5.6 Monopolistic Competition Flashcards
What does monopolistic competition fall between?
Perfect competition and oligopoly
What is monopolistic competition known as?
Imperfect competition amongst the many
What does monopolistic competition resemble?
-monopolies and perfect competition
How does monopolistic competition resemble perfect competition?(4 asp)
-large number of firms in the market
-no barriers to exit and entry in the long run
-normal profit made in the long run(supernormal is decreased)
-many producers and consumers
How does monopolistic competition represent monopolies?(3 asp)
-downward sloping demand curve(slightly different product), goods are partial but not perfect substitutes for each other, they are partial substitutes(product differentiation)
-firms can raise prices and not loose all consumers (price setting powers)
-differentiated products
-each firms MR curve is below ARcurve (ar=demand curve)
What is short-run profit maximisation similar to and why?
Monopoly because there are supernormal profits in the short run
Describe short run profit maximisation of a monopoly?(2 aspects:
-demand curve (MR)is more elastic than it would be in a monopoly
-demand curve (or ar) represents demand for goods produced by one firms rather than the whole market
Describe long run profit maximisation?
-entry of a new firm causes demand curve to shift inward
-inward shift due to partial substitutes attracting consumers away from existing firms
-profit maximising MR=MC
-long run profit maximisation is achenved when AR firms tangent to ATC curve removing abnormal profits
What does the market mechanism do to monopolistic competition in the long run?
Eliminates abnormal profits and brings in a profit maximising price (P=ATC)
When is monopolistic competition both productively and allocatively inefficient?
In the absence of any economies of scale
What does the productive inefficiency in a monopoly take form as?
Excess capacity
What is excess capacity measured by?
Difference between the profit-maximising level of output and the productivity efficient level of output
Why must firms in perfect competition be productively efficient?
Because if they don’t produce on the lowest point of the ATC curve they won’t make normal profits
(This forces them to eliminate unneeded costs)
What does product differentiation do for a consumer?
Increases the range of choice available to the consumer
Due to product differentiation it is commonly believed that monopolistic competition improves ….
Economic welfare