5B - Energy Transfer and Nutrient Cycles Flashcards
What is an ecosystem?
- entire number of organisms in an area and all the abiotic conditions
What must ecosystems contain?
- producers that make their own food which start the food webs
How is biomass measured?
- by the carbon or dry mass of an organism
How can we measure carbon or dry mass of an organism?
- removing the water through heating or calorimetry.
How do we use the sample of an organism to measure dry mass?
- sample is dried in an oven at low temperature
- measured at regular intervals
- when mass is constant, all water has been removed
What is calorimetry?
- measures the amount of chemical energy an organism contains
- the organism is burnt which releases the energy as heat, heating a known volume of water
- temperature change of the water can be used to calculate the chemical energy of the biomass.
What is Gross Primary Production (GPP)?
- the amount of chemical energy converted from light energy by plants in a given area or time
What is respiratory loss?
- the loss of GPP lost to the environment as the plant respires, usually about 50%
What is the remaining energy known as?
- Net primary production (NPP)
What is the equation of primary production?
What is the net production in consumers?
- the energy left after a consumer has digested and used what energy they can / the energy for the next trophic level
What is the equation for this?
- N=I-(F+R)
What is I?
- chemical energy in ingested food
What is F?
- chemical energy lost in urine and faeces
What is R?
- respiratory losses
How would you calculate efficiency of energy transfer?
- (net production of trophic level / net production of previous level ) x 100
How could you increase efficiency?
- simplify food webs by having fewer organisms in the web means more energy for crops/livestock
How would reducing respiratory loss increase efficiency?
- controlling the conditions livestock live in so more energy is used for growth and less is lost through respiration e.g restricting animals movements by keeping them in pens.
- this raises ethical issues about animal welfare
What does mycorrhizae do?
- forms a symbiotic relationship with the roots of plants.
- connect to the roots which increases the SA and helps plant absorb minerals which are scarce such as phosphorus
How does this benefit the fungi?
- in return they obtain organic compounds from the plant, e.g. glucose
What is nitrogen fixation?
- when nitrogen gas in the atmosphere is turned into nitrogen containing compounds e.g ammonia which can then be used in the plants to make proteins
What is ammonification?
- nitrogen compounds in dead organisms are converted into ammonia/ ammonium ions by saprobionts
What is a saprobiont?
- saprobionts are organisms that digest their food externally and then absorb the products
- fungi are examples of saprobiontic organisms also known as decomposers
What is nitrification?
- ammonia and ammonium ions in the soil are changed into nitrogen compounds that can be used by the plant
What is denitrification?
- nitrates in the soil are converted into nitrogen gas by denitrifying bacteria
- use nitrates in the soil to respire, producing nitrogen gas
- happens in anaerobic conditions e.g waterlogged soil
What is the 1st stage of the phosphorus cycle?
- rocks are weathered which release Phosphate ions into the soil as well as leeching
What is the 2nd stage of the phosphorus cycle?
- Plants absorb the phosphate ions from their roots in the soil
- mycorrhizae increase the rate at which phosphates can be absorbed
What is the 3rd stage of the phosphorus cycle?
- phosphate ions are transferred through the food chains as animals eat other animals
What is the 4th stage of the phosphorus cycle?
- phosphate ions are lost through animal waste
What is the 5th stage of the phosphorus cycle?
- animals die and saprobionts break down the organic compounds releasing
- phosphate ions into the soil and back to sedimentary rock
What is the 1st stage of Eutrophication?
- mineral ions leached from the fertilized fields stimulate the rapid growth of algae in a pond
What is the 2nd stage of Eutrophication?
- the mass of algae blocks sunlight from penetrating the water
What is the 3rd stage of Eutrophication?
- plants die at the bottom of the water as they have no sunlight to photosynthesise with
What is the 4th stage of Eutrophication?
- bacteria feed on the dead organisms, increasing the number of bacteria
What is the 5th stage of Eutrophication?
- mass of bacteria reduced the oxygen content of the water by aerobically respiring
What is the 6th stage of Eutrophication?
- fish and other aquatic organisms die due to lack of oxygen
What effect does the respiring bacteria have?
- makes the water toxic with the CO2 from aerobic respiration