuation of same hall. Unlike previous depictions, this supper full of drama. Christ has just revealed that someone will betray him, “and began every one of them to say unto him. ‘Lord, is it I?’” St Peter whispers in ear of St. John, pushing Judas forward.
Tablecloth is white with blue stripes – colours commonly associated with the Jewish people.
Resolves problem of combining demands of realism with those of design. Figures are lifelike, while their combination is beautiful in form.
Leonardo preferred oil painting, as could work slowly and make changes.
Borrowing from panel painting, Leonardo added an undercoat of white lead to enhance the brightness of the oil and tempera that was applied on top.
Jesus’s right cheek is vanishing point for perspective lines.
Leonardo used face of prior who complained about delay as face of Judas.
Church was built hastily, using moisture retaining rubble in walls. Painting began to deteriorate soon after it was completed.
Who constructed the dome of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan?
Donato Bramante
How did Leonardo overcome the tendency of accurately depicted renaissance figures to look harsh and wooden?
The sfumato technique –blurring outlines as though disappearing into shadow.
Identify, date, describe
Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci, 1502, oil on wood.
Sfumato on corner of eyes and mouth –parts of face that indicate emotion.
Horizon on left side of picture is lower than on right, so woman looks more erect and regal if we look at right side, and more humble if look on right.
Creates bistability.
Also wonderful example of realistic painting from life –hands, fabric, veil.
Michelangelo Buonarroti dates?
To whom was Michelangelo an apprentice?
Domenico Ghirlandaio (1449-94)
Identify, date, describe
Birth of the virgin, 1491, Domenico Ghirlandaio
Master of depicting every day life in Florence –here is fashionable apartment of quattrocento.
Relatives of Mary’s mother, St Anne, come to visit.
Ancient art, fashionable at the time, depicted in relief of dancing putti.
The revival of the figure of the putto is generally ascribed to whom?
Donatello (1386-1446), who used it frequently in reliefs.
By the time Michelangelo was ___, his knowledge of anatomy, acquired through the _________ of ________, and ability to draw from life, made him acknowledged as one of the masters of his age.
By the time Michelangelo was 30, his knowledge of anatomy, acquired through the dissection of bodies, and ability to draw from life, made him acknowledged as one of the masters of his age.
From where does the Sistine Chapel (1481) get its name?
From Pope Sixtus IV, who had it built between 1473 and 1481.
Identify, date, describe
Ceiling of Sistine Chapel, Vatican, central panel, 1512, Michelangelo Buonarroti.
Originally Michelangelo didn’t want thankless commission –thought enemies had intrigued to give it to him. Originally planned 12 apostles, and engaged assistants from Florence to help him. Suddenly shut himself in chapel, let no one come near him and created new plan.
Had to lie on back and paint looking upwards for 4 years. Became so used to this cramped position that when he received a letter during this period he held it over his head and bent backwards to read it.
In vaultings between windows, Old Testament prophets of coming Messiah, alternating with Sibyls, who according to tradition told pagans of coming of Christ.
In other vaults, ancestors of Christ as enumerated in Bible.
Central panel, Adam being called to life. Negative space draws attention to touch of hand of God. God and angels in majestic mantle, suggesting speed with which he floats through the void.
Displays Michelangelo’s mastery in drawing the human body in any position and from any angle.
The ________ were prophetesses or oracles in Ancient Greece.
The sibyls were prophetesses or oracles in Ancient Greece.
Identify, date, describe
Dying slave, Michelangelo, c1513, for tomb of Pope Julius II.
Figures of Michelangelo seem to move before our eyes, and yet their outline is firm, simple and restful.
Slave statues represent either the provinces under the authority of the pope, or the arts stricken by his death (Julius II great patron of the arts).
Tomb remained incomplete –Michelangelo finished only Moses and two slaves.
Michelangelo refused _________ for his last great work, the _________ of ___ ____________.
Michelangelo refused payment for his last great work, the cupola of St Peter’s.
Between Bramante and Michelangelo, how many architects did St Peter’s have?
What is the origin of St Peter’s cathedral?
Saint Peter, was crucified in Rome by the order of Emperor Nero in 64 AD. A shrine was built on his burial site outside the Roman Circus on what is now called Vatican Hill. In 318 AD, the Emperor Constantine I ordered the construction of a Church on the site.
What project occupied Michelangelo for the last 18 years of his life?
Construction of St Peter’s. Received the commission at 71, in 1547, and died at 88, in 1564.
Raffaello Santi (Raphael) dates?
Early 1500s
Whose apprentice was Raphael?
Perugino (1446-1523)
Identify, date, describe
Virgin appearing to Saint Bernard, Perugino, 1494, altar painting, oil on wood.
Shows mastery of problems of Quattrocento –sense of depth without upsetting design, harmonious arrangement of figures, sfumato to avoid rigidity.
However, sacrifices fidelity to nature – angels all same type.
Who was St Bernard?
St Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153), born near Dijon in Burgundy, co-founder of Knights Templar, and propagator of Cistercian order (also known as Bernardines, or White Monks, in reference to the colour of cowl), founded many monasteries.
Unlike Leonardo and Michelangelo, Raphael was of an ______, ______ temper.
Unlike Leonardo and Michelangelo, Raphael was of an even, sweet temper.
Identify, date, describe
Madonna del Granduca, Raphael, 1505.
His Madonnas set standard to be imitated for 100s of years.
Shade and sfumato (influence of Leonardo) allows to feel volume of body.
Composition expresses poise and simplicity. Nothing strained or sophisticated –looks as though could not be otherwise.
Raphael went to Rome in 1508 and did what?
Decorated walls of rooms in the Vatican, which have come to be known as the Stanze.
Identify, date, describe
Triumph of Galatea, Raphael, 1514, Fresco in Villa Farnesina, Rome.
Based on verse by Florentine Angelo Poliziani. Describes how sea-nymph Galatea rides with her companions, laughing at love song of Giant Polyphemus.
Raphael was master of composition. Each figure balanced by another.
All lines in picture – arrows, reins – converge on her face.
Like Michelangelo, see interest in musculature of bodies, especially in torsion, expressed through chiaroscuro.
Raphael not painting from life- idealised figures, like his master Perugino, and the ancient masters. Succeeds in doing this without the work looking insipid.
As Michelangelo reached the highest peak in the master of the ____________ _______, Raphael accomplished what older generations had struggled with: the harmonious composition of ________ _______ _________.
As Michelangelo reached the highest peak in the mastery of the human body, Raphael accomplished what older generations had struggled with: the harmonious composition of freely moving figures.
Identify, date, describe
Pope Leo X with two cardinals, Raphael, 1518
Patron of Raphael, who put him in charge of St Peter’s after death of Bramante.
Velvets and damask add to atmosphere of pomp and power. But troubled times –Pope has just been attacked by Luther.
Raphael died at __, same age as ________
Raphael died at 37, same age as Mozart