1.5 Production Possibility Diagrams Flashcards
Who do we explain that the economic problem affects the whole economy?
Through a production possibility frontier diagram
What is technical progress?
New and better ways of making goods and new techniques for producing more output from scarce resourcesn
What is a production possibility frontier?
A curve depicting various combinations of two products that can be produced when all the Available resources are fully and efficiently employed
Why does a choice have to be made about the type of good to produce?
Resources and capacity are limited
What does the ppd actually show?
All the different combinations of capital goods and consumer goods can be produced
What does the combination of consumer and capital goods reflect?
Decisions made into society about allocating scarce resources between competing uses
What does it mean when the PPF describes the economy as a whole?
It is a macroeconomic ppf diagram
What is economic growth?
Increase in the potential level of real output the economy can produce over a period of time
Full employment?
When all who work and are able to work are employed
When not all of those who are able and willing to work are employed
What are the two forms of economic growth?
Long-run economic growth
Short-run economic growth
What is long-run economic growth in a PPF?
The outward movement of the PPF to PPF2
What does long-run growth actually do?
Increases total productive capacity
What does short-run growth actually do?
Makes use of spare capacity and takes up the slack in the economy
What is short term economic growth on the PPF?
Moving from a point to another point closer or on the line of the PPF (making the most and being efficient with available resources