5.3 Hearing Conservation Program Flashcards
What is the CO’s responsibility when it comes to the HCP?
Establish an effective Hearing Conservation Program (HCP) within the command.
Safety Officer responsibility When it comes to HCP?
Serves as a liaison to the Industrial Hygiene (IH) Department and Occupational Audiologist to conduct noise measurement and exposure analysis.
The Safety Officer keeps what HCP records?
Noise hazardous areas,
Noise hazardous equipment,
Baseline and subsequent (IH Survey).
The Safety Officer ensures the HCP is evaluated how often?
At least annually.
Industrial Hygiene officer HCP responsibility?
Maintain and ensure proper calibration of sound level meter,
Annually, certify audiometric testing booths installed aboard the ships.
Division Officer HCP responsibility?
Ensures proper noise hazard labeling of spaces and equipment,
Ensures proper personnel training,
Sends designated personnel for audiograms.
Medical Department Representative HCP responsibility?
Conducts training for all hands during INDOC (initial) and annually thereafter on the Hearing Conservation Program.
What is the training for all hands during INDOC (initial) and annually thereafter on the Hearing Conservation Program?
Effects of hazardous noise,
Designated noise hazardous areas and equipment,
Proper use and maintenance of HPDs,
The necessity for hearing testing,
Mandatory requirement to wear assigned hearing protection,
Off-duty hearing health hazard,
The effects of hearing loss on career longevity,
Communication in high-noise environments.
The MDR consults the command IH survey to determine what?
The type of hearing protective devices to be used.
The MDR performs what kind of testing with HCP?
Performs fit testing.
Who schedules personnel for audiometric testing?
The MDR.
Who does the MDR report to,
regarding significant threshold shifts?
Safety Officer.
What information is given to the safety officer, regarding STS?
Work Center,
Time onboard.
All Hands HCP responsibility?
Comply with noise hazard labels and wear hearing protection as required,
Undergo annual and any required follow-up audiometric testing if enrolled in the HCP.
Noise measurements are taken as part of what?
The IH survey.
Labeling of noise hazardous areas and equipment must be done with what?
An approved label.
NAVMED 6260/2?
Hazardous Noise warning decal, 8” X 10.”
NAVMED 6260/2 will be posted where?
Posted to the outside doors/hatches leading into a hazardous noise area.
NAVMED 6260/2 won’t be posted where?
If a door/hatch leads to the weather deck then there will be no decal posted on the outer surface,
But rather posted to inside of that particular door/hatch.
NAVMED 6260/2A?
Hazardous noise label, 2” X 2.”
What is the NAVMED 6260/2A used for?
Used to label smaller, individual pieces of equipment or tools that produce hazardous noise.
What is Noise Abatement
Reduction of noise at the source must be explored first before implementing other methods of hearing loss prevention.
Areas and equipment that produce potentially hazardous noise should be what?
Modified to reduce noise levels wherever it is technologically and operationally feasible,
These actions will be accomplished during ship or equipment design, construction and testing.
Personnel working in or entering designated hazardous noise areas or utilizing noise hazardous tools or equipment shall have what?
Hearing protection devices at all times, and wear them without consideration of the duration of exposure.
Areas or equipment where the noise level are equal to 96 dBA or greater or 165 dBP or greater must be labeled as noise hazardous and require the use of what?
Double hearing protection.
All personnel exposed to gunfire in a training situation or noise of a large caliber gun or missile firing, under any circumstance shall wear what?
Hearing protection.
Hearing Testing and Medical Surveillance periodicity?
Reference Hearing Test,
Monitoring hearing test,
Termination hearing test.
DD 2215?
Reference Audiogram.
DD 2216?
Monitoring Audiogram,
For personnel in HCP.