5.1.1.Chooses, fits and orders soft lenses. Flashcards
We need to see the PR. Please note that assessment of fit on the AC today was not accurate, so I would suggest you get a supervisor to check your next two fits to ensure agreement and provides a WT.
- History
- In date ST
- Contraindications?
- GH - Diabetes? Meds? Atopy may indicate dry eye or potential solution toxicity?
- What are px’s expectations?
- Pxs lifestyle?
- Desired wearing schedule?
- Previous lens wear?
- Preliminary exam
- HVID & VVID – TD of CL 2mm greater than HVID
- K’s – BOZR should be 0.6-1.0mm flatter than the average K reading
- Only real option for very flat cornea is J&J as 9.0 BC available
- Nafl, tear assessment, evert lids
- Rx – correct for change in vertex distance if spec rx > + or – 4.00
- Toric lens – must adjust in both meridians
- Lens selection
- Consider max WT
- Limitations of Rx
- Px’s wants and needs
- Dry eye?
- Opteyes / Bioinfinity: Dk/t 160, WC 48%, modulus 0.75 – 1st choice
- Umere / clarity 1 day: Dk/t 86, WC 56%, modulus 0.5m – 1st choice
- Vitrea / daily ACP: Dk/t 26, WC 69%
Hydrogel vs SiHy
- SiHys are higher modulus/stiffer – px may be more aware of lens on eye – cause more mechanical issues
- Longer WT = SiHy as higher Dk/t & less water so they dry out less
- Shorter WT & dryness = hydrogel is good for comfort as softer, higher wettability so more comfort in the short term
- Higher Dk/t = less risk of hypoxia and resultant complications incl. neovasc/infiltrates
- Assessment of fit (direct observation)
- Wash hands
- Place sclera onto lid for insertion & slide onto sclera for removal
- Lens details & settling time
Fit assessment - Centration – well-centred, 1mm at each side of cornea
- Coverage – full no limbal crossing
- Lag/sag – 0.2-0.5mm, ~0.25mm
- Movement on blink ~0.8mm
- Push up test – push up smooth, good recovery, ~50% tightness
- Score comfort & vision out of 10
- VA & OR
- Adjustment of lens for best fit
- Flat fit = steepen by increasing TD or reducing BOZR
- Steep fit = flatten by decreasing TD or increasing BOZR
- Writing order - manufacturer / CL name / BC / TD / rx
Monthlies, all steps with MPS
Rub – 15s each side
Fill case to ridge inside
Ready to store over night
In the morning – insert lenses, empty case of all solution, rinse with MPS and leave to airdry facedown over the day with the caps off to avoid condensation
30 days not 30 wears
Replace lens, lens case & solution after 30 day
Easypurpose – best (CooperVision HyCare)
- Polyhexanide (PHMB) – disinfectant / preservative
- Sodium hyaluronate – helps stabilise tear film, reduce friction between lens and ocular surface
- Sodium chloride – tonicity, maintains ideal CL salt solution of 0.9% (too low – cornea swells, too high, cornea drys)
- Sodium phosphates – buffer to ensure neutral pH to match tear film
- Poloxamer – surfactant used to clean lenses
- EDTA – chelating agent, prevents lens deposits (i.e. calcium) / enhances action of preservatives
Ultrapurpose (biotrue, b&l
more enhanced protein management system, and has a dual disinfecting system
Peroxide solution
(Coopervision – Refine One Step)
- 3% hydrogen peroxide
- Sodium chloride – tonicity
- Sodium phosphates – buffer
- Poloxamer – disinfecting/cleaning
Catalyst to neutralise peroxide – platinum disc/tablet
Lenses into baskets, rinse each lens in the holder for 5 seconds with peroxide solution, fill the lens case up with solution to the marked line, place lens holder inside of case and close cap, solution will bubble – ensure lenses upright and fully immersed. Allow lenses to soak for at least 6 hours
Toxicity/preservative allergy resolution
More gentle solutions
Hydrogen peroxide care system
Switch to daily lenses
Good general hygiene, washing hands etc
Good lens and case hygiene
Insert lenses before applying makeup
Sleep in lenses
Swim/shower/water near lenses
Do not wear lenses if any pain/redness/discomfort
Change cleaning regime without first consulting optometrist
Wear for longer than advised
3rd Gen SiH:
- Aquaform technology - The advanced silicone channels in the material transport oxygen so efficiently that less raw silicon is required. This sustains inherent wettability and facilitates optimal water content.
- Also means less cross linking so lower modulus. No surface treatment or internal wetting agent – novel polymer
- Long chain silicone core with hydrophilic groups attached, therefore no surface treatment or wetting agents needed to render surface hydrophilic
Makes adjustment to lens for best fit
- Steep fit (flatter needed) - Decrease diameter (lower sag) or increase BC
- Flat fit (steeper needed) - Increase diameter (higher sag) or decrease BC
- Generally just change manufacturer
- Presence of an active eye disease, inflammation or injury such as corneal abrasion.
- Use of medications (including eye drops) that are contraindicated with contact lenses or care solutions e.g. beta blockers
- Allergy to contact lens materials or care solutions.
- Inability to adhere to lens care instructions either due to age, illness, disability or other conditions.
- Inability to insert and remove contact lenses without help.
- History of non-compliance with wearing and replacement schedules as well as lens care instructions.
- Moderate-Severe dryness - chronic blepharitis
- Health conditions such as diabetes (refractive error unstable). Diabetes also increases MK risk
- Pterygium obstructing lens from fitting